The True Book of Life - Instruction 101 - verses 49-51
 49. How needy you feel for moments! Some cry and do not know why, they are constantly ill. Others, who are fathers, wonder why they are but fruits of incomprehension
and UndReal, even though they cared for and lovingly cared for their family. And the women, who had the desire for caress and support on earth, also wonder why they could not satisfy this thirst for tenderness in life. Siblings, who are the same blood, feel distant, they do not love each other nor do they understand each other. You are asking yourself the reason for all this and you can not understand why the good fails before your eyes. I say to you, When the good of the one will find an echo among the others, and their hearts are refreshed by it - if the spiritual virtues and values ​​are duly appreciated, then hunger, the thirst for righteousness, for love and understanding, will become to give way to people's hearts.
50. Also, I say to you, that you here on earth do not know who you are spiritually, nor do you know who the mind of your spouse or your spouse, your parents or children is. Only thus could you bear the burden of many atonement obligations that form your cross. Wear this cross with love, do not currently try to find out who you could be. Be content to know that you are all the fraternal children of a single father and that there must be no enemies among siblings. Love each other and you will progress along the development path.
51. Eden has long sealed its doors to humanity, it disappeared, and its fragrance rose to infinity. The earth then turned into a tears valley, and spiritual atonement began, the battlefield where the soul purifies itself. But a better paradise than what you have lost is the one you will find; it awaits you with open goals. Pray that you may receive My power and continue on your spiritual path of development. But do it with your spirit, not with learned prayers - beautiful as they may be - if you do not deeply feel them. So love and forgive your fellow human beings. Then you will experience what bliss flows from conscience to the heart as you follow My instructions.

Lucifer are all materialistic (carnal) stimulated and ruthlessly exclude their siblings.
Lucida are all who give themselves spiritually with a pure heart, who also live in harmony with their brothers and sisters and practice mercy on them. In Lucida Lucifer is turned over.

In Lucida, the siblings learn to love each other in truth. The head is moved to the heart, the desire of the carnal is spiritualized and transformed into compassionate love. They practice patience and mindfulness and remain one with one another in the Father's house.
Lucifer unleashes the forces of nature - El Nino rattle down the sea. The natural forces are in turmoil because the beings in Lucifer disregard the Divine Law of Love and violate it, trample it. El Nino destroys all places that have been desecrated in Lucifer, with roofs that are torn away, a symbol of the head and stable roofs speak of the heart's love ability.
In Lucifer they all say: Get into the box, wood in the party room, grab the witch, let us nest and then cry, who is damned, if El Nino retaliates.
In Lucifer they say: forget it! And they hoart and are alone and wage wars against each other. It's hell on earth.
But YOU say: Let me feel your heart.
In Lucida, love is humble, ever farther, and in the summer, when she reaps the sweet fruits, she exclaims: Hurray! And their joy is bliss forever.

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