We have to remember WHO we are

1. I came down to you to look for you, because you have been off the path for a long time and do nothing to find the true way.
2. You were lacking my presence as a master, and therefore I joined you to give you courage, strength and faith, to fight for your salvation.
3. A great spiritual ignorance envelops humanity, it is not aware of its purpose and its responsibility on earth,
and therefore it has strayed from the path.
4. Man does not know who he is, and therefore he does not know how much he has in his soul. He was content to develop his human skills But because of his lack of interest in what is 
uplifting and noble, he did not take note of that of the soul.
10. The development of the skills of the soul takes a long time,
nor is a single earthly body sufficient for it, nor is a single existence on
earth sufficient for it. But my providence, which is in everything, always
provides every soul with new bodies in which it can continue to unfold,
and helps it to be perfected so that it can get to the place that is
intended for it. I tell you this because I caught you thinking that it is
very little what you have achieved compared to what you have been
told that you have, and then doubts and discouragement
arise in your heart which grasp you.
11. From what I have just told you, you will now be able to understand
that you will not be able to fully develop the gifts with which your soul
is endowed. Because they belong to a being that belongs to eternity
and is part of infinity, it is only natural that in a life as short as the life
 of man on earth you will not get to the full development
of some of your skills to experience.
12. Nevertheless I have to explain to you that because youknow that you
cannot achieve the greatest development of your gifts in thepresent
existence, you must not let up in your zeal to attain your higher
development. On the contrary ─ consider that if you could experience
the full development of your spiritual gifts in a single
existence, they would be very small.
13. I only ask of you that you take a step forward in every
 incarnation, but that this is a firm step towards perfection.
Then it will be your soul that perceives its progress, because it
reveals itself with ever greater wisdom through
 the bodies that are entrusted to it.

From The Book of Tue Life – Volum VIII –
Teaching 223 – Verses 1-4; 10-13


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