This is what the Lord says about epidemics in The Third Testament

TTT – 3: 11. My people: If it was announced that My arrival would be amidst wars, unleashed elements in nature, epidemics, and chaos on earth, it was not I who caused these events. I came during this period because I knew that humanity would need Me during this time of great ordeals.
TTT -  14: 22.  Do not listen to the words of those who attribute to God all the adversity and hardships that humanity is experiencing the plagues, hunger, and epidemics that are occurring on earth, calling them God's punishment and wrath. Those are the false prophets.
TTT – 40: 56. Evil has grown among men, My people. Kindness, virtue, and love have been weak faced with the invasion of evil, illness, plagues, pests, and calamities. All that is the foundation of the perverse has contaminated the hearts of the good; it has weakened some, and decimated the ranks of the faithful, for evil has brought great strength to bear on humanity.
TTT – 48: 22. This is the time in which the Divine light shall shine plainly in My followers, who shall exhibit the gifts of the spirit by showing that they do not need earthly goods nor material sciences to perform charity and work prodigies. They shall heal in My name, curing the hopelessly ill, transforming water to healing balsam, and raising the dead from their deathbeds. Their prayer shall have the power to calm the wind, to assuage the elements and combat epidemics and evil influences.
TTT – 51: 40. The plagues advanced from land to land and even the elements have made heard their voice of justice and reproach at so much evil. A mantle of destruction, death, and desolation is the wake that men who say they are civilized have left the planet. This is the harvest that humanity offers me but I ask, is this harvest worthy of My granary? Does the fruit of your evil deserve to be received by your Father? I tell you truly that this tree is very different from that which you would have sown complying with that Divine commandment that orders you to love one another. (145, 29)
TTT – 53: 10. The Flood, destruction of the cities by fire, invasions, plagues, sickness, scarcity and still more ordeals were foretold to all the peoples of humanity, so that you would be prepared and not be surprised. In the same way today, the love of God always has sent a message of alertness, of preparation, so that men will awaken, prepare themselves and be strengthened. (24,74 - 77)
TTT – 55: 45. Still to come are the strange illnesses and epidemics which will appear among humanity and will confuse the scientists. And when pain reaches its peak in men, they will still have the strength to shout: It is punishment from God! But I do not punish. It is you who punish yourselves by disregarding the laws which govern your spirit and physical body.
TTT – 57: 31. Generations and generations shall pass; the arrogance of men shall unleash tempests and floods, pests and plagues, and the cry of humanity shall move the heavens.
32. Yet, after all this, the new inhabitants shall begin a life of reflection and spirituality, making use of the immense body of experience that past generations have left to them, and the Divine seed shall begin to germinate.
76. It is true that you must yet drink much bitterness before the time of your spirituality arrives, but it shall not be death, nor war, nor pestilence, nor hunger that halt the course of your lives or the spiritual evolution of this humanity. I am stronger than death, and so I will return your lives to you if you die, and make you return to earth whenever necessary.
TTT – 61: 74. That spirit of brotherhood and unity has not yet awoken in you; you hope that events will bring you unity, yet if that is what you await you will see the plagues unleashed, the disorders, the wars, and the justice of the elements, until there will not be one place of peace in the whole world, not on its surface, in its bowels, at sea or in the winds. (146, 24 - 26)
TTT – 63: 14. Let other nations awaken to the new Era as they contemplate regions devastated by the waters, nations destroyed by war and pestilence annihilating lives. Those people, conceited in their knowledge and lethargic in the splendor of their religions, will not recognize My Word through this humble means, nor feel My manifestation in spirit; therefore, the earth will have to be shaken first, and Nature will say to men: The time has arrived and the Father has come among you.
TTT – 64: 25. I give you (USA) light, strength, and power. Do not interfere in My high judgments, for if you disobey My mandates or trespass the limits marked, pain, destruction, fire, pestilence, and death will come to you.


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