WE create God

Neald Donald Walsch -  Talks with God – Vol. 3 – Chapter 15
I want to tell you, dearest children, that this thing of who you are and who you choose to be is of great importance. Not only because it sets the tone for your experience, but because it also creates the nature of mine. You have been told all your life long that God created you. But now I tell you: You create God.
I know that this means a massive change in your understanding. But it is necessary if you really want to get to the work that you came for. This is the sacred work we are striving for, you and me. This is sacred ground on which we walk.
This is the way.
God expresses himself in, as and through you at every moment. You are always faced with the choice of how God should be created now, and she (God is male and female) will never deprive you of that choice. She will never punish you for making a wrong choice. But you are not without guidance in this matter and never will be. You have an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. It is the voice that speaks to you of your choice in the highest sense and shows you your greatest vision. You just have to follow this voice and not give up your vision.
Throughout your history I have sent you again and again. My messengers brought you the good news of great joy at all times.
Scriptures have been written and holy lives lived so that you can learn of this eternal truth: You and I are one.
Now I am sending you scriptures again - you are holding one of them in your hands. Now I am sending you messengers again who are strive to bring you the Word of God.
Are you going to listen to these words? Will you hear these messengers? Will you become one of them?
That's the big question? This is the greatest invitation. That is the grandiose decision. The world is waiting for your preaching. And this your proclamation is your life lived.
The human race has no way of rising from the depths of its lowest thoughts unless you swing yourself up to your highest ideas.
These ideas, which are expressed by you as you, create the Madala, prepare the stage, serve as a model for the next level of human experience.
You are the life and the way. The world will follow you. You have no choice in this matter. It is the only one where you have no free choice. It's just the way it is. Your world will follow your idea of yourself. It has always been this way, it will always be that way. First your thoughts come over yourself, then the outer world follows the physical manifestation.
What you think you create. What you create, you will be. You express what you become. You will experience  what you express. 
What you experience is you.
What you are, you think.
The cycle is complete.
Your sacred work has only just begun, because now you finally understand what you are doing.
You yourself have brought yourself to this realization. You yourself made yourself take care of it. And now you care more than ever about who you really are. Because now you finally see the picture in its entirety.
I am what you are.
You define God.
I have sent you - as a blessed part of me - into physical form so that I can experience myself and recognize in it everything that I know to be conceptually. Life exists as a tool for God to transform the conceptual into experience. And it exists as a tool for you to do the same. Because you are God doing this.
I make the choice to recreate myself every single moment. I make the choice to experience the greatest version of the greatest vision I've ever had from Who I Am. I created you so that you can create me again. It is our sacred work. It is our greatest pleasure. That is the essential reason for our being.


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