The big exams are already in full swing

2. Great trials of pain are approaching, and your prayer will be
able to achieve a great deal in those hours of bitterness.
Unite in your spiritual work, follow my orders because I do
not want your misconduct and disobedience to be
printed in the Golden Book.
3. During this time the number of people called was large.
Every time I stand among you, new hearts come to enlarge your ranks.
They are like graves because they keep a dead person inside,
 who is their own heart.
4. But the pain purifies the souls. Therefore, many will no longer incarnate.
They will go to other living worlds to devote themselves to
the tasks that the father instructs them to do.
5. I help you with your renewal, so that if you detach yourself
from this world, you do not have to atone for your wrongdoings,
but reach the Supreme Judge purely of every blemish.
6. Understand that everything you do to your fellow human beings
you do to Me because you are all part of Me. Don't forget this so
that you can see your father in each of your neighbors.
7. In the end, people enjoy causing pain. But sooner or later
there will also be remorse as a relentless judge
to judge you and wash you clean.
8. If you fulfill your high mission during this time to renew
yourself and to save your fellow men, tomorrow your
name and that of my people will be spoken with respect and
gratitude, even in the most distant regions.
9. Do not lose the satisfying feeling that I can rightly call you
my disciples after I leave. But you have to be prepared to show
yourself in the provinces, cities and villages, to bring the Good News of my
Third Testament and to testify of it with your good works.
10. During this time some human doctrines seem to have won and
there are different ideologies. But the hour is approaching when
a single worldview will prevail, in which humanity will unite
 in a single teaching, and this will be spiritualism.

From the Book of True Life
Volume VIII – Teaching  222 - Verses 2 - 10


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