Gifts and tasks on our spiritual development path

14. Now you are in the preparatory phase: through my word all the
gifts that you possess have already been revealed to you and you
have been made aware of the task that you have to fulfill
on your spiritual development path.
15. You have already been tested by the trials to which a soul
must be subjected to receive a message or divine revelation.
All that is missing is that you begin to unfold, trusting that your
path will be illuminated by the light of conscience that will
always tell you what to do.
16. You want your dialogue from spirit to spirit to be perfect,
the gift of seeing to be fully revealed, the power of healing to
allow you to perform miracles in any case, and the gift of the (inner)
word would bloom on your lips and overflow in comfort, wisdom
and prophecy. But if you are convinced that you are still far from
reaching those heights, you will become sad, you will become
dumb and sad. Why then, disciples? Don't you understand that
much of what you want to achieve depends on your preparation?
17. You know what preparation the disciple must have in order to
refresh himself with the fruit of his spiritualization, and what it means
to live a pure life: the readiness to pray to serve your fellow human
beings, to resist temptation, so that at the moment when you need
your spiritual strength and gifts to accomplish some kind of love work,
 you will find your being ready and therefore have the satisfaction of
seeing the miracle that you prayed for from the Father to become a reality .
18. Then you will be able to see the first rays of light of the Great Day,
which has long been announced by prophets and messengers. You will
feel how I come down in spirit to speak to you of the Eternal Life that
awaits you all because you are all destined for the same thing.
19. I penetrate to the very core of your being to prove to you that
there are no barriers or obstacles for me that prevent my light
from reaching the bottom of your soul.
20. I tell people that ─ since they have gone through earthly life
without taking care of the duties and tasks of the soul ─ I send them
this message of wisdom so that they can prepare and enter the
spiritual life when everyone gets the call.
21. I tell them that since they have blocked the way of the soul
here on earth, they should at least allow it  to prepare for the
time when they no longer need an earth body.

From The Book of True Life  -  Volume VIII
Teaching 223: 14-21


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