Like inside so outside

Learning to See Aura / Chakras (continued)

Sit down or lie down and relax, close your eyes and watch whether a color appears in your mind's eye ....
For me it's orange today (2nd chakra) with a few yellows in between (3rd chakra).
For example, I ate fruit (2nd chakra - plant kingdom) and egg (3rd chakra - animal kingdom).
Jesus said, "Leukemia"
This astonishes me and I ask: who has leukemia?
"The Remnant"
The remnant has white blood cells - they are just washed by HIM and therefore pure.
Then I see spiritually white and gray particles of color whirl through the air and it fibrates in me.
Jesus says, "Tornado"
I try to harmonize this through meditation.
Just now I see with the left eye an orange surface and with the right inner eye an almost black, wobbly mass as if I were deep down in the sea. Then the orange color begins to fade and the black, wobbly mass also begins to fade and the two colors blend together to become clear water, almost colorless and calm.
As if the plant kingdom and the sea would unite and become sea.
(Swarm earthquake on St. Andrew's fault and danger of breaking apart as tectonic plates move and cause tsunamis)
Jesus says, "So it is with the spiritual animals of man, Severe flooding, Storms, Hail, Magnitudes."
The kingdoms of nature have their counterparts in the three lower chakras of man:
the minerals empire - base chakra,
the plant kingdom - Sexual Chakra
and the Animal Kingdom - Solar Plexus - Relationship Feelds.
The fourth chakra - the heart chakra is the human.
He stands above the three lower chakras and his task is to harmonize the lower three kingdoms and bring them into harmony with each other and with the three upper chakras:
the larynx Chakra - kingdom of the angels
the forehead Chakra - Empire of the Seraphim and
the crown chakra - kingdom of the ER (Christ)
Anna Maria asks Jesus:
Jesus what is meant by human spiritual animals?
He says, "colleagues too"
Yes. Some are still in fear-filled, dense levels of lower areas, emitting fear or a diffuse threat that can panic one. They have not opened yet and have not arrived yet on the higher, subtler levels.

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