Learning to see Aura - The third eye Chakra

The Sixth Chakra - The Third Eye Chakra or Forehead Chakra

Anna Maria lies down comfortably and closes her eyes.
She visualizes the back third eye chakra (right neck). There is a chronic pain.
A connecting line shows a chronic pain in the left groin.
"Thank God. Chill out. But I love you. Now you look at me. "
A connection shows up or a separation. It pushes something like a tie between Third Eye and Crown Chakra (7th Chakra, Crest Chakra)
And the pain in the back third eye chakra radiates over the left side of the body, especially in the back to the left thigh.
She lovingly applies her consciousness to the back third eye chakra.
"Threatening. Life threatening event. "
As with Kaspar Hauser. When kidnapped as a baby, the criminal couple hit him in the back of the neck, making the clairvoyant child stupid and disconnecting from the crown chakra.)
"Keep still. You are God."
(Every human being is also a trinity - a divine incarnation because he is body, soul and spirit.)
Solar Center (3rd Chakra) and Heart Chakra (4th Chakra) are now getting dark, heavy and hard. (Blockade).
It is scratching in the rabbit (5th chakra) and the nose is clogged (chronic).
Dull, debilitating weight lies on the third eye chakra.
"I need you. Forgive."
In the abdomen (solar plexus) gradually relaxes and in the throat and breathing. Everything is connected again.
Yes. Father. Thank you for your mercy.
"Mother work. Peace. The world needs peace. "
Yes father.
"The church. They are the same. There is no building block on the other.
They break everything. No plant can form roots. They only come to steal, to kill and to cut off the children from bread and milk. "
Food envy.
Come, O my Savior, Jesus Christ. My heart's door is open to you.
Oh, move in with your grace, your 'friendliness also appear to us .........
"Julie True. She also did not know how to worship me. You are doing it right. Hundreds, thousands do not know. "
You taught me so.
With the heart, dearest, with the mindfulness of the heart (mind); always in the moment of being, spontaneous, with what is.
"You do not need to look at volcanoes anymore. That's what I explained to you, what it's all about. "
Yes. Because they have no peace in their hearts and no peace among themselves and with the world.
"Climate change. This is nothing other than that the human mind has developed in a very unhealthy way. "
Man as the fourth chakra in the creation of God, standing in the middle between the lower three and the upper three chakras - ie the mineral kingdom (base chakra), the plant kingdom (sexual chakra) and the animal kingdom (solar plexus) below and the Kingdom of the Angels (Neck Chakra), the Kingdom of the Cherubim (Third Eye Chakra) and the HE, the Christ as the crown chakra of creation (7-arm candlestick of Judaism) does not fulfill his mission.
Man as the center, as the heart Chakra of Creation, has the task of coordinating all the chakras and bringing the creation into harmony.
Man has failed here.
That's the climate change.
If the human heals his upper and lower chakras and reconnects all the chakras via the heart chakra, the creation would be healed from within. For from the heart chakra go out the healing vibrations that heal all the chakras and thus the whole creation. Then the climate in the creation is harmonized again.
But as long as the human continues as before, the climate with the natural spectacles will continue as before and become more potent.
Therefore, it is time for everyone to begin healing their chakras in order to restore the natural order of creation.
Father's blow in the neck and expulsion. 
"Excuse me," 
Solar plexus is cramping
 Thorax contracts, closes 
Hot flash and sweat on the forehead 
Chronic pain on the right neck 
Front third eye: female:  heat, anger, fury
Rear third eye: male: cold, hate, quarrel
It slowly diminishes
It connects to the heart chakra. This is heavy and depressing.
Headache in front of third eye
Backache hip
"Prison" only a prison, the parental home
Starting from the heart center: departure mood
Waves of warm vibrations down and up
"Come "
Relieve  sigh of relief
"Hildegard. (??)  Give Thanks "
“Prophesies. Nobody believed me."
"Mother. Narrow-minded. "
The front third eye is now a bright, white glow
Solar center, stomach and pelvic floor feel much warmer, pleasant.
Only the heart chakra is still dark and cold.
"Happy. Now she knows who I am. "
"The Silver Cord (???) The Patients."
Now also the heart center starts to shine.
"Kind. Friendly."
Now it is shining up and down - bright and friendly and everything is connected.
Now the left leg becomes warm, then the right and then the whole head. Now everything is connected to the whole body in comfortable warmth.
It feels good.
Thank you, my dear father in heaven. For everything you give me.

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