Who wants to build my spiritual temple ?
A. M. Hosta
This post is a sequel to
Encephalopedics – Training of the Brain in the Divine
The spirit in me asks:
"Who wants to build my spiritual temple?"
…. which must be built from living, united, reconciled, contented hearts (souls), so that all hearts together form a unified, living, reconciled and contented spiritual temple, of which the cornerstone is Christ, who is holding the spiritual building together with his reconciling and peace founding word.
Then the spirit continues:
"Your daughter is part of your vitality ... she is part of divine justice. Parents."
I wonder - does the father mean LUCIDA here?
In the garden there is again a conflict between two mothers with their children.
L. is a fatherless child and the other two children have two socially established parents. L. sought connection, playmates and was sent away by the established ones. It must not come to play.
Those who love seek because they are disadvantaged in life compared to the so-called socially established and recognized, who exclude or reject them.
But those are saved and recognized by Christ.
“The (established) all cling to the satanic. Covid .. hell. "
Another girl who is marginalized by the established. They are taken because they look for love and make an effort.
“But everyone is the same. The infrastructure of the university! "
Competitor…. Elite thinking…. Theory instead of practice ...
Both mothers have studied. The university's infrastructure has many different aspects, but they often compete with each other. Therefore, they are not suitable to build the unified spiritual temple. To build it requires unified, reconciled and satisfied hearts.
"Vaccinate. Next week ... you too. You are also there. "
Oh father, I beg you to forgive my pride. I have sinned against you and love and against my siblings of equal value, whom I regarded as less. Thank you for talking to me when I was excluded. Forgive me for not speaking to those who seemed marginalized, and for valuing and disregarding them - for playing the game of Satan.
I will cancel the doctor's appointment I made because of my muscle pain.
"Empty. (Without attachment) Don't go there. You belong to Me."
I am grateful to you for that, father.
“April… (spoken in English)…. Wait so long. "
I do, father.
Now I see my husband lovingly stroking my arm.
Thank you.
"It's just a template that means: Don't touch me .."
Because otherwise you're jealous, father ...
"A metaphor ... costs money ... Has this meaning.”
Having your house in order means being touched. Share. No matter what it costs, even life. Giving to those who are poor and naked and in need ... Understanding…. A good word ... a loving touch ... shout at no one ... be merciful and always forgive each other.
... that's how they should be, the grandchildren of the Third Age, merciful and quick to forgive, respect and support each other, especially the children who are shaped by the adults.
F. with her fatherless child is happy with her poor, because old-looking garden shed, where she hospitably entertains friends. After the storm Sabine, on the other hand, I asked a carpenter to repair the damaged roof, because we cannot do it ourselves. To make it more stable against storms, the carpenter chose an expensive sheet and I was happy about it. And while F. was lovingly caring for her child, I drilled holes in the wood to repair the garden door that had been broken in by burglars, and hissed at my husband that I always have to do the men's work here ... While he was painting the new roof.
"Typical example!"
My husband said he didn't feel like repairing the broken garden door because it seemed too complicated. I urged him to help me.
And yesterday there was no tram going to the garden ... and when I wanted to ride my bike to the hardware store because I wanted to get a bigger wood drill for the garden door, I crashed my bike without any major consequences, just lost my balance when braking and get off the bike ... because the Lord wanted me to take care of the herd. Then I wrote the post 'Encephalopedics'.
And today the Lord asked me to write this article ... I resisted because I thought it was so personal ... what's so important about it .... But when I started writing it was clear to me that this is an important contribution…. For all who should help to build the spiritual temple of hearts.
"SARS ... opulent (abundant) ... .. only renew things around the house that serve others and not yourself." (Spiritually meant?)
The two parents of the two children built a larger wooden climbing facility for the children and when it was finished and L. was sent away, nobody wanted to play with it anymore.
"Truck ... quiet."
Here the Lord wants to express that I am calmer when my husband is not there because he has been running over me lately. That was not always so. He must e.g. Now cover a 15 km bike route to work several times a day. It is very tiring for him and he is often more than exhausted. But he likes it in this place and he wants to stay there. And when he is exhausted, then I am too (synchronously).
"Viruses ... there are a lot of them. Character."
The father speaks of my husband's workplace in an epilepsy center, where Covid was also around and my husband had become infected, so that I also had to be quarantined with him.
"Automobile. Again you have to surrender yourself there. "
At the beginning of July I had to return my leasing car. The contract expired after 3 years. Then I registered with Car Sharing so that I could continue to take my husband with heavy luggage to his place of work and get him again.
"Mobile phone."
My husband relies on a cell phone to be able to navigate on the way and much more, and I still need it so that we can keep in touch, but I no longer have a cell phone with a contract so that I can expire it at any time.
July 15, 2020
When I think about opening portals in CERN and bringing in demons who want to kill each of us, Father Spirit said:
"You can give them the advantage."
I'm glad I chose you, God Almighty.
"Reconcile yourself. Get well again. C. "
C. is a mineral thermal bath for which my husband has long had vouchers for us, but the Lord didn't want me to go with him. Maybe because he was a bit jealous.
"You have to brake!"
We have always been enthusiastic visitors to the swimming pool and shouldn't be storming in this regard anymore. Please, father, be good to me again.
Then I think that Christ repeats itself often in the Book of True Life, but always from a different point of view and I think that's just the way it is with children where you have to repeat everything often until they have learned it. You have to train and educate your brain.
Encephalopedics !!
"This is your merit - your other life!"
Grateful. Father, I am thankful to you.
Am I your God or are your Parents your God... Whom do you serve?
June 25, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare
(Clare) My Dear Family, the Lord has put something on my heart for you, and He began speaking to me today after my Lord’s Supper. I’m just going to go ahead and share with you what He had to say.
Jesus began... "Many are the people called by My Name who are living for themselves, and even for their parents. I have called, and called and called the elect, but some are so engrossed in this present life that they refuse to answer My call.
"So many are living for their parents. Capable souls that I have been calling for years have instead hearkened to the voice of their parents and society’s demands to be respectable. How long must I call you before you will forsake yourselves and cleave to Me?
"Must I wait until the end of your lives? That may not be a very long time away... but this is typically how I am treated by those I have called to walk with Me. They say… 'First I must bury my father.' What is that about? Gaining approval from your father, and an inheritance?
"I have called you to forsake all. You will not be able to excuse yourselves on the basis of what kind of life your parents wanted for you. No, you will stand empty handed before Me, because you gave yourself to the world and all its enticements. You married, had children, grew old and anesthetized in your cultures amusements. And only when you are old and spent you want to offer yourself to Me?
"Where were you when you were young and strong and I put it on your heart to follow Me? You heard Me clearly, but you chose the comfortable route, strewn with disappointments and failures you did not anticipate. Had you followed Me when I called, your life now would be vibrant, meaningful and your peace would be without end.
"My children, I am addressing right now, those who are straddling the fence. Your life does not belong to Me, but to your parents. They have done a good job raising you, but have failed to let go and give you to Me. Because of this you have chosen to conform to their desires and tread the safe route, follow their example, go to college, get married and raise a family. For those of you who are called to do this, I bless your choice, because it is done within My will for your lives.
"But those I have called to walk the dusty and difficult path of leaving this world and serving Me exclusively, to you I say, you are multiplying your woes, because this world is not going to endure much longer, and the deeper your involvement with it the more you will suffer and be forced to make a decision between the world and your God. Children, unless you build on the rock of My will, your lives will collapse, they will not endure.
"What kind of fruit do you want to bear? The fruit of money, security, social status, or the fruit of souls won for the Kingdom of God, saved from the jaws of Hell? It is time for you to take a long, long look at the choices you are tending towards and project them into the future, and what their ultimate outcome is.
"Do you want all the trappings of a successful life in the eyes of the world? Or, do you want the fruit of lives added to the Kingdom and serving Me? Do you want Me to provide for you, or do you want to make your own way, relying on your strengths and gifts, the ones you’re endowed with, by serving the world and making it your master?
"I am so very serious My young ones. Many of you have been called to be saints, but you have a mistaken sense of responsibility by putting your parents before Me. Do you know that this is idolatry? You chose your parents will for you over My calling and My will for you in this life, and this makes your parents your God. https://youtu.be/m4AM_p7gG-M
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