BTL - Volum X - Teaching 279

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309
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Book of True Life - Volume10
Teaching 279
1 You are walking a thorny path, and with every pain you have, you hear the voice of conscience telling you that you are still far from fulfilling the law of your Father, and that therefore you are stumbling.
The spiritual soul preserves the intuitive knowledge that it has come from the bosom of the Creator long ago, and since it knows that it still has a long way to go and that it must travel to return to its point of departure, it devotes itself to prayer, knowing that at least in this moment it can make contact with its Father. The soul knows that in prayer she finds a comfort that caresses, strengthens and heals her.
2 I bless those who pray. The more spiritual their prayer is, the greater is the peace I make them feel. This is easy for you to explain to yourselves; for those who, in order to pray, depend on kneeling before images or objects to feel the presence of the Divine will not be able to experience the spiritual sensation of the Father's presence in their hearts.
3 "Blessed are those who believe without seeing," I said once, and now I say it again; for he who closes his eyes for the things of the world opens them for the spiritual, and he who has faith in my spiritual presence must feel it and enjoy it.
4 When will earthly men stop denying their spirit the bliss of feeling me in their heart by means of direct prayer or - which is the same - by prayer from spirit to spirit? Then when my light enlightens the life of men, when they know the truth and understand their errors.
5 Now is the right time to pray and meditate; but with prayers free from fanaticism and idolatry, and with calm and deep reflection on my divine word.
6 All hours and all places may be suitable for prayer and meditation. I have never told you in my teachings that there are places or moments that are specially designated for this. Why go to certain places in the world to pray when your spirit is greater than the world you inhabit? Why limit myself to images and such limited places, when I am infinite?
7 The most serious reason for the spiritual poverty of men and their earthly blows of fate is their imperfect way of praying, which is why I tell you that this knowledge must reach all mankind
8 You are at the gates of the spiritual age. So do not be surprised that I speak to you much of that which belongs to the spirit.
9 No one should be surprised by my new message and the meaning of my word. For the prophets of the first time, like Christ in the second time, announced with the greatest clarity the age you are experiencing today.
10 Many have gone through the world, because they knew that now is the time of fulfilling those prophecies. But I must tell you that not all of them have understood the meaning of the Scriptures, since they give them an interpretation related to the material, similar to the one the Jews gave at that time to the coming of the Messiah and his kingdom.
11 When I was on earth, I told you, "My kingdom is not of this world. On another occasion I said, "I must go away from you, for I will prepare for you the dwelling place to which you shall go.
12 So then, disciples, if I came with a teaching that spoke of a higher life, that revealed the Spiritual Life and showed you the way to reach the same on it - a way that you must understand, that was not only my Word, but also the Law of the First Times and all the prophecies given to you by my messengers who spoke to men of the Spiritual Life - why did you materially understand the divine meaning of those revelations?
I have spoken to men in the past times in parables and in symbols, because neither the souls nor the organs of understanding were able to receive the light in fullness. It was therefore absolutely necessary to translate that language, those figures and parables into the spiritual and to interpret them spiritually until the true meaning of them was found.
13 "My kingdom is not of this world" I tell you anew. My kingdom is in the spiritual, because in essence I am spirit. But since you are children of this being, it is only natural that you too belong to that kingdom.
To reach it I have inspired you a teaching and revealed a wisdom, which lifts you above your human state and lets you step by step approach the spiritual kingdom.
14 Pray and meditate, people, then you will not be in error, nor will you be confounded by anyone. For you are the seed of the New Age, because you come to the invisible mountain to hear the voice of your Father.
15 Now out of darkness and the abysses souls are coming up, to increase the ranks of the people of God, in whose children is the seed of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, and all those who have been able to honour the name of their people and glorify the name of their God with their works.
16 A voice has awakened you, a voice of kindness and comfort, calling you into the kingdom of light and life, but which can be changed into righteousness if you prefer to continue to put your soul down and disobey the law.
17 To the obedient and humble, my word says: Be steadfast, for you will obtain much of my grace and will accomplish much for your brothers and sisters. To the foolish my voice says: If you do not use this blessed opportunity to escape the filth of sin or the darkness of ignorance in which you live, you will see times and ages pass over your soul without knowing what the Lord brought in His message, nor what were the spiritual gifts that He revealed to His people.
18 Though there will be a suitable time for all to save themselves and soar to the heights. But woe to him who delays this day! Woe to him who misses the opportunities to achieve the development of his soul because he has devoted himself to the vanities of this world! He does not know how long the time will be in which he must wait for a new opportunity, nor does he know the bitterness of his reparation. Therein lies not the slightest retribution or the least punishment on the part of the Father, but his strict and unrelenting justice.
19 Do you know, today, when I have come among you, whether you have not missed or missed previous opportunities, and do you know the length of time your soul has waited to receive this new opportunity to fulfil a mission entrusted to it long ago? What does your heart or mind know about your soul's past, its fate, its debts, its duties and its atonements? Nothing! Therefore, you must not interrupt the soul's perfection, nor tempt it through love for the goods of the world. It must follow a different path, different ends, different ideals.
20 These are the first days of an age that is dawning in humanity with radiance. It has appeared under storms, lightning, tremors and pain. But the dark clouds will disperse, and the light of truth will shine in all its majesty.
21 Today you are still living in the dull days which go before the light. Nevertheless, using the few brightenings of your cloudy sky, this light, with its short rays of light that reach some points of the earth, penetrates, touching hearts, shaking and awakening souls.
22 All who were surprised by this light stopped on their way to ask, "Who are you? And I answered them, "I am the light of the world, I am the light of eternity, I am the truth and love. I am he who promised to come again to speak to you - he of whom it was said that he was 'the Word' of God.
23 Like Saul on the road to Damascus, they have humbled all their pride, overcoming their arrogance, and lowering their face humbly to say to Me with their heart, "My Father and Lord, forgive me. Now I understand that I have persecuted You without realizing it."
24 From that moment on those hearts have been transformed into little followers. For in this third time up to this day no apostle has yet appeared among my new disciples with the exaltation of him who so much persecuted me in my disciples and afterwards loved me with such great fervor.
25 You are little imitators and followers of those who wrote their spiritual mission in the world with great works of love, leaving their mark beside that of Him whom they loved so much and for whom they died: Their Master.
26 I speak to you of the past times, sometimes in broad outlines and other times in detail, so that you may learn to draw from the great examples of teaching the spiritual meaning, which is immortal and immutable.
27 Here is my heart, open to every request, every worry, every confidential communication!
28 I am father, master, friend, nurse, doctor, and counselor for you. Lay down all your needs with Me, dry your tears, entrust Me with your hopes and desires, make Me your confidant.
29 Pray, my children, for through prayer one obtains wisdom, health, and strength.
30 I want you to become true disciples of Me - beings who are aware of their destiny - men who know how to lift up their soul so as not to stumble on earth.
31 He who prays fears no abysses or cliffs; his soul is always well-disposed.
32 When you all once live like this, you will have built a sanctuary of love for your Father, within which the sounds of a spiritual song of praise will resound, testifying to brotherhood, exaltation, and harmony.
33 You are still under my teaching, so that when you come upon a difficult test in your way, you may know in my words the way to pass it. For these newcomers of today will be disciples and even masters tomorrow. Therefore they have much to learn now.
34 I will form your heart, I will train your minds and smooth your feelings, so that I may send you out to bear witness to my coming in the Third Age.
35 My new word is not yet spreading on earth. Before it can gain validity, I give the nations preceding signs of my coming. The spiritual world is currently fulfilling the assignment to awaken men to the reality of spiritual life.
36 Here among you I have made myself known in detail. You cannot say that these were only indications or signs. For my word by means of the human mind has been clear and plain, although it is only the preparatory message to obtain spirit to spirit communication.
37 Certainly my word through these voice-bearers has been a detailed and profound instruction. It has confirmed truths already revealed, as well as making new revelations.
38 I have spoken to you of spiritual destiny, of the development of beings, of reincarnation and the restitution of the soul. I have spoken to you about the various stages of testing and instruction that mankind has had on earth, symbolized in a beech sealed with seven seals. I have revealed to you that now is the Third Age, in which I come to you in spirit because I find you able to feel my spiritual presence, and I have told you that you can summarize the whole law in two rules or commandments: to love your Father and to love one another.
39 Think, and you will understand that they were not signs which I have given you, but a great manifestation of my Father's love.
40 Those who have received only signs are other peoples - those who have not erased from their hearts my promise to return, those who explore space and pay attention to the meaning of all great events - in the hope of being able to say, "The Master is near.
41 How little does the world care about my new manifestation! How few are those who awake and expect me, and how many are those who sleep!
42 About those who live in the expectation of mine, I can tell you that not all of them suspect the actual form of my presence in this time. For while some, under the influence of old beliefs, believe that I return to the world as man, others believe that I must appear in some form visible to every human eye, and very few only guess the truth and suspect that my coming is spiritual.
43 While some ask themselves what form I shall take, at what hour or on what day I shall appear on earth, and in what place I shall appear, others say, without thinking of certain manifestations or times, "The Master is already among us, his light, which is his Spirit, floods us.
44 When this message reaches all hearts, it will be a moment of rejoicing for some, because in it all their forebodings and their faith will be confirmed. Others, on the other hand, will deny my message truth because they will not find it in accordance with what they believed would happen and with the way it would be revealed.
45 Think of them all, beloved people, and know that the waiting is painful for these souls, and that, while they are suffering, when they remember that this time may not be that of my return, you are being refreshed day by day by my word How great your responsibility to humanity will be once it ends!
46 Awake, O people, and awake the other nations of the earth: this is all you must do for the time being. I will set myself up with all - in the "cloud", as I promised you, and all will see me.
47 Why should you think that my coming in the spirit has no meaning? Remember that after my death as a man I continued to speak to my disciples and showed myself to them as a spirit being.
48 What would have become of them without those manifestations which I granted them, which strengthened their faith and instilled in them new courage for their missionary task?
49 Sad was the image which they offered after my departing: Tears flowed incessantly over their faces, every moment a sob escaped from their breasts, they prayed a lot, and fear and remorse oppressed them. They knew: one had sold Me, another had denied Me, and almost all had left Me at the hour of death.
50 How could they be the witnesses of that Master of all perfection? How could they have the courage and strength to think and live in the face of people of such different beliefs and ways?
51 Just then my Spirit appeared among them to ease their pain, to inflame their faith, to inflame their hearts with the ideal of my teaching.
52 I gave my spirit human form to make it visible and palpable to the disciples, but my presence was still spiritual, and see what influence and significance that appearance had among my apostles.
53 Verily, I tell you, today I have not let my spirit become man as it was then, because your spiritual development is another. Nevertheless, although my presence is subtle and untouchable, it is felt by all here without the need for your mortal eyes to certify that the Master is among you.
54 The soul has higher senses, through which you can feel, recognize, and comprehend the spiritual. I want you to perceive my presence precisely through this sensitivity.
55 If you no longer hear this word, you will fall into sadness, into weakness, and will have remorse because of your lack of love. but also I will come to you and tell you in the intimacy of your heart: "here I am, do not be afraid, go your way, you are not alone".
56 Who but I encouraged the disciples in that "second time", when they then went through the world without their Master? Does not the work of each of them seem to you to be admirable? But I tell you that they too had weaknesses like every other man. Later on they were filled with love and faith; it did not discourage them to be like sheep among wolves in the world, and to go their way always under persecution and mockery of the people.
57 They had the power to perform miracles, they knew how to make use of that grace to convert hearts to the truth.
58 Blessed are all those who heard the word of Jesus from the mouth of my apostles, for with them my teaching suffered no change, but was given in all its sincerity and truth. Therefore, when people listened to them, they felt in their souls the presence of the Lord and felt in their being an unknown feeling of power, of wisdom and majesty.
59 In those poor and humble fishermen of Galilee you have a worthy example: transformed by love into spiritual fishermen, they shook peoples and kingdoms by the word they had learned from Jesus, and prepared by their perseverance and sacrifice the conversion of peoples and the establishment of spiritual peace. From the kings to the beggars - they all experienced my peace in those days of true Christianity.
60 That era of spirituality among men was not lasting; but I, who know all things, had announced and promised you my return, because I knew that you would need me again.
61 I knew that from generation to generation people would mystify my teaching more and more, change my law and falsify the truth. I knew that people would forget my promise to return and that they would no longer consider themselves brothers, would kill each other with the cruelest, most cowardly and inhuman weapons.
62 But now the time and the promised day has come, and here I am. Do not condemn the way I have chosen to make myself known to you; for it is not the world that has to judge me, but it is I who judge mankind, because now is the time of their judgement.
63 I am building a kingdom in the heart of men - not an earthly kingdom, as many expect, but a spiritual one - whose power comes from love and justice and not from the powers of the world.
64 I see that some are amazed to hear Me speak in this way; but I ask you: why do you always want to imagine Me dressed in silk, gold and precious stones? why do you at all times want My Kingdom to be of this world, while I revealed to you the contrary?
65 I am bringing a new lesson through which you will learn to live spiritually on earth, which is the true life that God has given man.
66 I have already told you that "spiritualization" does not mean bigotry nor religious fanaticism or supernatural practices. Spiritualization means harmony of the soul with the body, observance of the divine and human laws, simplicity and purity in life, absolute and deep faith in the Father, trust and joy in serving God in neighbor, ideals of perfection of morality and soul.
67 When I show you the purity of my teaching, you feel that your errors are more evident. Now then, disciples, I am ready to forgive all your trespasses when tomorrow you lift yourselves up by the voice of conscience to make up for all your errors, to make up for lost time and to show the purity of my teaching through the purity of your actions.
68 It is necessary that a superior people, respectful of my laws, appear, who will prove to men that spiritualization is not something impossible, that the renewal of human nature is not a sacrifice, and that spiritual service is not a renunciation of human life.
69 You will be able to become those who preach and teach my work, because you have the necessary experience that comes from a long past, from a long development.
70 You had to go many ways to get to know spiritualism. You too were idolatrous and were not able to discover my presence without the help of symbols, not able to honor me without ceremonies. Fortunately, however, you reached a crossroads, and when you did not know which direction to take, you heard the longed-for voice of the Master who showed you the way anew.
71 Do you not think that your wealth of experience serves you to both understand and encourage your fellow men?
72 I have already foretold you that the battle will be fierce, for everyone considers his religion perfect and his way of practicing it blameless. But I tell you that if it were so, I would have had no reason to come and speak to you at this time.
73 I give you a profoundly spiritual teaching through inspiration, because I see that paganism reigns in your cult forms and that the bad seed of fanaticism has poisoned you with ignorance and hatred.
74 My sword of light is in my right hand, I am the fighter and king, who destroys all that is contrary, all existing evil and all that is false. When my struggle is over and the hearts have learned to unite to pray and live, the gaze of your spirit will discover me in the infinite light and in eternal peace. "This is my kingdom," I will tell you, "and I am your King, for that is what I am for, and that is why I created you: to reign.
75 Realize in which way I make my conquests, different from the human ones, realize how I became man to rule in your hearts instead of submitting you by fear or violence, I became man to live with you, I washed and kissed your feet and became your victim
76 I gave Myself completely to you, which is why I tell you that you will all finally give yourselves to Me
My peace be with you!
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