Ask insatiable, but stingy in giving
23. I am the master of your soul and you savior. Your body is one
of the so many tools that have been given to you. But most of
them tend to forget me when they incarnate and go astray,
nfluenced by the life that surrounds them on earth. This happens
when the soul is still lacking true greatness and elevation.
Others who do not forget that I am their master and father are
insatiable in asking, but stingy when it comes to giving. They lack
the generosity of the soul to be able to love. They think they
understand how to ask, but they don't understand how to give.
They make no effort to ask to learn and even less to learn to give.
The only thing you should ask me is that I do my will on them.
Because you have already recognized that my will is just, perfect and loving.
24. I tell you: "Ask, it will be given to you."
25. Do you think this sentence or this request is meaningless?
Truly, I tell you who addressed it to Me and felt it has found a
source of miracles. - As for giving: give everything that love advises you.
From The Book of true life - Volum IX - Teaching 248:23-25
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