Encephalopedics - Training of the Brain in the Divine

A. M. Hosta

Yesterday, on July 12th, 2020, I woke up early in the morning and the spirit spoke in my head:

“Today only crises and waves are growing…. Stuttgart… Bavaria Corona….

Encephalopedics… monastery…. LOVE!!"

I asked my husband and he said: Enzophalopathy is a general brain disorder like nerve damage etc. This scared me and I attributed my muscle and body aches to this disease and registered with the neurologist for an examination.

Today I noticed, however, that the word was not enzophalopathy, but encephalopedics.

I searched Google for encephalopedics…. But this word does not exist in German usage. Then I looked for -pädie!

-pädie (gr.) means: child, boy, education

Link: https://www.wortbedeutung.info/-p%C3%A4die/

Orthopedic, for example, means: The education / training of pathological joints

encephal /o means: brain, concerning the brain

Encephalo-pedics means: training / education of the brain

In connection with the above mentioned: “Today only crises and waves are growing…. Stuttgart… Bayern Corona…. Enzephalo-pädie… monastery…. LOVE !! ”means encephalo-pedics

the education / training of the human brains…. away from fear and towards love!

From this it is easy to deduce what the Lord wanted to express here. To summarize briefly, the Lord means with encephalopedics that spiritualists are teachers / educators of the human brains to the divine ...  to love with the help of the teaching of the Holy Spirit, as made available to us in the Book of True Life.

Encephalo-pedics  is the most perfect antidote to train and educate the brains in Divine Light and in unconditional and merciful love, as a counterbalance to the growth of crises and waves, and to the growing darkness and increasing hatred among the People.

Encephalo-pedics is a transformation of the frequencies in the human brain through education and training in the teaching of the Holy Spirit from the morbid, lower frequencies of selfishness  to higher, more perfect frequencies to approach the divine frequencies of the most perfect wisdom and the highest Goodness and Love.

Go to: https://friedensreich-christi-auf-erden.com/buch-des-wahren-lebens/unterweisungen-teachings/

Then I had a dream:

There was a king and there I was ... together in the same room. And there was envy. The king and I chatted and made small deals. Then I had to go through a tunnel; there were openings in the walls. Names were said in my head, which then hung on the wall somewhere as a poster - but I couldn't see them.

Note: I often wonder what God's original name is ... He has as many names as Elohim, YES, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Yahuwa, etc.

Then someone stood there waiting for a means of transportation and was attacked ... a voice in my head said:

"The (demons) have a duty to attack tall people".

Then I saw my face contorted with a grimace. The voice in my head said:

"These are demons that look out of you .... You normally have a beautiful face. "

July 13, 2020

When I woke up after midnight, I heard commands in my head.

"Corona App ... you need a new cell phone .... Cheap."

Resistance awakened in me and I internally defended myself.

I immediately felt that this was a taste of the kind of commands Byron was talking about, commands that are entered into our brains through our cell phone using the new Microsoft technology for monitoring the people. I was amazed at how this works, because I don't have a 5 G cell phone, nor did I have a cell phone in the bedroom at all. I replied in my mind:

You are criminals .. you mass murderer….

"This is where the head office has to come in."

You want to kill us all.

"It will probably take a while."

The voice wanted to say that it will be a while before I get involved!?!

And I started singing the name of Jesus Christ in my mind until I calmed down again....

Do you expect to be raptured with this Attitude?

June 20, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Brother Ezekiel

(Jesus to Ezekiel) "Son of Man, write down these words... How Long, how long will you crush the poor at your gates? You ask... 'Which Poor? What Gates?' You see them clearly, each and every Sunday. You avoid them at all cost. These are My Little Ones that you so blithely escort to the back seats when you assemble. They are the 'Un-Beautiful' ones. Those of whom you say... 'Hurry along! Hurry along!' You and your spouses, irritated and brow down, turn to one another, saying... 'Oh No! It is them again!'

"Meanwhile, you shepherds turn your heads down, so as not to see them, while reading and re-reading the notes of your skillfully composed messages; corrupting the truth of My Holy Scriptures, in favor of the wealthy. Have you not repeatedly read My admonitions for you?

"The fasting I require is to feed the widow and the orphan, to welcome the stranger into your midst, and not turning your back on your own. Yes, your own, your own kindred in Me, the least of these Living Stones that were meant to build up My Body as an edifice.

"Do not excuse yourselves, saying... 'We are here to worship, and to be taught, not to wait on those who should have the common sense to take care of themselves!'

"If that were not enough, after the service you quickly slip through the crowd unnoticed, on the way to your clean and freshly waxed car.

"You intentionally dodge these 'ragged' ones who are so simple minded and plain. How many are they, who long to be invited to your luncheons?

"You see them walking, now in the heat of the day, counting their few coins to see if they have enough to pay the bus fare. And yet you speed by them on the boulevard, being very careful not to make eye contact.

"Do you expect to be swept up into the Heavens when I arrive? I tell you solemnly, you will not taste of My banquet, nor will you be caught up in the clouds. Rather, you will stand in utter disbelief, as you watch those lesser ones ascending, to be with Me forevermore.

"How many of you will call out to Me, so fearful of what is in prospect for you? Yes, such suffering as has never been seen, and will never be seen again on the earth. Woe unto woe will be added to you, for you have discriminated against the Poor at your gates."

(Clare) Father, none of us can do this without Your grace. Please, in this moment, impart conviction to our hearts for the times we have strayed and lived selfishly for ourselves, avoiding the needs of others that we could have helped with. Please Father, forgive us for those times and show us now, today, and in the future, how we can love You through the poor ones...  https://youtu.be/mLffH_AJdsc


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