Rebels often see more clearly than others
12. I tell you that it is better for you to be full of uncertainties
and negations than to be full of false beliefs or lies that you believe
to be truths. An honest denial that arises from doubt or ignorance
harms you less than the false certainty of an untruth. Honest doubt,
hungry for understanding, is better than firm belief in any myth.
The desperate uncertainty that loudly demands light is better than
the fanatical or idolatrous certainty. Today the unbelievers, the
disappointed and the embittered predominate everywhere.
They are rebels who often see more clearly than others, who do not
perceive ritualistic behavior as such, nor do they convince the insurance
companies that they have heard from those who mentally guide
people. Because all those complicated theories do not fill her heart
thirsting for pure water that appeases her fear.
Those who you think are rebels often show more light in their questions
than those who answer them because they consider themselves to be
learned or significant. They feel, see, feel, hear and understand with
greater clarity than many who call themselves masters in divine instruction.
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