BTL - Volum X - Teaching 280

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309
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Book of True Life - Volume10
Teaching 280
1 Let the meaning of my word enter into your soul, so that it may overflow from your heart, transformed into charity, into peace, into instruction for your fellow men.
2 The mark that this people will leave on the earth will be that of peace, and they will show the world that they truly possess the key that opens the doors to the hereafter for man. Its mission is that of tearing down borders to unite the peoples spiritually until the heritage that Babel left to humanity is destroyed.
In this new people of Israel all nations will be blessed, because they put their intellect at my disposal for the announcement of my word, and because in them the dialogue from spirit to spirit will begin.
3 In its way it will sow spirituality, leaving light, paving ways for the renewal of those who have gone astray, sowing in hearts the seed whose fruit will be harmony and brotherhood between men.
4 When I speak of the mission of this people, I do it as God, I instruct it as Father and I command it as Judge
5 My word is not only meant for those who hear it in these moments. It encompasses the whole universe. But just as at other times my law and my teaching began in a people, so you cannot imagine the power that my teaching has. Therefore, it will be other peoples and other people who will give this word its true value, interpret it, and bring it to perfect application.
6 It is necessary that a wise, strong, and powerful teaching illuminate the life of this world, so that men may rise up in their desire for truth and the ideal of higher development may awaken in their souls.
7 Do you think that I deny the effectiveness of that teaching which I brought you in the Second Time as a message of love? no, I am bringing it to you again because you no longer have it on earth, because you have buried it in books and no longer carry it in your heart But now I bring them back to you in my teachings because my love for you is unchanging. Only it will no longer be in your heart where I put it, but in your spiritual soul, where it will no longer be lost, because the bread that feeds the soul remains in it.
8 My announcement through the organ of the mind of these voice-bearers, unknown and insignificant in their material life, has been the proof that I have come to give the world a gift - that I did not discover among their scholars or among their doctors a prepared man who would have been ready to receive in his mind the ray of my divinity by giving himself completely to my will.
9 For me nothing is impossible; my will has been fulfilled and will always do so, even if it seems at times as if it were the will of the man who rules and not mine.
10 The way of man's freedom of will, his dominion on earth, the victories of his pride, the coercion he sometimes imposes by his use of force, are so fleeting in comparison with eternity that they can in a certain way change the divine plans; but tomorrow or in the course of their execution the will of my spirit will reveal itself more and more over all beings, by letting the good exist and removing the unclean.
11 That kingdom, which man has created on earth, will very soon have to be judged by me. And indeed, I tell you that from him only the good will remain, what is permissible, what contains truth. But everything that contains pride, selfishness, lie, that is poison and death, will be destroyed and thrown into the unrelenting fire of destruction. But who will accomplish this work of destruction of evil? Man. He will take it upon himself to destroy with his own hands everything that his science has discovered in order to harm his neighbor. When the test is over, only the true lights that he has discovered will remain and shine to continue to illuminate the path of mankind.
12 I will cause all centuries and all ages of disobedience and degradation of this humanity to appear only as a moment when men once walk in my way. I will make sure that that in reality short period of time that overshadowed the spiritual life of man will dissolve and disappear under the divine splendor of my light that will illuminate the spiritual age of men at the height of the Third Age.
13 When you consider the number of those who hear my word, it seems to you to be very small. But verily I say to you, behind you come - invisible to your eyes - great multitudes of souls, whom you bring on the way to the light.
14 If men would know their spiritual gifts - how many sufferings would they relieve! But they have preferred to remain blind or lazy while facing times of greatest pain.
15 My teaching is to enlighten you, so that you may spare yourselves those great sufferings which were announced to mankind by the prophets of former times.
16 To those who think that I punish men by unleashing the forces of nature upon them, I say that they succumb to a great error when they think so. For nature develops and changes, and in its changes or transitions upheavals arise, which cause you suffering when you do not fulfill my law; but you attribute them to divine punishments. It is true that my justice works in them; but if you - beings favored by the divine spark, which illuminates your soul - lived in harmony with the nature surrounding you, your spirit would have lifted you above the changes, above the power of the forces of nature, and you would not suffer.
17 Only in the betterment of your life can you find that power or ability to free yourself from the effects of the unleashed elements. For not only faith or prayer are the weapons that give you victory over the blows of fate and adversities of life: That faith and that prayer must be accompanied by a virtuous, pure and good life.
18 If you have often been unscathed by your faith or by prayer, it has been more by my compassion on you than by your merit that you have been victorious in the trials.
19 Understand why I tell you in every one of my teachings that you should prepare yourselves and at the same time recommend yourselves to watch and pray so that you may obtain that spiritualization which will make you in harmony with everything that surrounds you in your life, making you invulnerable to the action of the forces of nature when they are set in motion
20 It is necessary for you to understand the time you are going through at this time-a transitional period not only in the spiritual realm, but also in the material nature that surrounds you.
21 Know that this home that shelters you is currently taking a step toward perfection to receive higher beings in the future, and it is only natural that you will experience upheavals
22 It is a time of confusion, which is reflected in the lives of men, both in their minds and in their souls, in their feelings, in their bodies, and in everything that surrounds and surrounds them. People suffer because they entered the time of trials without spiritual armament, without faith, without knowledge of their abilities, without prayer.
23 Only my power and my love can save you from perishing in chaos.
24 Lift up your life, people, train yourself on this Word of Light which I am sending you, and verily I tell you that not only will you save yourselves, but that your influence and protection will reach many of your fellow men
25 Remember Jesus when He went over the sea in a boat with His disciples. The waves were rising, the sea was foaming, and the waves were roaring. The disciples feared for their lives when they saw that Jesus was sleeping. They had lacked the faith to save themselves. But the love of the Master helped them by giving them a proof of His power over the elements when He extended His rights and commanded the waters to calm down.
26 Those lessons were new to mankind. But you disciples of the Third Age are to think about the fact that you are not only to live in trust that I will finally save you out of compassion like the disciples in the boat, but that you must develop in yourselves the soul forces that still do not reveal themselves in your being.
27 Those disciples learned my lesson. For on their missionary journey they encountered the great trials that tormented their fellow men, and to them they knew how to reveal the power of their spirit.
28 Will ye be of those who bear witness in this time to the truth of this word? Then give spirituality to your life, for with it you will unfold that power which you carry within you hidden in your being.
29 When men attain spirituality, they will be creatures superior to all that surrounds them. For up to now they were only weak beings, which were exposed to natural forces, powers and influences, which are not to be superior to man because they are not above him.
30 This teaching is short, but deep in its content. Study them, disciples, and teach them.
31 "Set your eyes on Me when you have lost the way; be with Me today. Lift up your thoughts to Me and speak to Me as a child speaks to his father, as one speaks confidently to a friend.
32 I am the Divine Master who has come from time to time to give you his teaching. If you empty a very bitter cup, it is not because I punish you, but because you must purify yourselves to come to Me.
33 I await you. But so that you do not stumble on the return to this way, I must stand by you, and this I do precisely by sending you my light, which is revelation, inspiration and encouragement.
34 You are now entering into a new stage of your life; the way is made ready. Take up your cross and follow Me. I am not telling you that there are no trials on this way; but whenever you cross a difficult road or empty a cup of suffering, you will hear a voice encouraging you and counselling you, My Love will be with you, assisting you and lifting you up, and you will feel the gentle caress of My healing balm.
35 Tomorrow, when this voice no longer sounds from the lips of my voice bearers, you will keep its meaning in your memory, and it will continue to encourage and guide you. You will pray as I have taught you and will receive my inspiration from spirit to spirit. Wherever you come together to study my Word, you will form a temple of light and harmony through the union of your thoughts.
With this you will understand that these meeting places, where you have united to hear my word, are not the temple of the Lord, although I also tell you this, that if you want to continue to dedicate them to your meetings, you can do so.
Here, where you are all united, you will give each other strength, light, faith, courage and warmth, and when you have learned my lesson, you will come together to pray and think about your home, which is another suitable place to have a dialogue with your Master. When the fields and the meadows invite you to leave the noise of the city, you will find a suitable place for your devotions there as well and you will feel my presence in you. But remain spiritually united and always live in accordance with my law.
36 Little by little you will become accustomed to your brotherhood and union, and in your midst the spiritual family, which you are to form according to my will, will increase in strength.
37 Verily I tell you, once you have achieved this good harmony among yourselves, you will set a good example to mankind Remember that no leaf from the tree moves without my will, everything unfolds as I allow it, everything is determined by me.
38 Clothe yourselves with cheerfulness and with faith, and if in your way you are troubled by temptations, pray and be unconcerned, for in prayer you will find the necessary weapons to fight and to be victorious.
39 Walk step by step along the path, without haste, for otherwise you would run the risk of stumbling or falling into an abyss. Really get to know the path so that you can later teach it to your fellow men.
40 You must not be content with your first works, thinking that you have acquired enough merits for the perfection of your soul. But that you may learn new lessons daily and discover greater revelations, always dedicate some time to the study of my work.
41 The inquisitive disciple will always hear the answer to his questions, and in moments of trial will always hear my fatherly counsel.
42 The advanced disciple will be a source of love for his fellow men, he will truly feel endowed with an inheritance from his Father, and will recognize the time to set out on his great spiritual mission among men.
43 Each "worker" is assigned a number of souls to whom he is to give light, comfort, and peace. This multitude will never overtax you, because you will meet them little by little, spread out over your whole life.
44 Today my teaching word consists of fatherly advice and suggestions. It is simple, but if you penetrate into it spiritually, you will discover the solemnity of that sermon which I gave to the great multitudes in the Second Time on the Mount.
45 From the spiritual cloud I send you the ray of my Spirit, which streams down on your being and lets you hear my word
46 I have brought you a high teaching, as the one I revealed to you then was - a teaching that is above all knowledge of the world, the only light that can lead you to true life
47 My teaching instructs men to live a high, noble and pure life on earth. It also prepares the soul so that it, once it enters its home in the hereafter, can create a work that brings it closer to perfection.
48 Earn merit now for your future life.
49 Some suffer because they see the great tribulations in humanity, and they feel unable to alleviate the least of their sufferings. Come to the Master, and I will teach you how to comfort, how to give peace, and how to heal.
50 Once you sow your way with charity, it will seem to you that your work is very insignificant in comparison with all the sufferings and tragedies of mankind. Yet I tell you that your seemingly insignificant work will reduce the pain that weighs on mankind and at the same time it will reduce the forces of war.
51 You will work among men in silence. But the moment will come when this silence will cease, and the Good News will resound throughout the world.
52 The apostles of spiritualism will not stand alone. Events will occur in the world that will be favorable for the development of this teaching.
53 Everything is prepared with perfection. I have let you know my plan. It is only necessary that you study my word thoroughly so that you do not contradict what I have planned.
54 The trials of life and my word prepare you. Some have stopped where the trials surprised them, because they did not apply my teaching to be able to conquer. Others, on the other hand, live through the trials in peace because they never forget what they have heard from the Master. Do not forget that the trials give strength and perseverance to the soul, and that tomorrow you will meet many defeated ones on your way, who need the Word of Light and the testimony of those who knew how to win.
55 Spiritualize yourselves, says the Master to you, because spiritualization will help you to rise above adversity and will ease your physical needs.
56 Learn to pray, for with prayer you can do much good, just as you can defend yourselves against treachery. Prayer is both shield and weapon; if you have enemies, defend yourselves by prayer. But know that this weapon must not wound or harm anyone, because its sole purpose is to bring light into darkness.
57 You are to act in a sincere way, without ever associating with my teaching any of the unclean rites that exist on earth.
58 This is my teaching word. You came here with a heart open to my teaching, and so I had to radiate myself among you in light.
59 I have given you my balm and my peace in every one of my words, beloved people.
60 Your soul has risen up and is ready to hear my voice. I see it transformed into a true sanctuary, into which I let the sound of my Word penetrate, which is the light of the "Word", so that you, feeling the breath of your Father close, have the necessary strength to reach the goal of the journey.
61 In full knowledge of the time which you are going through, you have set out to follow me, and this is because your spiritual soul knows for what it came to earth. So you will be able to take the way of spiritual teaching with firm step, so you will soon be able to offer me the veneration, which I have long expected from mankind.
62 I have provided that the time of my proclamation should be long, so that you may strengthen your knowledge and your faith, and then not say: "The Master's presence among us was so short that we had not enough time to convince ourselves of his truth.
63 My teaching full of spirituality will germinate in the heart of this people, so that in the future they may give their fruits of truth and life. My Word will spread over the earth, leaving no place where it does not purify, enlighten and judge.
64 Then the peoples will begin to awaken to spiritual life, true and eternal, and will eliminate the outward and materialistic part of their various cult forms, to confine themselves to turning to the essence of my law.
65 Humanity will realize the power that spirituality confers and will turn its gaze away from all that has held it back for so many centuries.
66 What good is it that the symbol of Christianity, that is, the cross, is on earth a million times over, if men are not of good will and do not love one another?
67 Outward appearances no longer have power over people; there is no longer respect or good faith, nor regret for having hurt. That is why I tell you that the symbols and cult forms will disappear because their time is over and it will be the inner worship that carries man up to the light, lifts him up and leads him to me.
68 In the purest of his being, in the spirit, in this time I will write down my law, I will make my voice heard, I will build my temple; for what is not within man, what is not in his soul, is as if it did not exist
Whether huge material churches are built in my honor, whether ceremonies and celebrations full of splendor are offered to me - this sacrifice will not reach me because it is not spiritual. Every outward cult always carries vanity and display within itself; the secret offering, on the other hand - that which the world does not see and which you offer me from spirit to spirit - reaches me because of its modesty, its sincerity, its truthfulness, in a word: because it sprang from the spirit. Recall that parable of Me which was given to you in the "Second Age" and which is known as the parable of the Pharisee and publican, and you will see that my teaching was the same at all times.
69 I would not condemn you if you let the last cross disappear from earth itself, with which you symbolize your Christian faith, and as compensation would replace that symbol by true love among yourselves; for then your faith and your outward worship of God would become a worship and a faith of the spirit, which corresponds to what I expect from you. If your worship and your symbols at least had the power to prevent your wars, not to let you sink into vice, to keep you in peace. But see how you go over everything that is holy according to your words; see how you trample underfoot what you have thought to be divine.
70 I tell you again: it would be better for you if you had not one church, not one altar, not one symbol or image in all the earth, but to pray with the Spirit and to love your Father, understanding and believing in Him without the need for substitutes, and that you would love each other as I have instructed you in my teaching Then you would be saved, would walk on the way marked by my traces of blood - traces with which I sealed the truth of my teachings.
71 Only when this humanity gives up its idolatry and fanaticism will it see "the new manna" descending. No longer that which fed the people in the solitude of the desert, but that which comes down on your soul in the days of trials. This will be the true bread of heaven - that which men receive from spirit to spirit.
72 The manna of the First Times was only a symbol of what my spiritual dialogue with men would be in the last times, when their soul would receive spiritual nourishment directly from divinity.
73 Very great is the responsibility this people has toward humanity. There must be an example of true spiritualization, it must show the way in which the inner exercise of religion, the pleasing sacrifice, the homage worthy of God, is offered. Open your heart and there hear the voice of conscience, so that you may judge your actions and learn whether you interpret my teachings faithfully or whether you too misunderstand the meaning of my teachings.
74 Do not ask to reach the summit of spiritualization in a single day. Walk toward the goal with measured, calm and firm steps, and you will never stumble nor have any reason to repent or be afraid because of what you have done. Make sure that each step is taken with full consciousness, then you will soon see the fruit of your work.
My peace be with you!
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