BTL - Volume X - Teaching 284

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume10

Teaching 284

1 People, eat the bread of eternal life which the Father gives you. Use my word, for you are at the end of my proclamation in this form. Let your soul awaken fully to the light which the Father is presently pouring into every soul and mind.

2 A spark of light of my spirit, a reflection of the divine word is what falls down on the spirit of the voice bearer through which I make my message audible to you. Which human voice bearer could receive all the power of the "Word"? None. And verily, I tell you, you do not yet know what the "Word" is.

3 The "word" is life, is love, is the word of God, but of all these the voice bearer can receive only one atom. But here, in that beam of light, in that essence, you will be able to discover the Infinite, the Absolute, the Eternal. To speak of me, I can do this both through great works and through small and limited manifestations. I am in everything, everything speaks of Me, the great as well as the small is equally perfect. Man only needs to know how to observe, reflect and study.

4 I am speaking to your soul, which has been sent to earth to receive this message, so that it may later, through its works of love and mercy, bear witness to my teaching to mankind. I speak to your spiritual soul, which has an immortal essence and nature. I speak to her of that life which comes to her after she has surrendered to the earth the body which served as her support in this world, so that when the hour of her deliverance has come, she may bless that moment and turn her gaze toward infinity, so that she may rise and reach the home which she has gained by her merits.

5 Love that which belongs to the world as long as you live on it, to a certain point, so that you may know how to fulfill its laws; but always nourish the high purpose of dwelling in the high spiritual life worlds, so that your soul may not be disturbed when it gets rid of its bodily shell nor be tempted by what it loved on this planet, for then it will remain bound and chained to a world to which it no longer belongs and which it can no longer enjoy in any way.

6 I tell you: If a people would rise up and teach all the way of truth, mankind would rise up after it, because they feel that they have lost the track, that they have strayed from the path, suffer, stumble and despair.

7 Mankind awaits the coming of the brother, the friend, the counselor, who will tell it where it must direct its steps to reach the land of salvation.

8 The spiritual confusion in the people of this time is deep and heavy because of the renunciation of the revelations which the Father has made at all times. They have devoted themselves to materialistic science, completely forgetting the essence of their being and life.

9 To this materialistic world I will send you to bring the good news of my teaching. verily, I tell you, if your witness is true, men will be amazed when they see a people led by an invisible guide and by a voice that is not of this world At first curiosity will cause them to observe your steps and your works. But later it will be faith that will make them exclaim, "Truly, what these people preach is true.

10 Until you are prepared to sound the wake-up call to the world, my cloak will hide you from the eyes of others, because your imperfections would cause doubt, mockery, and persecution, and your weakness would not withstand the attack of your enemies. But prepare yourselves now because the hour of battle will come, and I will pull away my cloak so that the world sees you.

11 Every "worker" will have a spark of my word on his lips and in his hands the book of my wisdom, which will remind him of my divine teachings. That book inspired by Me will be carefully designed by my disciples, and with it the people will have a bulwark, because its power will be great.

12 How much wisdom shall flow out of him! How much balm and comfort will it pour into the hearts! It will be joy for those who one day discovered my word and then did not hear it, and it will be joy for those who never heard it.

13 By the reading of the same the "dead" shall rise, and the erring shall find the way. Watch over the truth of the book which has been entrusted to you, that you may bear witness to my manifestation in this time.

14 If I were to ask you in these moments what are the fruits your tree has borne - what would you be able to show me? if I were to ask you about the teachings you have received from Me - what answer would you give Me?

15 You are silent, and in your heart the fear shows itself to Me, that your work is judged by Me But I ask you: why are you afraid? If you have fulfilled your mission, you will have nothing to fear, and if on the contrary you have made mistakes, it is better that it should be I who correct you.

16 Have the will to be spiritualists, not only by name, but by works, for the world is full of false followers and false disciples. If you have a teaching in your heart whose banner is spiritualization and whose weapons are light and love, you must give the world proof of these virtues. This is to be the only seed that you should sow, if you really want your harvest to be received by your Father.

17 Take as your example those who followed me in the Second Time-not only my apostles, but also so many men and women who converted to my word and bore witness to my truth with their works and even with their lives.

18 Greatest purity and highest truthfulness was the aspiration of those hearts, and so they made sure that in every one of their works the light shone with which the master made his teachings shine.

19 In the same way the new disciples are to honour the name from which a divine message of love has come to pull them out of their lethargy.

20 If you try to understand the spiritual meaning of my work and embrace it with the love of a true disciple - verily I tell you, the good fruits will not be delayed then, and these fruits will be those of renewal, of return to good in the light of conscience, health, reconciliation and peace On the other hand, if you should strive for the beautiful appearance to cover the truth, and you should try to hide your imperfections and weaknesses with my work, you will return to the darkness and filth from which I had already saved you.

21 My teaching is spiritual by nature, is light and is power, which comes down and penetrates your soul to let it prevail in its struggle with evil. My word shall not only flatter the ears, it is light of the soul.

22 Will you hear Me with the soul, that it may be nourished and make use of the meaning of this teaching? Then cleanse your heart, clear your mind and allow your conscience to guide you. You will then experience how a transformation begins to take effect in your being - not only soul-wise, but also morally and physically. That elevation which the soul gradually attains through knowledge - that purity which it gradually attains - will be reflected in the feelings of the heart and in the health of the body.

23 Passions will become weaker and weaker, vices will gradually disappear, fanaticism and ignorance will give way more and more to genuine faith and deep knowledge in my law.

24 If you desire to be heard by the multitudes of men, and that your word may convince and shake, seek the way that this word may penetrate the soul of those who listen to it. But how do you achieve that it penetrates into the heart of your fellow men and impresses and awakens their souls? It is very simple, the secret is that you always keep to the truth and bear witness with your works of love.

25 My Father Spirit is approaching to teach you and to "smooth" you, to awaken your spiritual and physical senses and to challenge you to live a life of renewal and fulfillment of the law.

26 I have given you everything so that you may rise up and know that you have been sent to earth to work out your peace in this life and in that which awaits you.

27 Blessed is he who studies my teaching and strives to fulfil my laws - who lets himself be enlightened by the light which my word has radiated, and remains praying and watching in his obedience.

28 Today, as you inhabit a world of errors and confusion, I have caused you to move away from it and to live in accordance with my laws Then, when you are prepared, I will send you to mankind to show My Light to all those who have divided My teaching into branches and misinterpreted My Word. All those differences you see today will disappear and the heart of man will be transformed. After the harvest that man has made of his work, which has only left a bad taste in him, he will sow my seed on the cleansed earth and nurture it. This will be the time in which spiritualization will begin.

29 All the trials that will happen to you in your life as "workers" will come to strengthen you in your faith and that you may know the gifts I have granted you. You will not have fulfilled your mission if you limit yourselves only to hearing my word and then bringing it to your fellow men. You will have to speak and confirm your words through your works. Many of you will bear witness to my teaching by willingly offering your lives; but I have not required blood sacrifices from you. Soon you will be among mankind like sheep among hungry wolves, but you will not sleep. A lamp will always light your way, and even in the darkest nights this light will shine.

30 I have found man asleep with regard to spiritual knowledge, devoted to the material sciences, discovering the greatest secrets in nature without dealing with his spiritual soul. How great his effort will have to be to understand my teaching! My work will descend upon this humanity like a stream of crystal-clear water, its desire for knowledge will be satisfied, and everyone who prepares will receive its benefits.

31 You who hear me - watch, because no foreign influence may be added to my teaching. Preserve its essence and its truth, and you will experience that this mankind, which distrusts and doubts, faithfully embraces my teaching when it gets to know the deeds of my good disciples. All of you who long for a kingdom of peace and justice to come to this world, attract these virtues through your prayer. That time is near. Correct, train and enlighten your fellow men now before you enter this time when you will have no other guide than my divinity.

32 My inspiration blows down on all souls, and everyone who wants to see Me and follow Me rises and comes to Me. Your spirit will tell you how to live daily and how to solve your problems. When you spiritualize yourself, you will see in every trial, in every pain, a step to ascend and perfect yourself.

33 Make your home a paradise where parents represent me, and love and respect for one another is your worship. But do not let this love be limited to your family so that you may love all your fellow men as you love your parents or your children.

34 I make righteous laws by my chosen people, based on love and respect. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls have been prepared. Some are in the spiritual; others, who are in the body, I distribute over the world, so that when the hour comes they may be abundant in inspiration, and I speak through their mouth, and my word is multiplied.

35 Elijah prepares the way for all, and as in the second time I say to you How near is Elijah to you, and you have not known him! Whenever my kingdom drew near to men, he prepared their hearts. Likewise, it has been with you in this time.

36 Works in silence without boasting. Have no desire to distinguish yourselves from the others. Walk your way in silence, but carry in your heart a great love for men. Protect them and help them, make your heart like an ark, giving space in it to the sick, to sinners - to those who hunger and thirst for justice. Show all spiritualization as the goal for their salvation; they will follow me. But the proud will once again stay away without hearing me in this time. After that the trials, the events will speak of all my manifestations. Some will then convert, while others will continue to have a heart closed to the divine message.

37 I bless all who have offices - rulers, teachers, judges; let yourselves be enlightened and fulfill your mission.

38 Come near to hear me. What is it that you hear my word through men who are morally and spiritually imperfect? If you think that I chose the least suitable means for my proclamation at this time, you are mistaken. If you think that this way of manifesting Me to man is not a progressive form, you are judging lightly.

39 Does not the fact that I make use of your spirit and your mind to speak to mankind give you an idea of the evolution that your soul has reached?

40 In some way the time of spiritual communication had to begin, and this way has been the one you have had since 1866, and which must end in 1950 to make way for spirit to spirit communication.

41 My manifestation by the voters shall, according to my will, be only temporary, a short stage of preparation, which shall serve this people as a norm, law and basis to witness and spread this truth and to announce to the world the presence of the "Third Age".

42 Just as my manifestation was destined by the human mind to be as fleeting as lightning, so it was intended that only some groups of people should be called to be present at this revelation and receive this message.

43 But the dialogue from spirit to spirit will reach the whole human race without any time limit because this form of seeking me, receiving me, praying, hearing me and feeling me is valid for all eternity.

44 How great is the responsibility of this people, who have heard my word and have gathered my teachings! I say to you: before the world takes the step towards spiritualization, it will have to experience all that I revealed to you in this stage of preparation, in which I spoke to you through the mouth of my voice bearers and had my word written down for you to study later

45 Prepare thyself, O beloved people, that thou mayest be in harmony with thy Lord. Behold, I fulfil my part: I prepare all things, all mankind. Even if it does not know it, it is purifying itself presently. The spiritual world, which forms the greatest and most powerful army, supports my works and obeys my counsel, and I want you to form a people of enlightened men, of faithful witnesses of my word, of sowers of spiritual light, whose work serves to awaken the world, to bear witness to it and to warn it.

46 The sixth seal is broken, and has shown you, the pioneers of spiritualization on earth, a part of its contents. But it will continue to pour out its light on all men, even if once this word, which you hear today, has ceased.

47 What will the Sixth Seal reveal to humanity in the future? Very great revelations if you consider that I have made you heirs to a treasure of wisdom.

48 The Sixth Seal is opened, and no one will be able to close it nor prevent its light from reaching souls, just as no one can stop the passage of time or prevent the light of the royal star from reaching your world

49 The book of knowledge, which was sealed for a long time while your souls were prepared to enter into it - I have opened it, the love of your Master, the Lamb, has opened it, its light shines intensely without many on earth noticing it

50 Soon the intuitive, the inspired, the spiritually sensitive, will rise and bear witness in the nations to what they see with the spirit, what they feel, what they hear and receive. I tell you again that my people are not limited to those who have heard Me through these voice bearers, but that I have sent my servants to various points of the earth to prepare the paths and clear the fields to which the sowers must later come.

51 I strengthen them and bless them, because their daily work is sorrowful, their path is full of thorns. Mockery, derision, slander, and baseness follow them everywhere. But they - foreboding and inspired - know that they have been sent by me, and they are willing to go to the end of the way in fulfillment of their mission.

52 Pray for these your brothers, whom you do not know, but who are striving to fulfill their mission to prepare the way for you. They have not had in the world the divine stimulus of this word that you have heard for so long, and they have had to sacrifice many of the world's comforts to receive spiritually the inspiration that guides them.

53 You have heard every lesson a thousand times - what justification could you find if you did not follow my teaching? None. What insubordination or rebellion could you show in pain if he entered to punish your transgressions? But do not forget that I have taught you to purify yourselves through love, to renew yourselves by serving one another, so that you avoid purification through pain.

54 Some think my word is harsh and harsh because it is permeated with loving righteousness. The reason for this is that they did not know how to confront their conscience, nor did they want to judge themselves out of pride.

55 When you see the result of your disobedience, your profanations, your vanity and your lack of charity and empty a cup of suffering - quite contrary to what I have offered you - then you exclaim with conviction: "In the reproach of the Master there was truth and justice!

56 I have charged you with the gathering together of all the multitudes who make up your community, but you have not done so and have distrusted my righteousness. I have been patient and given you time to carry out this commission, but you have not yet gotten up to it. Do you, then, want it to be my justice that shakes you awake, that cleanses you and unites you? If so, beloved people, you do not know the day and the hour, but it will come. For I will not leave you behind to bear witness to my truth with a heart full of unfairness.

57 Neither should the bad writings be preserved as testimony. For a testimony that should be mixed with the false and imperfect shall be burned. The defiled or unclean does not come to me, as little as I offer it to my children. First you must carefully cleanse the seed and only then sow it.

58 My word this day is not a cup of bitterness, it is a spring of crystal clear water in which you can bathe your heart and give it greater purity, and light to your spirit.

59 Receive these words with love, reflect upon them. Then you will feel stronger to continue in this daily work.

My peace be with you!

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