BTL - Volume X - Teaching 282

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume10

Teaching 282

1 The divine light shines for you, it becomes a word to give you a new teaching. Blessed is he who prepares himself as if his heart were a sanctuary, for he has risen up to true life when he heard my word.

2 Come all and recognize my miracle of love. I have come to save sinners through the lips of sinners.

3 In this era I am proving to you the power that you possess as heir or gift, which I have put in you It is not the power of matter, but that of spirit. For man is not mighty, great, nor wise by the flesh; he is by the spirit.

I speak to him who directs his steps on the path of good and obeys the will of his heavenly Father - to him who obeys the laws that govern and govern life. This one will have to feel supported by powerful forces that will always lead him on a path of light, peace and truth.

4 Disciples: This simple word, which I have brought you as a spiritual gift to inaugurate the New Era, is in its simplicity and outward modesty another one of my masterpieces This form of seeking man in order to make known to him the divine through his intellect has a meaning, a content and a significance that you all are to discover.

5 See how my divine thoughts become the voice on some human lips, which, though unclean, become pure at the moment of this service, to give you a food of spiritual life.

6 What will the day be that your soul as well as your body have purified themselves to receive me?

7 Small was your faith, and weak was your love and your armor. Nevertheless, the fruit which you received in my words has torn you from your lethargy, has taught you to understand, love, study and feel the life of the soul, which was a desolate desert in your misfortunes and which is now like an oasis for your life of struggles and constant trials.

8 If you try to understand this teaching, in this time you will be among those who have full knowledge of the fact that man is nothing without me.

9 Look at this world - proud, challenging, and conceited of all the works of man, with which they astonish the generations of this century. In their majority they do not believe in the spiritual, nor do they love it. Therefore they neither pray nor obey my law. Nevertheless, they are satisfied and proud to be able to present a world filled with miracles, which they have created with the help of their science.

10 But this astonishing world of men, which they have built during centuries of science, fights, wars and tears, they will still destroy with their own hands and weapons. The time is already approaching when mankind will become aware of the untenability and fragility of their works, which lacked love, justice and a genuine desire for perfection.

11 Soon you will learn that without God you are nothing, that you can only receive from Me the power, life and intelligence to create a harmonious existence between the spirit and the human part of man.

12 I come with my new word to bring the world to life, because for centuries and ages mankind has seen only death reign. What has been the reason that death has reigned in your existence? The lack of love.

13 Verily, I tell you, love is the unchanging power that moves the universe Love is the origin and meaning of life.

14 I am now initiating a time of spiritual resurrection for all - a time in which I will make blossom that blessed seed of love which I poured out on the world from the height of a cross, announcing to you that if men love each other as I taught you, "death" would be eliminated from the world and in its place life would rule over men and manifest itself in all their works

15 Today day by day you are eating the bitter fruits of the tree of science, which has been so imperfectly tended by men because you have not made an effort to develop all your gifts harmoniously. How, then, could you direct your discoveries and your works in good directions, since you have only trained intelligence, but neglected the soul and the heart?

16 There are men among you who are like wild beasts, who give their passions complete freedom, who feel hatred for their neighbors, who are bloodthirsty and are anxious to make slaves of the brother nations.

17 If any man shall believe that my doctrine hath made

could cause man's moral collapse - verily, I tell you, then he is in a great error; and to prove this to the doubters, materialists and the arrogant of this age, I will allow them to reap and eat the fruit of their science until they have enough of it, until their soul is freed from the confession that says to Me: "Father, forgive us, Your Power alone will be able to stop the forces we have unleashed in our unreasonableness.

18 Then I will come to their aid and give them peace because their pride will have already given them much to drink from the cup of suffering. I will bring them to peace of mind and to self-contemplation so that they - then already in a new life - can discover the value of the spiritual and understand how to apply this to their works. I will make them understand that life is like a lyre whose strings represent love, spiritualization and science, but that these, because they were not in harmony, could not produce the sweet sound of love, which is the sublime sound of spiritualization.

19 The time of judgment has come, in which I will ask some, "Why have you denied me? And others: "Why have you persecuted me? Does he who has not been able to penetrate into himself have the right to deny the existence of my kingdom? That you do not recognize my truth, that you do not know how to discover it, does not mean that it does not exist. If you believe that only that which you can comprehend exists, I tell you that your ignorance is great and your arrogance very great.

20 Verily I say to you, he who denies God and his kingdom has denied himself. He who wants to draw strength from himself because he thinks himself independent and has the proud feeling of being able to be great even without God, his steps in the world will be very short. He will soon go astray, and his suffering will be very painful.

21 Where are the true scholars?

22 Knowledge is to feel my presence. Knowledge is to be guided by my light and to do my will. Knowledge is to understand the law. Knowledge is to love.

23 Whoever would like to be useful to his neighbor out of love devotes himself to goodness in any of the many ways that life offers. He knows that he is a human being who should find himself ready to be used by the divine will for very high purposes. I want you, O disciples, to gain knowledge so that you may free from their errors those who have lost the way to upward development.

24 True love - that which goes beyond the human feelings of the heart is the fruit of wisdom. See how I sow wisdom in your imaginations in my words, and after that I expect the fruit of your love.

25 There are many ways to do good, many ways to comfort and serve. All are expressions of love, which is one - love, which is wisdom of spirit.

26 Some may walk in the way of science, some in the way of the spirit, some by feeling, but the totality of all will result in spiritual harmony.

27 Learn to discern the different paths that exist and to respect the different missions that your fellow men are carrying out. In return, have an open mind, correct judgment, a calm mind and a deep insight. If you do not have these qualities, you will be outraged without good reason when you discover that there are more religious communities than you thought, and a greater number of rites and cults than those you knew.

28 If you are not prepared, you will be confused and troubled the day you are in the midst of the approaching battle.

29 Those who hear Me without being interested in understanding will not be able to belong to those who fathom and explain this teaching. Others on the other hand try to recognize the meaning of my word, they feel it, love it, carry it in their soul, in their heart and in their brain. These penetrate daily more into the knowledge of my teaching.

30 When this desire to know more in order to love in a perfect way is expressed among these disciples, you will see reflected on their faces the beauty of goodness, of charity, the majesty of spirituality.

31 Yet even at this moment no one could show his face as a mirror of truth in which the virtues of the spiritual soul are reflected, that higher being that dwells in every man.

But what am I to tell you about that spiritual world, which lives and weaves beyond you, and which likewise can show its face through your works, words and thoughts? For those beings every man is a means of making himself known, every soul incarnated is a bond of union, and every brain is a means of making contact with the human world.

32 When men's thoughts are inclined toward good, they will be used by superior, luminous beings dedicated to high purposes. But if men's thoughts reject all good influence and allow their feelings and abilities to be used by lower souls, these will bring only lower passions to fruition.

33 I tell you that there is not a human mind that does not live under the influence of the spiritual world.

34 Many will deny this, but no one will be able to prove that it is impossible for the mind of man to receive the thoughts and vibrations not only of spirit beings and his own fellow men, but also of mine.

35 This is a revelation for all mankind - a revelation which, if it is spread, will find open hearts that will receive it with great joy; likewise will it encounter stubborn opponents and fighters.

36 But what will they be able to do to prevent the light of the spiritual kingdom from shining in the lives of men? What means will the unbelievers be able to use to switch off that vibration? Who is he who considers himself to be outside the universal influence, who is the creative and invigorating power of God?

37 I am speaking to your spirit, to your soul and to your reason, but I tell you again that you receive messages, ideas and inspirations from other planes of existence and that, just as you do not know where your soul came from to incarnate in this your body, you do not know who is manifesting itself invisibly and impalpably.

38 To you who hear these teachings, I say that you should not think that the voice carriers are righteous and pure, because it is my inspiration that vibrates in their minds No, they have only been endowed with an ability to receive my light and transmit it in the form of words. They are the forerunners of that spiritual manifestation which is a promise for the times to come, when men will have a complete realization of the fact that the light of the spiritual world has always shone into their existence, and they prepare and spiritualize themselves to receive and transmit the eternal message of God in a perfect manner.

39 Mankind, you deny that which you cannot prove materially. I tell you that you know only what belongs to the world. For, if you knew a little of the spirit, you would not dare to deny the existence, the influence, nor the manifestation of the spiritual world!

40 A great number of light beings are working for you. On the day when you are able to unite with them in prayer, in thinking and in faith, you will experience in your life an invincible power, a superhuman power, and you will never stumble.

41 Around men also exists an invisible world of darkness and confusion. From the day you are prepared to fight against their treacherous attacks, you will feel an unknown freedom and peace in your lives.

42 Know that a mind will never cease to receive the vibration and influence of my divinity and the spiritual world.

43 Man has loved what belongs to matter, there he has his values, to which he has directed his heart, his mind and his senses. Therefore he disregards and ignores everything that relates to the spirit. If man had the spirit as ideal, he would have refined his senses in such a way that nothing of what I have told you today would be unknown to him.

44 He would know that the Spirit of God, by its nature, is in communication with every spirit being in the universe, and since he would have knowledge of it and be enlightened by faith, he would endeavor that the radiation of my Spirit, which is power, life and light, which animates all created things, would reach him.

45 Verily I say to you - and do not forget: it is not impossible that I make myself known through the human intellect It would be impossible if I could not make myself known.

46 Your task, disciples, is to make the soul and the mind sensitive to perceive all spiritual vibrations, to feel them, to believe them, to live them, to love them, and to obey them.

47 I tell you once more: even if all mankind would make an effort to avoid the spiritual light reaching it, it would never achieve this, because it is precisely the life that man has that he takes from my spirit, which vibrates in all that exists.

48 You are presently hearing my teaching, which may seem strange in every way, but which you understand. You know that even though it is manifested in such poor and humble places as these meeting places, they are not ordinary places, but simple shelters dedicated to devotion, spiritualization and preparation to receive the heavenly message. You know that I am currently manifesting through the human mind, but that it is not the mind that speaks, but the spirit that receives the light of my inspiration - a light that when it shines through the mind becomes thought, and when it reaches the lips, turns into words.

49 This has been one of the most beautiful gifts which I have revealed to you in the third time, so that you might get an idea of the qualities which exist in your spirit, as well as of what is still reserved for it.

50 Penetrate into your spiritual inner being so that you may get to know each other better. For if you were of the opinion that you are only matter, you would deny your greatness and misjudge your essence.

51 As long as you are not interested in knowing the truth of the spirit, you will be weak and ignorant, and all that you are and all that you possess will not be revealed through the body.

52 The materialistic science of man has placed an unbearable burden on his shoulders. You are all tired, go your way in this time only with difficulty, but I am expecting all of you.

53 People, invite your fellow men, who can go no further, to this spiritual feast. You will see them carrying a treasure of knowledge in their minds, and you will say, "What can they lack? Yet they have a desolate emptiness in their soul.

54 "Come to me, you intellectuals who are weary of death and disappointed in heart. Come to me, you who are confused and have hated instead of loving. I will give you rest and make you understand that the Spirit who is obedient to my commandments never tires. I will introduce you to a science that never confuses the intelligence.

55 Let them not be afraid to come to me because their heart is cold or their judgment severe. I will have a sentence, a word for each one, which will be like a ray of light that illuminates those hearts disappointed by lack of love. It does not matter that you do not believe me or love me. It is not a reason that I exclude you from my table. They are the sinners for whom I came.

56 I know that many in their pride will refuse to come to learn because they think they already know everything. But it will be enough that they hear one of my messages, and I will prove to them that they still have a heart, that they are not dead to true love, that they are still my little children with me, and that they can still cry.

57 My love teaching was not intended for a few, who heard it through the voice carriers. My message has come to the world to be known to all people. This is why I tell you that it will reach the borders of the earth in many forms because it is the beginning of the consolation promised to mankind already in the Second Age when it would reach the climax of the times of tribulation on earth.

58 Today, when I see men plunging with frenzied speed into the deepest abysses of their passions, their vices and their enmities, I know that it is the time when I must come to them to give them the saving help. No matter how deeply they have sunk, I will let my voice reach their spirit, which will tell them: "I am with you, come to me, seek the light, I will help you to escape the darkness, and then you will recover under my shield of peace.

59 My voice will be heard in the inner temple of his being - the temple which man could not destroy because it is his own spiritual soul.

60 Remember: When you were little children, you all lived in innocence, like the blossoms of a rose. But later the thorns grew from the stems and did not produce flowers. Thorns are what mankind offers Me once again, and it will be necessary for the gardener's wise knife to prune these plants so that they will produce rose flowers again next spring.

61 Leave the earth behind you today for a short time and come to me in spirit. For many centuries man has erred in his way of praying, which is why he has not strengthened himself nor illuminated his way of life through my love, since he prayed with his senses and not with his spirit.

62 The veneration of images, to which man has such a great inclination, has been like a poison, which has not made him enjoy the spiritual delights of inner prayer.

63 How much misery have men carried with them, just because they did not know how to pray! And this is only natural, disciples: what spiritual power can a human being have to pass the tests of life if he does nothing to get closer to the source of life that exists in my spirit? He seeks me in the abysses, in the shadows, although he could ascend to find me on the peaks, in the light.

64 Ah, if the people of this time did understand the power of prayer - how many superhuman works would they accomplish! But they live in an epoch of materialism, in which they themselves try to materialize the divine in order to touch it and be able to see it.

65 My servants in the past times - Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph or Moses knew about the power of prayer, and of this they gave indelible proofs to mankind, leaving their way of praying as an example for all generations.

66 For those men the place to pray was indifferent, they knew that in the core of their being they had the temple of the Lord within them. The way they sought to approach my source of mercy was faith - faith in my presence, in my justice, in my providence and in my love. I subjected each of these men to a great test - one so great that testimonies of it will be preserved for all time. And in those trials they remained faithful, obedient, humble, devoted to their Creator.

67 My response to the faith and love of those servants has always been immediate, making them the objects of my manifestations of power granted only to men of great faith and good will.

68 My Love for you makes Me come at this time to seek you in ravines and in abysses to save you, as the shepherd does with the sheep whom he loves very much

69 But if you want to know my intention regarding the people I want to create through you, may you know that I am bringing you together at present, bringing you from different points of the earth to know this heavenly message

70 Through My Word, which is divided into innumerable lessons or teachings, I will make you disciples of this teaching. And once your being is saturated with this essence, once you have left behind traditions and errors and begin to live and feel the spiritualization, I will give you the time and hour in which to set out for the provinces, peoples and nations to bring the Good News to the masses.

71 Ye shall multiply as the stars of heaven, or as the sand of the sea, and shall bring blessings unto the homes, and to the nations, and to the countries of the fatherland, where there is a hunger for peace, and for righteousness, and for truth.

72 But do not forget that when you set off for this fight, this is to happen because you are already practicing spiritual prayer, as I have inspired you at all times, as I have now reminded you

73 Without the power of prayer you will not be able to stand in battle, nor will you be able to withstand trials, and still less will you be able to teach your fellow men the perfect way to pray.

74 But it is necessary that you give proofs of the power of spiritual prayer, just as in the past times those men were given by those whom you remember as patriarchs, as leaders and prophets. It will not be the same proofs that will become reality through your mediation; for you must remember that now is another time, that mankind has developed spiritually and materially, and that therefore the proofs and wonders you obtain through prayer cannot be like those of earlier times. Nevertheless they will be wonderful.

75 Only two conditions will be necessary for you to be worthy of such great benefits. The first will be your way of life: righteous, useful, always inspired by goodness and charity. The second will be a faith that will make you superior to all that exists on earth, that will give you strength so that, when the moment arrives, it will save you from danger, lift you above all misery, make you insensitive to pain, and help you to defeat even death.

76 Verily, I tell you, with goodness and faith you will succeed in doing powerful and superhuman works with which you will give the best testimony of the power of prayer and love in these times

My peace be with you!

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