BTL - Volume X - Teaching 281

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume10

Teaching 281

1 Beloved disciples: Although there are many religions, the law is one, and my teaching is one.

2 My teaching is the teaching of the spirit, which teaches men to cultivate love. But what has mankind, which calls itself Christian, made of my teaching? It has made form beings, rites, lip prayers out of it, and behind them it hides its hypocrisy.

3 I tell you that the only truth is love, and that if you - though you praise and glorify my name with words and songs - do not do works of love, you will not be on the way of truth.

4 The truth is the Divine Love revealed in the universe. He who does not know the truth does not know God.

5 In what error are men when they believe in God by means of liturgies and ceremonies?

6 God is not, nor can he be, what man has created on earth.

7 God has no limit, He is essence and omnipotence. To know Him and feel Him, it is necessary to become one with Him by doing good, loving one another, and being righteous.

8 When I speak to you in this way, you cannot imagine that the peoples of this time, with their materialistic civilization, can understand and accept a teaching of love But I tell you that my teaching is the seed that the world needs, that it is the water that it yearns for to quench its thirst.

9 This hunger and thirst that men have comes from their need for love and truthfulness in their lives. This spiritual and moral misery is the result of their wars, their alienations and their ambitious earthly aspirations.

10 For a short time, when men finally feel tired of warfare, are weary of destruction and are embittered by so much suffering, they try to seek the saving way, which I show you But although they strive for various forms of interpreting my teaching, they all again fall into superstitious rites, useless cults and outward forms to worship me.

11 The cry for freedom could not arise in every soul, because the fog that surrounds it is very thick. But my light is powerful and will break through the darkness by penetrating to the most sensitive part of the human heart.

12 What kind of light will this be? It is my new word, my teaching with its new revelations, which teaches men the true way to worship God. At the same time it shows them the way to find the crystal clear water that quenches the thirst of their soul.

13 I will give everyone the true way of worshipping God, and also the right way to live in accordance with the Divine Law, the fulfillment of which is the only thing the Lord will attribute to each of you.

14 In the end you will know the content or the meaning of my word, O you men. Then you will discover that my teaching is not only the divine voice speaking to men, but also the expression of all spirits.

15 My word is the voice that encourages, is the cry for freedom, is the saving anchor.

16 My teaching is free from all ritualism. If it were not, it would lose its essence.

17 In this time I am bringing you a pure and perfect teaching, which is why I tell you that at the end of your day's work you will be given credit only for what you have done in life with true love, because it will prove that you have known the truth

18 Man has never been without my revelations, which are the light of the Spirit; but he has been afraid to fathom them. Now I ask you: What can you know about truth and about the eternal if you stubbornly avoid the spiritual?

19 Consider the materialistic interpretation which you have given to my revelations of the first and second "time", though they speak only of the divine and spiritual. See how you confuse the material nature with the spiritual, with what lack of respect you turn the deep into superficial and the high into the low. But why have you done this? Because, in your desire to do something in the work of God, you seek the way to adapt my teaching to your earthly life, to your human comforts that are most dear to you.

20 Reflect on everything I have said to you, disciples, so that when you say that you are spiritualists, it is because you really live what your lips preach

21 How easy it is to say, "I am a spiritualist," but how hard it is to be so in truth.

22 How many are there who hear my word, who have become great exegetes of it, and yet they are not the best doers of my teaching, if they do not fulfil the divine commandment which says to you, "Love one another.

23 Behold, on the other hand, how easily he is transformed who applies even one atom of my teaching practically. Would you like an example of this?

There was someone who told Me all his life, through word prayers, that he loved Me - prayers that others formulated, which he did not even understand, because they consisted of words whose meaning he did not know. But soon he understood what the true way of praying was, and by putting aside his old habits, he focused on the innermost part of his soul, sending his thoughts up to God, and for the first time he felt His presence.

He did not know what to say to his master, his chest began to sob and his eyes began to shed tears. In his mind only one sentence was formed, which read: "My father, what can I say to you, when I do not understand how to speak to you? But those tears, those sobs, that inner bliss and even his confusion spoke to the Father in a language so beautiful that you will never find it in your human languages nor in your books.

24 That stammering of the man who begins to pray spiritually with his Lord resembles the first words of infants, which are bliss and delight to their parents, because they hear the first utterances of a being who is beginning to rise to life.

25 Since men have not been able to give the true and right interpretation to the revelations which have been given to them since the earliest times, I come today in spirit to give them a clear presentation and right interpretation of all that I have taught them.

26 In the present time you recognize the abilities of the spiritual soul and those of the body, without confusing them.

27 Spirit, mind and feelings will find true harmony when my teaching as the light of a new day finally awakens this sleeping humanity.

28 You are asking Me to help you to obtain on this day union and peace in your hearts, to prove yourselves before Me as a being aware of the process which it is attending when it hears my teaching through the intellect of a voice bearer And I receive your souls. Everything that you offer me purely and simply in your prayers and in your actions, I receive as a just tribute of the children to their heavenly Father.

29 The most urgent request you make to Me is that there is peace on earth - that the patriarchal life of former times returns to men But I tell you that this peace will only return when you, my new disciples, have laid the foundations of a new world for which I am preparing you.

30 Once you see a brother in each one of your neighbours, once you make the differences between you and others disappear and love me in them, you will see the dawn of a new time, and life will be cheerful and easy for man, and I will be recognized as Father

31 My word of this time is the same as that which I gave you in Jesus. It is the same crystal clear flood that flooded your soul when you followed Me through the lands of Palestine. Its meaning is known to you, you will never be able to confuse its "taste" because it impressed its divine seal on your soul.

But today, when I have come down to make myself known through these men and women, and you hear the word coming from their lips, you recognize that it comes from me, and you ask me why I have not chosen another form to let my message of this time reach mankind.

32 You tell me that there are no men of special virtue among you who are able to serve me. There is no Moses, nor the prophets of the First Days, nor Peter or John. But truly, I tell you, at all times I have sent out virtuous souls, and among them these who have served Me in humility. Love them and comfort them, for their burden is very great.

I have guarded her mind and heart like a pure spring, and often pain has been the best means to purify her. Her life is similar to that of my emissaries of other times. I bless you. Bless those who have followed me in this way and who have felt the full meaning of the commission I have given them!

33 I invite you to enter my kingdom. I call all the peoples of the earth without any preference; but I know that not all will listen to me. Humanity has put out its lamp and walks in darkness. But there, where error becomes apparent, there will appear one enlightened by me, who spreads light in his surroundings - a spiritual guard, who watches and waits for my sign to sound the alarm call, which awakens and shakes. Let the love of those messengers be fruitful seed in your hearts. Do not reject them when they show themselves before you in outward poverty. Listen to them, for they come in my name to impart to you a skill that you do not know at present. They will teach you perfect prayer, will free you from the bonds of materialism with which you are bound, will help you to attain the spiritual freedom that lifts you up to me.

34 You who hear me longingly expect the fulfillment of all my words. You desire to see this world transformed into a disciple of me. You ask Me to be among those whom I sent with difficult missions to other countries. But truly, I tell you, you must prepare yourselves before, because the struggle that awaits you will be very great. But not all messengers of whom I speak to you are among you, not all will have heard my word through voice bearers. Many of them will speak by intuition because I have prepared their souls, and I have distributed them wisely to let my light reach everywhere.

35 How can you believe that, while I have come down to you, I could neglect other nations when you are all my children? do you want to believe that someone is far away or outside Me, although My Spirit is all-encompassing and surrounds and understands all that is created? Everything lives and feeds on Me. Therefore, my Universal Ray has descended upon the whole world, and souls have received my influence on this and other worlds because I have come to save all my creatures.

36 I do not want you to waste this time, nor to go through the world without leaving a trace of your steps. I want you to be true nurturers of the seed I am entrusting to you, and when you leave this world, continue working until you have made your seed blossom in the soul of your fellow men.

37 I will not bind you to my instructions. I only stimulate you lovingly because I will not accept any other fulfillment of assignment than that which is born of your soul prepared in my instruction. Be free within my laws, but make obedience a habit. Fulfill the two laws that govern man, and which in essence constitute one, because both come forth from Me.

38 Pray for all men, desire the harmony and understanding of all for Me, and that your prayer may rise like a song, like a fervent hymn, which enlightens the souls and shows them the way by which they will reach the goal of their destiny

39 Attracted by the power of my word you come to these places, beloved people. You do not need to come to these places of gathering to seek my presence in them and bring your troubles before my eyes. For you know that I am omnipresent, that I am everywhere, that I hear you everywhere.

40 It is my word for whose sake you come, it is the divine essence which is the food for your soul, which you seek.

41 You all know that I have indicated to you the time when I will stop speaking to you in this form, and that is why you hurry to come here every time my word sounds through the voice bearer For you want to keep even the last of the revelations, which I make to you, in your soul.

42 The inner knowledge of the spiritual mission which you have come to fulfill is gradually awakening in you, and you are beginning to be occupied with your responsibility, because you have understood how difficult and hard it is to preach my law with works, words, and thoughts.

43 Soon ye shall be without my word. But lest you become fickle, you must be inspired by the example of my disciples of the Second Age, who united after the Master had gone from them. Through their union they gave each other strength, encouragement, power and faith.

44 It will depend on your unity whether you will feel my presence in your meetings, and that you will not miss the time of my announcement.

45 So far you have strengthened yourselves listening, tomorrow you will strengthen yourselves even more in studying. For when you penetrate into the core of my teachings, you will be amazed when you discover the meaning of each of my teachings.

46 I bless already now those who are uniting and preparing for this time, to fathom the teaching I am bringing to you. For in this study the disciples will discover the true interpretation of my word. And I tell you that just as my word radiates light, your interpretation will also illuminate the path of your neighbor.

47 The good interpreters of this teaching will know how to awaken their fellow men who are lost in sleep in the routine of their ritual acts, and they will reach out to them and save them from being shipwrecked due to a lack of reflection under confusion. Later on, this people will spread out in the world and bear witness to what they heard, while at the same time explaining in clear words my law and teaching - not only what I have told you now, but all that I have revealed to you during the ages you have lived through.

48 Fear not to be laughed at or rejected by your fellow men.

49 I assure you that when this nation of spiritualists appears among mankind, I will have already given it many and very great spiritual manifestations. These manifestations will cause many of those who await me spiritually to suspect that I have already come and spoken. Do you not believe that when they see you coming and hear your word, they will recognize you as my messengers?

50 Verily, I tell you, even the theologians will explain to themselves the reason for so many events.

51 My people will be spread out upon the earth like a great army. My Spirit will be on the people and encourage them in their struggle, so that even the last of my words will come true, which I have given you in this time and in the past.

52 Why weep ye, when ye remember the days when ye shall hear no more my word? Do not be troubled, you multitudes of men, for I will not leave you alone.

53 Do you remember how, after my separation in the Second Age, I left Mary in the womb of the apostles?

54 The loving counselor, the mother, the consolation for the afflicted, remained for a time among those disciples.

55 When the pain they had suffered at Golgotha, when they saw themselves without their Master, without his word, had departed from those hearts, they understood the mission they had to accomplish, and they began to spread the Good News on earth. The Lord lifted Mary up from the earth, since she had already left her loving gentleness as an inheritance for mankind.

56 You, who are the new disciples before the Divine Chair, think that I will leave you alone once you are "deprived" of my manifestation through the mouth of a voice bearer. But I tell you: Mary did not die, your spiritual mother is ready to assist you in the trial, in the days when you think you are abandoned and feel Me absent, although I am closer to you than ever. Her motherly love will help you to feel strong and to understand the true meaning of the teachings I have shown you with words and deeds.

57 Ye shall be soldiers of my law, and sowers of spiritualization. But already today I declare to you that spiritualism will not have its base on earth, nor a representative in a man. His rule will not be of this world, and your only guide will be through your conscience in Christ.

58 Your intuitive eye will know how to discover the new "workers" among the crowds. But it shall not be your hands that "anoint" or consecrate. For the only one who can entrust gifts, commissions, or missions to a soul is I - the only one who writes down the destiny of every being.

59 I tell you all these things to keep you from falling into error or ways of doing things and rites which contain no truth.

60 You will be only my sowers, my prophets, my messengers. But the secret treasury will continue to be in the hands of your Lord.

61 It is my will that there should be complete harmony and brotherhood among you, so that lords, rulers, or tyrants may not rise up in a people where everything should be order, love, and spiritualization.

62 If you carry out your mission in the way I indicate to you, your example will be recognized, and your power will have to break the breaches of spiritualism.

63 Understand that it must be the light of my teaching that unmasks the wrongness of idols, that tears the haughty ruler and the despotic lord from his pedestal, that destroys the transient power of the rule of materialism.

64 The people whom I prepare today so that tomorrow they may preach the spiritual life will not be rich, will not possess treasures nor material goods. For with their works they will have to prove to the world that the truth, love, and righteousness of God have no need to rely on the power of your deceitful riches.

65 Love, faith, firm will will be the forces that will make this work known among mankind. Take the example of Christ and his disciples, reflect on those lives and the teachings they gave you, and you will see that I am telling you the truth.

66 My hand never touched a coin. When, on a certain occasion, one of them was intentionally shown to me to ask me to express my opinion about my duties to the emperor, I only looked at that coin, and without touching it I answered the one who asked me, "Give to God what is God's, and to the emperor what is the emperor's.

67 This is one of my last teachings, but not the last. I will still continue to speak to you for a short time, and then I will certainly no longer speak through the intellect of a man.

68 I will then give you a time of reflection so that you may reflect after my departure. In that time, gradually, in various forms, intuition will begin to come to life from spirit to spirit.

69 All that you have not understood now, you will understand in those days of spiritual reflection, and at the same time you will be surprised by new revelations and prophecies.

70 The inspiration of one will be confirmed by that of another, and so there will be no doubt in the disciples.

71 Roque Rojas and Damiana Oviedo were my first voice carriers for my spiritual manifestation in this time. The man received in his mind the ray of Elijah, the virgin received the light of the Master. With this I wanted to show you that in my apostolic company the woman sits at my table just as the man does. The spiritual soul is the same in both. Why should I make a difference between the two in this Third Age, since it is the age in which I seek the spirit souls?

72 Roque Rojas and Damiana Oviedo are your pioneers They heard the divine voice in the middle of the desert, and without asking if it is truth, they believed. The one heard the voice of the prophet, the other felt the touch of the mercy of the Master.

73 How many secrets have I revealed to you since then! The first voice-bearers died, and others appeared, and so successively up to the present. Not all have been pure in their intention. Some have been an example of zeal of faith, love of truth, self-denial and sacrifice. But some have been vain, loving flattery and reward.

74 I taught the hearers from the beginning to recognize the true fruit, and I tell you present ones that you are to bring my truth as food to your fellow men, while you are to burn the traces in the fire of truth

75 I must tell you that you never understood how to care for your voices because you lacked understanding and compassion for them. But since you did not know how to cheer up or nurture those hearts, at least in the future guard what came from their lips, which was my word: the new manna.

76 When the spiritualists multiply on earth, there will be many who will confuse them with ordinary fortunetellers and approach them to ask them about the future. The scientists will ask them about the life of the spirits and about life on other worlds or planets. I foretell all this to you so that when you see yourselves beset by foolish questions, you will remember that you should pray that your Father will inspire you to do what you must say - which is his will that you should tell it in the face of folly or curiosity of your fellow men.

77 I instruct you not to change a single one of my revelations, nor to attempt to investigate that for which it is not yet time for it to be revealed. You shall always keep your armor, as if you were a spring ready to receive the crystal clear water that quenches your fellow men's thirst for light, and it shall not be your hand that lifts the veil of mystery. Was there any one on earth worthy to open the book of the seven seals? Only that of the Lamb was worthy, that is, only this one had the power to do it. Know that there are many teachings that will be revealed to man here on earth, but also that there are many others that will only be revealed to him when he dwells in the high homes of the Spirit.

78 Everywhere you will find me, my presence is in all places of the way. I will transform myself both into an oasis in the middle of the desert and into a lighthouse in stormy night.

My peace be with you!

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