Three Times and ... three Divine Revelations

28. You are in the process of forming the spiritualized people who are
able to resolve the confusion of the world, by your example,
by the good thoughts, words and works that are already
your own, from their materialism and fanaticism to free.
29. If people ask you about teachings that you have not heard
 from Me or that you could not understand, I will speak through
 you and I will speak to people ─ the scholars, the theologians,
the powerful, the authorized representative and the judge,
surprise the lecturers of the earth.
30. I will make sure that my Trinitarian-Marian spirit penetrates
everywhere, how the air flows everywhere, how the light wipes
 out every darkness to illuminate the world. My work will also spread,
and my teaching will spread as well. It will penetrate every
religious community, every institution, every human community,
every heart and every home. It will travel long distances,
 cross deserts and seas and fill this world because the Third Time,
the Age of Light has begun for all of humanity.
31. I have humanized my rallies at all times.
Remember that I chose Moses in the First Period
to make myself known to you. He was my mouthpiece and
my messenger. I called him up the mountain and said to him:
"Moses, lower your face, because you must not look at me.
Go and tell your people that I am their Lord and their God,
 that I am the God of their fathers, and it my will is that they
 purify themselves inside and out so that they are worthy to
 receive my commandments, my law, my prescriptions.
" Through Moses I revealed myself as a father, as a law and as justice.
Through his mediation I made known to my chosen people.
Through that man I let my commandments get into every heart.
32. In the second period I wanted to be closer to you.
It was not my divine will that the people should only see
me as an inexorable judge. I wanted to feel the caress of my children,
the creatures created in my image and parable.
In an act of love and gentleness, in order to teach humility,
what soul size is, the true fulfillment of the law, life in love ─ to
teach people to fight for a just, eternal and true ideal.
33. The teaching of Jesus - given as a guideline, as an open book
for humanity to study - cannot be compared to anything else in
any other people on earth, in any generation, in any race.
For those who have set out to deliver commandments of justice
or teachings of charity have been sent to earth by me as pioneers,
 as messengers, but not as deities. Christ alone came to you as a deity.
He brought you the clearest and greatest instruction that the
heart of man has received.
34. But now, beloved people at this time, I have not become
human as in the Second Time, but I liked to communicate
myself to all my creatures through the mind of man.
Even in the "spiritual valley" and in the infinite spaces my
divine presence was felt. Because on the ladder to perfection
there are many stages; There are many worlds in the "spiritual valley"
and in the endless world spaces. But truly, I tell you, I have always
made myself known to everyone, and depending on the spiritual level
of the world in which they are, my revelation has been among them.
35. Someone asks me: "Why does the father reveal himself
through the mind of man, even though man is sinful, impure
and has low passions?" But the master says to you:
My blessed ray is pure and perfect, and although the father is
not indignant about man's sin, he cannot come into contact
with the unclean. I therefore come to the spirit of the "footstool",
and it is the spirit that transmits my light, my word and my
 instruction to the mind of the voice holder. In advance, the
 "footstool" rose to me in an act of love, awe, preparation,
so as not to mix the lower passions and tendencies
of the flesh with the perfection of my instructions.
36. But soon I will no longer make myself known through
human mind. Because the time will come when you can do
this from spirit to spirit. Then my divine ray will also reach
your spirit, and there you will hear my voice, receive my
 inspirations, my prophecies and my instructions.
I am currently leading you there.

A. M. Hosta
From the Book of True Life
Volume VIII - Teaching 219
Verses 28 - 36

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