The coming world ruler and the eternal reign of Christ

Revelation 12:1-2;5

Official weather warnings are now being issued also in Germany.
Europe is now also hit by hurricanes and violent storms, floods, which will increase in intensity, as happened in America.
There will also be crop failures and hunger and water quality will deteriorate.
There will be epidemics (like coronavirus, but this is just the beginning)
These epidemics of the black apocalyptic rider will increase in intensity - they are part of the judgments for the nations on the occasion of Christ's return.
Many will escape the epidemics, says the Lord through Byron Searle, but they have no idea that every subsequent epidemic will be ever more severe and that 1/3 of the unbelieving people will be swept away by the earth.
The Lord also says that a great deception will come to earth, as it is written in Revelation 12. A mighty force, the Red Dragon, is hurled from heaven to earth to test all people, good and evil. This power - I call it LUZIFER - beyond good and evil - a person will be received !!
He will give birth to this spiritual power inside !!
It could take about 3 years for this person to develop this power in himself.
Then this force will work in him and bring much destruction to humanity and the earth. (I call this power in this person - ANTICHRIST)
The destruction caused by this world ruler lies in the mark of the beast.
The mark is the RFID chip and the number 666.
Every unbeliever gets the RFID chip implanted under the skin (either on the forehead or in the hand).
Anyone who is asked if he is a believer and confesses to Christ will be beheaded with the Gioutine at the command of this world ruler - he will go straight into the Kingdom of Heavenly Father, but better without a head (you will arrive safely in the afterlife with zour head) to heaven as with a RFID chip in the eternal, irrevocable spiritual torment.
But everyone who has the RFID chip implanted under their skin is committed to the world ruler, the ANTICHRIST, who pulls everyone who follows him into the eternal, spiritual lake of fire - i.e. endless mental anguish. This decision is irreversible. For those who have the RFID chip implanted, the DNA is irreversibly converted - they become zombies - slaves of the world ruler. Your life can be ended at the push of a button on a central computer and commands are issued from this central computer, e.g. to kill, to lie, to steal  - because the RFID chip is an implanted microcomputer that is operated remotely from a central computer.

The Lord says: Stay in prayer and trust, because he is close to all who trust him.
The Lord says: Stay in my word, because his word will always show a way out.
The Lord says: Repent, ask forgiveness, who alone has the power to forgive sins.
The Lord says: Love me and love each other - especially when life is hardest


This is the task and trial that will help us to be saved and to receive mercy and grace from the Lord and to be invented as children of the Eternal Father.
Because that seed will overcome all trials and remain on earth as the new seed for the new earth as the Lord banishes the Antichrist and all of his followers into the 'lake of fire' - about 3 ½ years after the world ruler - the ANTICHRIST took office.

On September 23, 2017 at 11:59:59 p.m. a star constellation was exactly over Jerusalem - the sign of the virgin, clothed by the sun, surrounded by a ring of 12 stars - as described in Revelation 12.
This 'birth' was also the birth of a heavenly force in a person and this force was the spirit of the virgin who was born in a person and who works in this person. So that was taking place not quite three years ago.
And another sign appeared in the sky, the great (red) dragon thrown on the earth to pursue the virgin and her seed.

Jesus elucidates (Revelation 12: 1-2; 5) .. a large sign in the heavens - The women clothed with the sun

A. M. Hosta  

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