BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 207

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 207

1. Be blessed because you no longer need any figurative representation that symbolizes me to feel my presence This is a step you have taken towards spiritualization.

2. Before your eyes is a vast field in which you can study one teaching after another without ever reaching the end. For this life you have as human beings will not be enough to understand everything.

3. How the appearance of what surrounds you has changed since you heard my voice! The veil that covered your eyes has torn, and you can no longer close them. For which of those who see the light wants to be in the darkness again?

4. You can no longer suffocate in your heart the admiration, gratitude and love you feel for Me, and you prove it to Me in your spiritual prayer and in your actions You have already forgotten the memorized prayers full of artificial and chosen words, which your mind did not understand nor your heart felt. At that time you did not have a suitable language to speak to your God.

5. When today you encounter the need, the misery or the pain of your fellow men, you feel that from the depths of your being a feeling of mercy, of love arises, which is the language that best expresses your desire for good for your neighbor.

6. For a long time you had built a temple to worship yourselves. You admired yourselves in the knowledge of the power and dominion you could exercise over other people. You have loved yourselves, considering yourselves strong and powerful.

7. this your pride I have bowed down and thus caused you feel humility because you recognize your earthly insignificance. I have revealed to you that there is something within you that constitutes your worth and power, because of which you cannot become vain, and that this something is your Spirit; that its greatness is far from the self-importance you feel in your carnal being. For the Spirit is a part of God and is above all material things. This is the true greatness which I have placed in man. But you must strive that his light does not weaken, so that you may reach your ascent by merit on the path of development.

8. In the past, when your life was dominated by passions, your Spirit felt chained and oppressed. Now you are learning to control these passions because there is no room in the heart of my disciples for pride, selfishness, or hatred. Your Spirit now begins to direct the actions, the thoughts, and all the steps of your life, and this submission is like a voluntary atonement to which you submit in order to clear up the transgressions you have committed.

9. In this way the Spirit will gain more and more strength in the good. And when he thus reaches the end of his human journey of life, his glory will be so great that when he leaves this world he will enter the world of the Spirit altogether, without any trace of pride or signs of affliction.

10. Whoever reaches the hereafter with this humility and exaltation will not be able to forget the troubles he left behind on this earth. Then he will return to it, to become a protector and guardian of the weak, the sick, and the stray.

11. Unfold the gifts of your Spirit through the exercise of goodness, and verily, I say to you The misfortunes, the plagues, the diseases will recede from him who keeps spiritualization and good preparation. This will not happen so that he may be proud of it. For he will not have achieved it with his physical strength, but through the Spirit, who has power through humility.

12. Unite with me and hear my word

13. The world needs salvation, needs men of good will who will set out and stand up for my teaching.

14. This is a time when man has no full knowledge of his spiritual situation.

15. The number of those who have awakened because they have heard my word is very small compared with those who have no knowledge of my rallies. There are some who intuitively feel the closeness and presence of the spiritual.

16. People need a saving hand and a saving word. This hand and this voice will be that of my new disciples who, through great effort, will bring the spiritual knowledge that will save those who go astray.

17. The times of trial are near. I have trained you that you may have strength and courage to experience all that I have announced to you. In this struggle men will learn to understand that the reason for the war between nations and for the struggle of their worldviews is that they live in incomprehension and alienation from the teaching of Christ. For if this teaching were followed, the world would be well pleased. But if egoism prevails instead of love ─ how can there be clarity of mind and spirituality in the works of his life? How, in these circumstances, can the Spirit prevail over the insubordination of the flesh to reveal its essence?

18. Instead of eliminating the misery that surrounds them everywhere, men today are bent on getting the greatest benefit for themselves.

Why have men not moved upward in their desire for an ideal that will give them purer feelings and aspirations more worthy of the Spirit? Because they did not want to look beyond what is visible to their mortal eyes, that is, beyond their needs, their earthly pleasures and their materialistic science.

They have used the time that was given to them in the world to have as many riches and pleasures as possible ─ in the thought that, when it comes to an end with the body, everything is over for them.

Instead of developing upwards and considering himself a child of God, man in his ignorant pride sinks to the level of a lower-standing being, and when his Spirit speaks to him of the Godhead and of spiritual life, the fear of the righteousness of God seizes him, and he prefers to silence this inner voice and not to "waste a thought" on those warnings.

He has not thought about his own existence, nor about his mental and physical condition. How could it be other than that he is dust and misery as long as he lives and thinks in this way?

19. Therefore, I teach you, and behold, those who hear me have a different conception in their mind and think deeply about that higher life, which is that of the soul, and which can already begin to come to life in earth life, when one understands that something higher exists in man, which is my divine grace.

20. By this you can recognize that the law or power that governs everything is God, whose power and wisdom is revealed in nature, which is a reflection of his perfection. When this mankind recognizes and acknowledges the greatness of its Father, when it understands that it is not necessary to create his image to worship him, and when it knows how to discover him even in the seemingly insignificant beings of creation, then it will be on a good path and on the way to recognize the wisdom and the power of God, which all created things contain within themselves. In this way, those who receive my teaching will become more and more spiritualized, because their comprehension will be opened to further horizons. The wall that imprisoned them will collapse before their eyes, so that they will see a world in which they can fathom and understand one teaching after another.

21. But verily I say to you Nor is what you have learned sufficient to understand all that my will is. You will still have to go this long way. But I also tell you that from the moment you were able to tear the veil of ignorance, you cannot turn back. He who has heard this heavenly song will no longer be able to close his ear to my inspiration, nor will his lips cease to praise his Lord.

22. Today you are able to say a different prayer each time, coming from the bottom of your heart. Only a short time ago you were formulating fancy words that had their origin in the mind and in books. Now your prayer has no limits, because every time you rise inwardly with true faith, you feel that you are getting closer and closer to the struggle. Therefore it is ─ in your own and other people's pain and in giving thanks ─ instead of words on your lips, that is the inspiration that approaches your soul to carry it into the presence of the Lord. Today it is not your lips that praise the glories of the Lord, now it is your whole being that bears witness to His goodness.

23. Know yourselves, and when you have discovered your faults, correct them. Encourage yourselves with hope to return to the place to which every soul must go. Fight with this desire also against yourselves. Prove to yourselves that you are superior in your spiritual nature. Prove to yourselves that you can overcome yourselves when the passions, the bad tendencies try to control you.

24. But that heritage of days gone by, when you lived for the satisfactions of the body and built a temple to worship yourselves because you felt yourselves to be eternal, strong, and powerful, will be eliminated by the real realization of what spiritual and material values mean.

25. The conviction of your strength and spiritual value must not be the cause of vanity. For spiritual greatness is very different from earthly greatness.

26. Spirit is spark of light, seed of love, germ of life.

27. Recognize what false path you took when, in the attempt to attain greatness, you let only your earthly ambitions take the reins.

28. Little by little you now understand spirituality, and therefore your soul will have light, knowledge, and grace when you reach the end of this life that has been granted to you.

29. Do you then understand the epoch in which you live?

30. Pray that you may assist the representatives of the nations who are coming together to resolve the conflicts among the nations. Do you think that they all have different ideas for each solution? No, people, they deceive themselves ─ inwardly, in their conscience they agree. It is the material interests that make them override their own convictions. How easy the solution of all conflicts would be, if everyone would act according to his conscience. Then the world would be at peace. The men who direct the destinies of the nations would then ─ far from thinking of their own greatness ─ think of the welfare of all. But there is no sign of this, and distrust keeps men constantly lying in wait.

31. I tell you anew: If the world returns to my way and follows my teaching, it will solve its problems and live in peace.

32. On this day my universal ray will come down upon your soul to nourish you with the bread of eternal life. It is my voice that has called you.

I see among you those who have come last, whom I invite to be refreshed by my words. Some are unbelievers, others idolatrous, some come like gentle sheep to the enclosure, others wear the mask of hypocrisy on their faces. They doubt my presence, and inwardly they mock my teaching, because it is impossible for them that the Creator makes himself known through the human mind.

33. If it were not the true God who makes himself known, He would not produce the proofs which I give you, nor would He teach the way of virtue. He who does not believe does so because he has not thought. His heart has closed, and he is in darkness.

34. The voice tells you: I am the true God, the Father, life and light. I come down to manifest myself in this form, to remove your aberrations, errors and low passions that prevent you from understanding and fathoming the truth.

35. I betray none to others, for you are at my banquet. Through my light, which is in your Spirit, I speak to your soul so that it may be shaken and awakened.

36. I am the same Christ whom you condemned in the second time. But the times have been marked according to my will.

37. When you led Me to the Cross in that time, where I shed the last drop of my blood out of love for yourselves, I made you appear like an innocent man who does not know what he is doing, although you condemned the Messiah with full knowledge of the cause But I left you in the care of twelve men who, following the Master, spread my teaching among mankind.

38. Today I discover among you those who at another time cried out with their throats full, "Crucify him! He is a sorcerer!" And who thus misjudged the benefits I distributed.

39. The times have passed, and your souls have come according to My will to live in this nation, that you may sew "the Divine Word", the Word of love and life, in another way.

40. Here I am with you! I touch your heart that you may shelter Me. I come down in desire for your soul, whom I love very much. For you have chained it to sin and thus darkened its light.

41. Whenever your intelligence shines, it did not happen to love your neighbor. For your love has slackened in a life full of comforts and material satisfactions.

42. You forget the eternal life of the soul and finally think of yourselves as gods in this world. Little by little you doubt my existence and my righteousness because you see that I do not prevent bloodshed among men without realizing that I, as a judge, am implacable and allow atonement and correction of transgressions through pain.

43. Open your heart! Lift up your soul! Let them tell you that the voice you hear is the same as that which has always spoken to you of love, mercy, and perfection. The Third Time has surprised you! Do not have the desire to see Me as man as in the Second Time! Remember that I told you that I would come "on the cloud. My Divine Spirit comes down to you, and therefore I send down my ray from the stepladder of perfection to the voice bearer, and thus my voice is heard even in the filth of this world.

44. Not only you are hearing my word. I, "the Word," pour out my light upon the globe. But if you all ask whether they have heard a voice coming down from the hereafter, they will answer you with "no." I, "the Word," will not answer you. Why?

Because men walk deaf in the ways of the world, embraced by sin and fanaticism, without heeding the call that goes out to them from their conscience.

45. Since 1866 I have given you My word, which is salvation for your souls, and which marks out for you the way in which you will attain perfect peace all over the earth.

46. I have entrusted your souls with a difficult mission by which they shall pay their debt to their Lord. I am in the process of pulling out the weeds to bunch them up and throw them into the fire until they have turned to ashes. For in the end the light will shine, and my teaching will be recognized worldwide.

47. Man will create new teachings and new laws, but it will no longer be his will, but mine. Then there will be peace, harmony and brotherhood. The hearts will no longer be fed by hatred, no murderous hand will rise. But so that all this may happen, I will purify you first. Some of you will see these prophecies fulfilled from the Spiritual Valley, and those who continue to inhabit the earth will bear witness to the new generations after 1950.

48. People: The way I have marked out for you to come to Me is one. It is marked by light. On it is life and prayer. It is the way of the soul. If you walk on it, you will not perish. If you walk on this path, proclaim the spiritual teaching to the world, bear witness to my revelations and teach your fellow men to come to Me through perfect prayer.

49. Remember, people, that example of prayer which I gave you in the olive garden when I asked the Father for forgiveness for mankind the body of Jesus prostrated itself before the Heavenly Father, but not before any image, and I directed my words to heaven, to the same one I bequeathed to mankind

50. Once more I radiate My mercy among you and embrace you lovingly. Wayfarer of life, disciples and children's disciples: It is a day of grace when the voice of the Master comes down to caress you. I show myself not as a severe judge, but as a just Father, and with my word I lead you on the paths laid out by me, from which you had gone away.

51. You are all fighters. I see that some of you arrive depressed. Others have won victory, and still others are not yet singing a triumphal song. You are still in the midst of this struggle and do not know its outcome. The fields that you have to sow and that you do not yet know are very vast. But you have seeds in abundance and will be able to sow them.

52. While some are devoted and strong in the accomplishment of their task, others are overcome with weariness, and they are slackened, though they know that there is one eye that sees all things, one ear that hears all things, and one hand that writes all things down. Remember that you are letting a precious time pass, which you are living through today, and that tomorrow your eyes will not open without light. Then your soul will rise sadly because you did not want to hear my word. Your soul will be seized by an immeasurable desire to hear me as in this time. But only a strict voice will reach you, the voice of conscience, which will make you tremble.

That is why I say to you today: Do not move away from my word, do not be deaf to my instructions. Take away the meaning of this teaching like a holy document, for which you will have to answer to me, for it is the law.

53. The blindness of the people to understand the greatness of my teaching is the result of their sin and pain.

54. This essence I am giving you is life for the soul and balm for every afflicted Spirit It is like the dew in barren fields.

55. If you have not yet reaped good fruits, ask your conscience for the reason, and it will answer you that to obtain good results one must work and watch. Sow good examples on the land, sow virtue, reveal the abilities with which I have created your soul. Uncover it from the bad passions and clothe it with good works. Then you will be my true children on earth and an embodiment of my divinity.

56. In each of you I have placed the responsibility to make known my Trinitarian-Marian Spiritual Work, which will be discussed by mankind and will cause a revolution of ideas in the minds and confuse all those who cannot comprehend the beginning of this work and still less its final goal.

57. My sowers sleep and do not make known my work, which is pure and pure, because they know that they have added their bad works to it. Only a short time remains for you for the world to hear my word in these rallies. When you sleep, tomorrow you will have pain and bitterness in your heart. But it will not be the Father who judges you, it will be your conscience.

58. There is only a short time left for you to enjoy these foods. Which ones will be with me at the end of 1950? Which of you will be able to show the fertile wheat of your harvest?

59. The world is sleeping in its deep lethargy and is waiting for you to come and lift it up to life You have not yet made your way to the "dead" because you lack trust in Me. What do you fear from men? Do you fear their justice or death? I have told you that I will deliver you from death. Remember that I have given you eternal life.

60. I have not grown weary of speaking to you, for I am "the eternal word. My word is the chisel that carves and smoothes the hearts of stone from which I sprinkle crystal clear water.

61. In this time of pain and tragedy, I want you to take Me as your model But put all your trust in Me, then your fellow men will be able to know the radiance of spiritualism. You can do the same for me, do not be insecure. The burden of the cross is not beyond your powers.

62. People, in compensation for your great trials you have my word. You have been misjudged and despised by your relatives because of my work. How many of you have been devoted to the orgies and pleasures of the world, thus bringing their souls to degeneration, for whom every debauchery was a blow. But who finally led you astray from this path? ─ your master. ─ You have understood my love and thank Me for it, because you know that I am speaking to you as a reward for your renunciations.

63. You believed that there was no gaze that could know your past. But here I am, reading in the book of your life, so that you may not doubt my existence and my presence.

64. In this time I have put you in the place of my disciples, as I gathered my apostles around me in the Second Age

65. My word leads you on the path that My trace left behind. You have been walking for a long time, but still no cry of triumph comes from your lips. You are still in the midst of the struggle and will receive the reward only when you have reached the end of the journey of life. Some I see strong, others exhausted. I will give you rest periods so that you may reflect in them. For now is a precious time that no one should waste.

66. Do not disregard my instructions and do not be deaf to my voice. Hear this word and take the meaning from it. Clear your minds and purify your hearts that you may know its greatness. In him is that which gives life to your soul. This is the dew which I let descend on the dry fields, and it is the seed which you are to bring to mankind. If some of my children could not reap fruit after sowing, it is because the seed was not pure. Sow the good seed and wait for the good fruit.

67. Drive out from your heart the fear of men, which has always kept you from carrying out your mission Free your soul from every stain until it is naked, and then begin to clothe it with the light of your good works. Then you will feel inwardly worthy to spread my law. Explain my teaching and let men study it. In entering into my work they will not discover a beginning, nor will they see its end.

68. My teaching is so pure that you have nothing to apologize or be ashamed of with men. If you should be ashamed nevertheless, it will be because of what you have added to it or because your life is not in harmony with what you teach. Often you would like to get through unrecognized; but this will not be possible because I sent you out so that you would pass on this Good News by the example of your good works.

69. The world will become aware that a new time has unexpectedly dawned for it, and it will turn to those who can tell it about these things. But if you should sleep ─ how much pain would you wake up with!

70. Only "moments" remain for you to hear this word. Which ones will be with me when it ends? Which ones will keep my law pure, as I have given it to you?

71. Consider that from then on you are to set out in strong courage to fulfill your noble mission. You are not to fear death, for I tell you that death will not be sent to you. But you are to deal the deathblow to the temptation that you carry in your body, so that you do not fall. The good disciple must learn to overcome himself in order to teach others to overcome their weaknesses and passions.

72. Do you not recognize the simplicity in which I speak to you? Verily, I tell you, it is the same as that which revealed itself in the Second Age, in which I limited myself to be like man, and exalted him by my word and by my example, so that he would become like God.

73. Be my instruments, but never obstacles in my reaching the hearts Why do you doubt that you can be like Me? You have misunderstood the teachings. Since you are my children, you must have inherited something similar from your father, and your father is good.

74. You have come down from the spiritual to earth to seek the traces of the Divine Master through all the blows of fate. And now, when I make myself known through you, you leave everything you have behind to hear me. Do you mean that your renunciations and sacrifices are not rewarded by Me? Do not forget on any day the final goal of your destiny so that you may take a step forward every day.

75. Consider that you will give Me nothing. All that you obtain will be yours.

76. Why do I bend down and sometimes even descend into the deepest abyss to save you? ─ Because I love you.

77. In this teaching you have here a foundation, a short and safe way to return to your homeland. It is the teaching of spiritualization. When you understand it ─ how much light you will have in your thoughts, in your words and in your works! Do not only repeat with your lips that you are spiritualists. Once you really are, you will not need to blow your horn.

78. Reflect on these teachings which I am giving to your heart and soul at this time Tomorrow you will have to seek them there to teach them to your fellow men.

My peace be with you!

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