BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 206

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 206

1.  My mercy with you springs from my love and is continually radiating to all beings. My love blesses and forgives you always and helps you to rise on your path of development so that you feel close to Me and make yourselves worthy to recognize you as my children.

2. I have given you my law, that ye should walk in his ways. This is the way which I have marked out for you since the beginning of times; this is the foundation, the foundation on which you are to build up your works. This law will show you the principles necessary for you, because in it my wise commandments are contained.

3. This word with which I am teaching you today is the continuation of that teaching which I have given you from the first times, and which does not cease because it has neither beginning nor end. And as your soul develops, you will understand my wise lessons, my desire to perfect you, better and better.

4. I inspire you the highest way of spiritualization so that you may love Me in the most worthy way, and so that you may be receptive to my rallies and interpret them correctly.

5. When you have studied my word and know how to extract its meaning, you will feel strengthened, completely satisfied. Then you shall speak lovingly to all mankind, which knows nothing of my coming at this time, and a feeling of compassion will fill your whole being. You will turn to your fellow human beings to reveal to them what I have spoken to you, and you will give them all the wealth I have left you, as if it were a holy good in your hands.

6. Mankind needs light to be able to take a step forward. In all creatures, based on faith, there is hunger, desire for life, for recognition of the truth, and also for knowing where the journey is going. I will teach them through those who have prepared themselves and who, in their difficult mission, know how to lovingly correct all the mistakes they will discover in their ritual actions. You will begin this mission and try to take me as an example. Make no distinction between rich and poor in your effort to ease the pain. Do not impose your faith and do not force anyone to accept your knowledge. Do not divide yourselves because of my renewed coming and do not fight those who possess the past wills when they do not know or want to accept my last teachings.

7.  Bring light into darkness, bring peace to hearts and quench the impatience of those who have been expecting Me. Come to the aid of your fellow men, and I will watch over your families and your goods.

8. When you are active in this way, you will build in the soul of men the temple that will remain and in which the worship I have always expected from men, my beloved children, will be performed.

9. Take care that your works are sincere. Always speak the truth, be my disciples. In these words I speak to the people of the coming times, to all those who want to follow Me and take Me as their model.

10. Once the year 1950 has passed, do not ask for a particular place to pray or to study my word. For this, choose a home or a place outside or the place where you earn your bread. Take as an example my twelve disciples who knew how to find a temple wherever they went because they had it in themselves, in their soul, and the great and sublime in their deeds was based on their exaltation and their fellowship with Me.

11. As long as there is suffering on earth, as long as there is misery, Mary's intercession will not cease for a moment, and her Spirit will illuminate the life of all her creatures

12. You offer Me the dwelling of your heart from where you have called Me, and I rushed to the rendezvous immediately

13. In my way you have experienced the peace of mind that you have never found before on earth. In the desire for sweet things for your palate you have gone many ways until you found the honey of my word.

14. From your childhood, during your youth and into your old age you have tirelessly sought the right way, because you strayed from the path, and wafts of mist hindered your steps. But the light of my Spirit appeared before you, and this day was that of your resurrection, which is as important as the day of your birth.

15. Do not forget the day when you heard my word for the first time, for it was the moment when you returned to the life of light.

16. You came in need and searched my word, some humble and some proud, all attracted by the power of my presence. You had to come to me. There was so much that awaited you! But while some despised my caress, turned their backs on me and took an uncertain path, others stayed with me to enjoy my words and dedicate themselves to the service of my work.

17. I am in all my children, even in the heart of a murderer. From no one do I depart, and I am nearest to him who thinks himself most unworthy.

18. Those who have come are called to pray for those who have fallen. But be not their judges, for they too will attain the light.

19. Expect not the renewal of men out of themselves, without you having been an example to them. I do not want you to become parasites.

20. You are to stop the unrestrained course of men through the gift of the word which I have given you. I will entrust to you men like tender plants that need watering and care. For men will come to me from all ways, and even from prisons men will come to become my disciples. But if today you should not fulfill your task, your soul will have to come back to bring to life the "dead" whom you left abandoned on the way ─ you will have to come back to heal the sick whom you have not heeded, you will have to strive for the bread to offer it to the hungry whom you have not cared for. But why seek such a painful atonement when you can now fulfill it through your duty?

21. Human science is great, but the soul of the scientist has fallen asleep and allows men to die. Therefore, I have put healing balm into your hands so that you, having become doctors of men, may give an example of helpfulness and love.

22. Epidemics will break out in the world, and a great part of mankind will perish. There will be unknown and rare diseases, against which science will be powerless.

23. The whole world will be rid of weeds. My judgment will eliminate selfishness, hatred, the insatiable desire for power. Great natural phenomena will appear.

24. Nations will be devastated and whole regions will disappear. It will be an alarm call to your hearts.

25. The way is prepared. I am your guide, I am inseparable on your path of life.

26. Blessed people of Israel: be welcome in the presence of your Lord ─ that Lord, who is settling with you in this place, gentle and humble. But it is not the material place where I show myself. The dwelling is in your heart, invisible, it is that which you offer Me at the moment of your spiritual elevation.

27. I know that you lack my word. What would become of you without it, my people? I know that you need Me, and I come tirelessly to strengthen you. My Word advises you and lifts you up ─ this pure and light word, which you will not find in any book written by human hands.

28. The scientists who have heard Me do not confess before you that this Word is not comparable with any other. But in the innermost part of their heart they recognize this.

29. In this way I have made you feel the peace of soul, which you could not find before on earth. You have gone through many paths. You have tried many kinds of honey from blossom to blossom like the ignorant hummingbird, but none was sweeter for your palate. But this word, which became honey on your lips, has erased all the tastes that you had tried before.

30. Ye have ceaselessly sought the right way, and have found different paths. You have fought against darkness, but your fast run had become slow and tired.

31. But the light of my Divine Spirit shone for you, and that day, unforgettable for your spirit and soul, is recorded in the Book of Remembrance of the Hereafter, in which you will have to read with your spiritual eyes all that you have done on earth and all that you have heard from the Master. That day was for your soul a day of resurrection to a life of grace.

32. Some of you came here as successful, others as needy. For some as well as others, the time was fixed. You had to come to your Father, who awaited you lovingly, who welcomed you and resurrected you to a spiritual life.

33. You are filled with joy through my words and feel that the physical matter that envelops you prevents you from giving yourselves completely to my blessed work. But you submit ─ because you know that the disciples are not allowed to interfere with my high counsel, that the disciple should be devoted and obedient, that through this body of matter you will know both the way of light and the paths of lies and darkness.

You will enjoy the fruit of prosperity in the shade of the mighty tree and remove the apple of discord. You will refresh yourselves in the shade of the green palm tree and watch that its leaves are not destroyed by caterpillars, nor birds of prey build their nests on it.

34. I have left you in your ways, that you may know the taste of all kinds of honey, and in the end choose the one with the best taste for your palate. I have made you know the two extremes, so that, guided by the breath of my divine atom, you may be able to distinguish and always lean towards the good.

35. The Master has told you: Behind that door which you find closed and which you call "death" is life. The life is I. Death is that which gives you the temptation which blinds your eyes and does not let you live by my side. But you have a mighty weapon to free yourselves from temptation: it is prayer. It is the weapon that gives you the feeling of being strong, that brings you closer to my divinity and lets you go your way together with me on your soul development path.

36. I, the Father, have rejected no one from my bosom of love and forgiveness, not even those who let themselves be beguiled by temptation and fell into the abyss. I have condemned no one. Neither on earth, nor in the "spiritual valley," are there defenseless beings. Which of you could be cast out from my womb because he is a sinner and unworthy to receive my mercy? I live in the heart of the hardened sinner who could not receive the light of my Divine Spirit because he did not pay attention to the call that emanates from the voice of his conscience. Do you think that I have moved away from him because of his chain of evil deeds? No, for sure. I am the Father of all creatures, without rejecting any of my children. I am love, and as a loving father I neglect none, my people.

37. It is for you to pray for the erring man, to ask that the light of my Spirit may enlighten his soul, so that he may awaken, break the bonds of temptation and drive away the darkness that has blinded him.

38. But Israel slept. Israel expects people to obtain their renewal through their own merits. It has not taken the place that is his due, for his task is to be a role model for the others.

39. But to you, people, I say, With whom have I left my law? In the hands of hardened sinners? The law is in your hands. Who then is responsible that my commandments are not yet obeyed? ─ Israel! But beyond that, I tell you: Why have you turned your plant into a parasitic plant on earth? Why have you not set out to fulfill the commandments I have given you? Why do you allow the sinner to continue to follow his path in unbridled walk? Why do you not bring him nearer to me with that gift of the Word which I have entrusted to you, and speak to him in my name? Do you want darkness to continue to blind the eye of man? Do you not know that through your mediation darkness must be removed?

40. Rise up, people, says the Father to you. Go and raise up the fallen. New orders I have to give to mankind. Great and new commissions I will give to every nation, to every one of its rulers and to every one of its inhabitants.

41. Great phenomena will arise among you. The seasons will change. Winters will be hard, and you will not know when spring is coming. For men have set the time for it. But who could oppose my will? The rains will be held back and will not reach your fields. Therefore prepare yourself, people, for the time of chaos is approaching among you, and Israel must multiply its struggle.

42. Peace reigns among you. Preserve it! Do not drive this peace from your hearts. This nation was chosen by Me, and it is not My will that it be touched. But be prepared, for by your spiritual commission this nation and mankind shall receive light.

43. Here you have Me, Israel! You only hear my voice without being able to see me. But be content to hear the sound of the heavenly bell.

44. I follow the voice of your call into the corner of your night camp. None of your sufferings can remain unnoticed by me, and I will give you all that is for the good of body and soul.

45. I do not give you false riches, for you would destroy yourselves. But I want to save you to raise you to my right hand after this life.

46. Ask Me for riches for the soul, and I will give them to you. Do not adorn your body while you let the soul be naked.

47. My law, which was given to man in the first two times, has not yet been obeyed Therefore I am with you again to redeem you.

48. Since 1866, my word has been heard in this nation, where the crystal-clear waters pour out from their springs upon those who are spiritually thirsty Here I am setting myself to smooth the stony hearts of my beloved children.

49. Alas, if only all would come to hear Me! But some prefer ─ although they have heard me ─ to choose the bumpy paths full of rubble instead of walking on the path of light of the Lord. But this is your brother, the ungrateful, the disobedient, who instead of the bread of eternal life prefers to eat the bitter bread of the earth.

50. Blessed are you who remain with me, because you know that I am Christ, who awaits the "prodigal son.

51. Your Father has come to instruct you in his teaching ─ of that spiritual teaching which does not allow fanaticism, which instructs you to perfectly fulfill the divine law and the human laws.

52. I have not taught you to hurt or kill your body to obtain my forgiveness. The only repentance I accept from you is the one in which you are prepared for the harmful or

Bad ones renounce, though often with pain in your heart. Whenever you have done so, your heart has felt the peace of my Spirit.

53. I speak to you in this way because I do not want your soul to drag itself over the dust of the earth, although its real world is another.

54. Do you know what awaits you after this life? Where will your soul go? I tell you only: Watch and pray. Learn and act. You are wanderers in this world, but soon this wandering will end and you will be closer to me.

55. In the three ages I have chosen different forms of rallies to mankind: In the First Time through Moses, to guide your steps towards freedom and light. In the Second Time, by becoming man, when "the Word" became man and left a trace of salvation for the world. Today I have come on the "White Cloud", as a rainbow of peace, to tell you: come forward in desire for the Light of the Holy Spirit. I do not want you to wait for new times to come to you, for the coming ones will bring greater pain and more severe trials.

56. I now leave the Third Testament for you to study and obey. For the year 1950 is already approaching.

57.  If you do not make use of my teaching, you will weep bitterly when you hear the Master saying "goodbye" to you. Is that what you are waiting for? Are you waiting until plagues and hunger spread and grief and pain enter your homes?

58. I will leave you united and strong. Do not misunderstand one another, love one another, and peace will be world wide.

59. Which of you shall cross the seas tomorrow, cross the mountains, and enter into far-off lands? Who will have to leave their family, their children, to bring my word to the nations?

60. Watch and pray, because even before the year 1950 you have eaten alone the bread I have given you. You closed your hand to hide the leftovers of this food and hid the water without thinking of those who were thirsty. But things will change, and after these last three years, in which I will give you my word, you will set out as masters to teach the newcomers.

Purify yourselves from many of your imperfections so that you may be pure and be an example to churches and sects. Prepare yourselves because many of those who are currently hearing me will turn their backs on me. Others will set out and do their own will. Among you is he who will betray me, who will hand me over and sell me.

61. Study my word so that tomorrow you may not say that He was a man who spoke and not your God. But who is able to speak to you as I did? What human being has the ability to transform and renew a people as I did?

62. Soon you will no longer hear this voice, but you will remember that I was with you from 1866 to 1950, and while many have heard Me, some of them have driven My Word out of their heart You who have been with me will also be with the Father in eternity.

My peace be with you!

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