BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 205

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 205

1. Absorb the essence of my teaching word, let your soul become still, bring your mind and heart to rest

2. Approach Me in such a way that you feel yourselves immersed in the peace of your Master

3. As you have come here, so you will see your brothers and sisters coming from distant lands, because they all long for the light of this message.

4. To all of them I will give the first lessons that prepare them to understand later the teachings for the soul

5. Think about the Word, look closely at each sentence and always seek the meaning, the essence of my teaching. Understand that you, the people, must abide by my laws, and not let my law be adapted to your ideas and your liking.

6. If I allowed you to apply my teaching to your life according to your will and not according to mine ─ truly, I tell you, you would never get out of your spiritual stagnation and never allow your soul to develop, unfold and perfect it.

7. There you see the people who have become sluggish in their religions, who no longer take a step towards the light, because they have not submitted themselves to what the divine law commands, but have tried to subject the law to their will by filling it with myths and heresies.

8. It has been necessary for many people of this time to free themselves from every religion in order to seek Me with the Spirit and to be able to unfold all those qualities, gifts and abilities which they feel in the innermost part of their being.

9. These are the ones who were able to receive the messages that speak to them of eternal life.

10. To you I had to turn away from the various byways on which you walked, to bring you on this way, on which my revelations shine and my messages echo. For I want you to belong to those who view life from a greater height of spiritual elevation.

11. What is the body without soul? ─ An association of unsoul cells. The soul is the life of the body, but one as well as the other emerges from God.

12. Have you ever thought that ─ since everything comes out of God ─ He is in you? But why is He in you and what for? Perhaps to remain there without revealing Himself? Then He would not be God, because He appears, speaks, enlightens, makes Himself tangible and reveals Himself everywhere. So do not think, then, that God is in you to remain hidden, without giving you His message. Do not think that He can be in you without ideas. Know that God wants to fully reveal Himself through you.

13. Would you be able to answer Me if I asked you why God is in you? Why He, though He is everything, is in what you call soul, in that part of your being? Why does He want you to be a willing instrument of His revelation? You cannot yet answer me, disciples, because no one has instructed you to inner contemplation. Therefore you do not know in what way you reveal the Father, and why you express Him through your works. But if you devote yourselves with love to the study and practice of my teaching, do not doubt that you will soon be able to answer these and other, still deeper questions. And once you have attained the light of this knowledge, you will truly know why and for what purpose the Father dwells in each of His children.

14. Some say that God does not exist, and others, while confessing that they believe in his existence, are not interested in it. But in ignorance of the fact that they carry Him within them, some, like others, do not know that they cannot live without Him.

15. Once you all have knowledge of this truth and sincerely believe that you are spiritual children of that divine essence, you will often wonder to what extent you have allowed God, present in your soul, to be revealed through you.

16. Times will pass, you will go a long way, and one day you will pause to contemplate in wonder the works which the Lord has done through your mediation. Then you will remember Jesus, the Master, who did the will of his Father.

17. When will you understand that God, who gave you life, will use it to manifest Himself? Consider how sometimes one of these messages here is enough to make you see and recognize much further than where you have gone. And this understanding will enable you to perform miracles. For you will recognize yourselves, and therefore you will know how to apply your spiritual heritage.

18. O beloved disciples, you must learn to give love, to do good and to give with the soul. I tell you that he who reveals to the world the power of his soul and draws from that source of knowledge to offer it to others will do the Father's will.

19. You must know all the abilities and powers that you have within you so that the essence of your being may begin to be revealed. You will then experience how easy it is to solve the problems of life, how calm and gentle the struggle for Ascension is.

20. Misery, pain and sickness will disappear by the power of the Spirit, who will drive them away through prayer

21. Make yourselves ready to receive Me, often have moments of spiritual preparation in which you are ready to have dialogue with your Lord

22. If you would believe that you really carry God in your being ─ then diseases could attack you or

Bring temptations to fall? How could the weak power of the body control you?

23. I make you free and strong, that you may conquer the world and the flesh. For I lead you and bring you closer to the perfect dialogue with the Father.

24. Do not think that you already have perfect dialogue with the one you have by means of these minds. Nor is it simple intuition that sometimes enlightens your minds. The highest dialogue, the most penetrating dialogue that you achieve, will never happen through your body.

25. The body, disciples, is only a shell. But within it there is a "smelling bottle" whose perfume or essence is the soul. Do you not think that it is wrong that that perfume should be closed, even though its fragrance could make a whole apartment fragrant? The "apartment" could be your home today, tomorrow it will be the world, later the endless space.

26. People: Open your inner temple, so that you may receive in it the essence that this word contains. If you remain in the outside, if you do not make an effort to enter your sanctuary, you will not want to hear Me later and will stay away and continue to carry on your shoulders the burden you carried when you came ─ a burden of toils, of sickness, of disappointments.

27. Learn from those who are already preparing to hear Me, especially by entering the inner temple that exists in the soul They strengthen themselves and heal with my message of love.

28. You lack faith to lift up your face and smile hopefully and look the future without fear, without distrust in the face, because in the future I am.

29. How often are you sick just because you think this; for at every turn you think that fate is pursuing you and pain is lurking. Then you attract dark forces through your thinking, with which you overshadow your material life and your spiritual path of ascent.

But I am here with you to ignite anew the faith in life, in truth, in the eternal, in perfect peace, and also to teach you to attract the light.

30. Disciples, the divine plan has been, is still and will be to make you perfect. But if God granted you the idea of perfection for your education ─, why then obscure the light of this truth which the Father placed in your being, as in all that He designed? Know that man is like the universe, and the universe like man. The universe is the great home of the children of the Lord. But in it there are many habitats through which you must pass for your perfection, and man's soul is the sanctuary in which your Lord shall dwell.

31. When you understand my word, you will soon say, "Father, open already today the gates of my inner temple, that your essence, which is life and health, wisdom and power, may enter into me.

32. I tell you: If you speak to me in this way, it will happen because the soul has accepted its task. Then you will see Me revealed through you, also through your body, that insignificant thing, which nevertheless in its design has size.

33. Today you inhabit this world, tomorrow you will inhabit another beyond the earth, and of each world you will use what is necessary for your perfection.

34. Everywhere you will meet your brothers and sisters, for the universe is full of creatures, and all are children of God

35. Suns, stars, worlds, nature kingdoms, beings of every kind, atoms, forces, everything, from the highest angel to the unknown creeper, they are all children of the Absolute Being, everything comes from Him. You know that there is no wealth that has no owner, and the owner of this universal wealth is God.

36. Now I ask you, disciples, is it possible that you are sick? Is it possible that you are afflicted, even though this teaching is there to make you free and happy?

37. For the revelation I have brought you, spiritual enlightenment is necessary, which only I, the Master of the soul, give you

38. If you have always felt yourselves more as a body than as a soul, I am teaching you now to be and feel more soul than body This is salvation, salvation and peace.

39. Sometimes you wonder why you suffer more in this time than the people of past times, and why you had to come to fulfill a spiritual mission that you did not have before But I tell you: This mission to walk spiritually on the paths of good and light to reach the summit of the divine mountain has always been in your soul. And on the other hand, old debts have accumulated in the present existence ─ unfinished works and unfinished missions.

40. Whoever is unable to grasp the meaning of a new life will rebel against my righteousness and take his duty of atonement as punishment. On the other hand, he who recognizes in a new existence the opportunity to pay debts and wash away stains will bless the name of the Lord.

41. Ye are still little children, and as little children ye shall be upright. Do not be ashamed to ask Me for trifles in your prayers. The essential is that you pray that I inspire and educate you.

42. Pray, use my expressions, strengthen and heal by the faith and power they spread.

43. Tomorrow, when your prayer is no longer destined to heal your sicknesses, but to refresh you in dialogue with the Father, your soul will wander through regions unknown to the mind. To some you will bring your light, from others you will bring messages, from still others you will receive encouragement and happiness for the soul.

44. God who is in you will make known His messages through your mouth, if your soul and your body know how to transmit them.

45. "How is it possible that God speaks through man", you may wonder. But I tell you: in his time "the Word" became man to pronounce the Word of God. "The Word", which is the expression of wisdom, took flesh, and his body was the man Jesus.

46. Why should you, who are the disciples of him in whom "the Word" spoke, not reveal it by means of the soul and even the flesh?

47. Today you are still disciples and are not always able to understand my lesson. But for now speak to God with your heart, with your thoughts, and He will answer you in the depths of your being. His message, which will speak in your soul, will be a clear, wise, loving voice, which you will discover little by little, and to which you will later become accustomed.

48. It is necessary in the beginning to reflect on the messages you receive in response to your prayer, so that you may truly recognize those which you receive from your Father and never confuse them with those voices, ideas, thoughts, and even revelations of your erring soul Only in silence and meditation will you be able to recognize the way in which each message comes to you.

49. What man could say into which spiritual regions his soul penetrates, and to what height of light it is able to soar? ─ No one. Therefore, he who does not know the ways of prayer, of communion with God, of spiritual contemplation, is often mistaken. For instead of going toward the light, he penetrates into dark spheres, from which he receives bad inspirations and false messages.

50. Make an effort, try to gain the knowledge that leads to the eternal light of the Spirit ─ to where your origin and your goal is.

51. Streams of health spread my word. If you prepare yourselves to receive, you will become healthy. If you are thus able to obtain health, you will prove that you have been healed by the Spirit.

52. Pray, pray, turn to Me. I will also grant you some progress. But strive to earn merits.

53. Let your life become more and more harmonious by forming one family with all your brothers and sisters ─ present and absent, visible and invisible ─

54. Then you will enjoy a never before experienced inner peace, which comes from obeying the divine command to love one another.

Beloved "workers": I see you diligently tilling the fields, preparing the earth, and planting the seed in them, which will bring you its fruits tomorrow and thus will reward your toil. Choose the seed and dig up the earth, for you are now beginning a year, which is the first of the last three years in which I will make myself known among you in this way. The time that remains is short, and you will have to hurry in your preparation. For I do not want to leave you behind as weak little children but as advanced disciples, who are already close to becoming masters.

56. After my parting, you will be responsible for the interpretation, which you give to my teaching through your words and your works. People will judge my teaching by your deeds and your life.

57. My inspiration will not fail you. Through it you will know the moment when you must speak and also what you must say. With clear, exact and simple words you are to make known the existence of the hereafter, which I have revealed to you, and thus lay out a spiritual path for your fellow men with true love, and you are always to confirm your words with deeds and examples.

58. Gradually you learn to feel foreign sufferings as your own. The reason for this is that when your soul saturates itself with my teaching, it rises, overcoming distances and penetrating into the mysteries of the beyond, where it discovers that the origin of all beings is one: the Father, in whom you are all brothers and sisters.

59. But it is not only your soul that has received impulses for its progress in my work. Also your mental faculties have unfolded when you have felt the spiritual inspiration in you grow stronger and stronger, and you have found that the understanding of all that you did not clearly recognize before is increasing, and the mysteries are unraveling.

60. If you do not succeed in penetrating completely into the world of Spirit to comprehend and feel all that it contains, it is because you are still exposed to the pressure of matter and the influence of the world.

I have revealed many things to you, but truly, I tell you, man will never already understand on this earth what the world is like which awaits him, in what way the soul lives there, what bliss it experiences in the face of divinity, and how he who is full of imperfections receives his purification.

61. If the human mind were to comprehend the bliss of the pure soul in the hereafter, that bliss would have limits, such as man has. This is why I tell you that from here you are not able to comprehend this, but you can guess it.

62. Neither can you imagine the intensity of the pain that a soul experiences when its conscience brings it before my divinity. Therefore I tell you all the time: Prepare and lift up your soul, for you will be revealed the teachings it must know. Realize that there must be a real agreement between the soul and the mind so that you can get a sense of that truth already here.

I have allowed your intelligence to increase and seek in infinity the light it needs. I have granted you freedom of will so that you may choose your own way. But I have put my commandments above your will. In that law you will be able to recognize the right way; in it you will find the knowledge to purify your works. If you do not wish to follow this way, you are free to turn away from it. But you will no longer be able to deceive yourselves; your conscience will constantly speak to you.

Also then, when you ─ already reach ─ before me without earthly body ─, that inner judge of conscience will judge you and tell you which purification path you have to follow. That light of justice is part of God Himself, who is in you and who teaches you to love the good and to reject the evil.

64. In these years of preparation you are to devote yourselves to the study of my teaching. For there are many hearts that need your word. There is weariness of so much vice; there is hunger to live spiritually.

65. The disciples of this work will produce the spiritual food, will correct the misconceptions that mankind has hitherto cherished, will pass on the Good News of this time in which you live, will announce the advancement of worldviews and the life that this time will bring, will be at men's service without distinction of class, sect, religion, or race, will meet every spiritual or physical need. These disciples will be like a lighthouse that illuminates the boat of the shipwrecked man, will be the star that rescues the one who is lost in the night.

66. They will not build churches of stone, nor will they build altars to make their works known. They will build a great spiritual dome, whose stones will be the hearts of men united by the power of love.

67.  Listen carefully to my teachings of these last three years. For the disciples who learn these teachings will be the teachers after 1950. In that time, when you are to unite and really rise to Me according to My will, I will enlighten you with the light of My inspiration to accomplish great and fundamental works. But prepare yourselves for this, for when the time appointed by Me has come, I will no longer use the voice bearer.

68. My light will shine in each one of my children who is preparing for the time of direct dialogue with the Master.

But it will not be in those who sell my work and become grocers. Prepare yourselves so that when my word ends in 1950, you will have understood the way to go forward. For ─ listen carefully: all those who have not prepared themselves sufficiently will be confused.

69. Understand, beloved people, the way in which you have understood my word according to my will among men. ─ So that you do not fail, you shall not undertake to change from one moment to another the habits that mankind has had for centuries. Give her my teaching, and she will understand the aberrations in which she has lived. The persuasiveness of my teaching will illuminate her comprehension, and the truth will be known. Then that which once appeared false in her eyes will shine in infinite light.

70. My children, I have been with you and have touched your heart so that in it you prepare a place for Me where I can dwell forever.

My peace be with you!

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