Subsidiaris and a surrogate mother

A. M. Hosta


When I awoke today I heard these words:

"Magdeburg (Subsidiaris - see below).


(Impeachment by 2/3 majority in the US Senate of Pres. Trump for inciting a riot).

They prepare themselves …. now

Your book Prissiil... (sounds like it's being made fun of).

Intersurrogate extract"

I get terribly afraid that they will download my book and abuse it for NWO (New World Religion) and want to stop everything immediately.

I ask Father's forgiveness and ask: What should I do now? And hear:




Shouldn't I rather close the homepage. I'm getting out now. There I turn in the grave, if they take that from me to deceive and enslave the people.

I investigate - what does the word mean: INTERSURROGATEXTRAKT ? and find the following under  

Surrogate: using neural networks, surrogate time series are determined and measures of statistical dependencies of the samples of the time series and the samples of the surrogate time series are determined.

Note: This is what Google Analytics does with website data


Surrogate (e.g., for morphine - health).

Surrogate (documentation, communication)

Substitute (climate and environment - e.g., feed biomethane into natural gas grid as a natural gas substitute)

Substitute (disability - beneficiaries: substitute for unemployment, i.e., those unable to work reduce the number of people in the labor force and thus substitute for the number of unemployed)

Surrogate mother

Source: [English]  

Surrogacy is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, in which a woman (the surrogate) agrees to carry a child to term for another person or persons who will become the child's parents after birth.

People may seek surrogacy when pregnancy is medically impossible, when the pregnancy risks are too dangerous for the intended mother, or when a single man or male couple wants to have a child. Surrogacy is considered one of many assisted reproductive technologies.

Financial compensation may be involved in surrogacy, but it does not have to be. When money is received for the arrangement, it is called commercial surrogacy. The legality and cost of surrogacy vary widely between jurisdictions, sometimes resulting in problematic international or interstate surrogacy arrangements. Couples seeking surrogacy in a country where it is prohibited sometimes travel to a country where it is permitted. In some countries, surrogacy is legal only if no money is exchanged. (See surrogacy laws by country and fertility tourism).

Where commercial surrogacy is legal, couples can enlist the help of third-party agencies to assist in the surrogacy process by finding a surrogate and entering into a surrogacy contract with her. These agencies often review the surrogate's psychological and other medical tests to ensure the best chance of a healthy pregnancy and birth. They also usually facilitate all legal matters involving the intended parents and the surrogate mother.

As a further use of the blastocyst, its transfer into a surrogate animal may be envisaged

In this regard, light extinction has been found to be a better proxy for carbon content than cell count

The State of tax residence of the REPRESENTING MOTHER has not informed the Member State of a SYSTEMIC FAILURE

Furthermore, I also heard the following words a few days ago


Download (my books, Book of True Life, The Third Testament)


About the word Subsidiaris I found the following:

The SUBSIDIARIS support and aid organization supports the process of building up the church and society in Magdeburg. It is especially connected to the Premonstratensian Order, founded by Norbert of Xanten, Archbishop of Magdeburg in the XIIth century. Century connected.


Subsidiarity (from Latin subsidium 'help', 'reserve') is a maxim that strives for the greatest possible self-determination and responsibility of the individual, family or community, as far as this is possible and reasonable. The principle of subsidiarity consequently states that (higher) state institutions should only (but always) intervene in a regulatory way if the possibilities of the individual, a smaller group or lower hierarchical level alone are not sufficient to solve a certain task.[1] In other words, this means that the level of regulatory competence should always be located "as low as possible and as high as necessary".

The subsidiarity principle is an important concept for federal states such as Germany, Austria, the United States, or Switzerland, as well as for federal associations of states such as the European Union. It is also central to the regulatory concept of the social market economy.

Video:  Subsidiarity principle - basic concepts of economics  (in german)   

In the EU, the so-called subsidiarity principle is understood to mean looking for solutions regionally yourself and only turning to the higher level (EU) if you cannot find a solution at the regional level.


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