Snake on the run


A. M. Hosta 

6/4/2020 - Quote from Lucida 2:

Woke up around 0:20 and feel His racing heartbeat inside me. He says as if out of breath:

"Trump suspends second term and calls for flash bankruptcy. Because of protesters. Hitler. Himmler. Dictatorship."

I see a vine in the Spirit...then:

"Your renunciation will determine your behavior."

(Good deeds, bad deeds... a spiritualist does not go to demos to rebel against God, otherwise he joins the fallen ones).

I see a black, fat snake with a lambent forked tongue. It has hidden itself in the earth so as not to be seen by the Lord's children and to tempt them.

I see a slight shaking of the planet.

1/24/2021 - Annotation:

Trump was the last president of the Corporation. He called for a storm on the Capitol against Biden.

The slight shaking of the planet means fight: it is the arrest of the fat black snake that is in full swing.

"Ten thousand they have already. The virus ... the implant.... They know where they're hiding."

They dug the pit for themselves.

I see a skyscraper, shrouded in gray clouds, where lightning is going in, "Bioweapons!"

Like in Celestine ... A video ... in Mexico there is a fierce struggle between light and dark forces. Laser weapons techniques are used. The dark ones end up blowing themselves up because they could no longer see the light forces. These were spiritualized and therefore no longer visible to the dark ones.

"The Celestine Prophecy", by James Redfield - audio book - complete -

"With you as hostage!"

I 'saw' the shaking in me again tonight. Images of children, of reptiles, of bankers like rubber dolls in fine black suits fleeing in panic were crowding into me ....

6/5/2020 - Quote from Lucida 2

' Oh America.... You did not understand the Corona warning of your Lord. Thou wakest not - thou wakest not - thou wilt not be awakened.

Europe .... The world .... Also. France, Italy, England ... you are following America's lead. Turn now to your Lord and God and repent.... Repent of your evil works and be saved.


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