UN - LOCK Closed doors !!!

 O Savior, tear open the heavens
Revival song to Isaiah 64:1

Oh that you would rend the heavens and bring them down, that the mountains would melt before you like hot water boiling with fierce fire, that your name would be known among your enemies and the nations would tremble before you,
Isaiah 64:1 (Luther 1912)

    1 O Savior, tear open the heavens,
come down, come down from heaven,
tear down from heaven gate and door,
tear off, where lock and bolt for.

2. O God, a dew from heaven pour,
in the dew down, O Savior, flow!
You clouds, break and rain
the king over Jacob's house!

3. O earth, strike out, strike out, O earth,
that mountain and valley all become green!
O earth, bring forth this little flower,
O Savior, spring from the earth!

4. Where are you, comfort of the whole world,
On which it places all its hope?
O come, oh come from the highest hall,
Come, comfort us here in the vale of tears!

5. O clear sun, you beautiful star,
we would like to look at you;
O sun, arise, without your light
in darkness we all are.

6. Here we suffer the greatest misery,
Eternal death stands before our eyes;
oh come, lead us with a strong hand
From misery to the fatherland!

7. Then let us all give thanks to you,
our Savior, for and for;
Let us all praise thee
at all times and forever.

(Revival song, author: Friedrich Spee (1591-1635))


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