Trinity - Jesus teaches his disciples

The gospel of perfect life
Chapter 66 - Jesus teaches his disciples
And again Jesus taught them, saying, "God has awakened witnesses to the truth in all peoples and of all ages, that all should hear the will of the Eternal, and fulfill it as ruler and collaborator of the Eternal.
2. God is power, love, and wisdom, and these three are one. God is truth, goodness, and beauty, and these three are one.
3. God is justice, knowledge and purity, and these three are one. God is glory, compassion and holiness, and these three are one.
4. And these four Trinity are one in the hidden deity, the perfect, the eternal, the only.

5. Similarly, in every man who has become perfect, there are three persons, the son, the husband, and the father, and these three are one.
6. Similarly, in every woman who has become perfect, these three persons, the daughter, the bride, and the mother, as well as God, are one.
7. So it is also with God the Father-Mother, in whom not man or woman and in which both are and each are threefold, and all are one in the hidden unity.
8. Do not wonder about it, because as above, so it is below, and as below, above, and that which is on earth, is because it is so in heaven. 

9. And I say to you again: I and my bride are one, as is Mary Magdalene, whom I have chosen and sanctified myself as a model, whom I have chosen and sanctified myself as a model, one with me. I and my church are one. And the church is the elite of humanity for the salvation of all.10. The church of the Firstborn is the Mary of God. That's what the eternal says. She is my mother, and she has received me from the beginning and has borne me as her son in every age and heavenly line. She is my bride, forever one in holy communion with me, her husband. She is my daughter, for she has sprung from eternity and emerged from me, her father, and rejoices in me.11. And these two Trinity are one in the eternal, and are testified in every man and woman, who have become perfect and are everlastingly born of God, and rejoice in the light, and are ever abolished and made one with God, and who ever receive God and bring about the redemption of the many.12. That is the mystery of the Trinity in man, over which the mystery of God must be fulfilled in every human child, to see the light, to endure suffering for the truth, to ascend into heaven and to send out the spirit of truth. This is the path of salvation; for the kingdom of God is within you. " 
 13. Then one of them said to him, "Lord, when will the kingdom of God come?" And he answered and said, "If that which is outside will be like that which is within, and that which is within, how that which is outside, and the male and the female neither male nor female, but both one. The ears are to hear, to hear. "

Source: Humata Verlag Bad Homburg, Baseler Strasse 2
ISBN 3-7197-0384-3
Seventh Edition, new edition
Publishing code 9-406-75-3
1988 + 1993 Humata publishing house Harold S. Blume
Translated from the Aramaic Urtext into English and edited by G.J.R. Ouseley
German translation by W. Zimmermann
(Retention place in the monasteries of Tibet over the centuries and there inaccessible to our time)

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