Get flesh out

Words from Jesus spoken to Byron Searle
Romans 8:5-8
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minds is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

My son, this word is for those who are in the lukewarm Church - GET THE FLESH OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! So many come into My house to find peace and feel love, yet they are carnal and only do so to please the flesh! I know you live in a fleshly body, yet My Spirit lives in you also, and the two are constantly at war. Your flesh wants to sin and strives to do it. Even those of you who say I have the flesh bound under the authority of God - YOU LIE! 

As long as you live on this earth, your flesh will battle with you. Sometimes you win the battle with the weapons of the Spirit which are prayer and study of My Word. Sometimes you lose the battle, and the resulting feelings of failure and doubt settle in. If you lose a battle, no matter what it is in the flesh, REPENT, ASK FORGIVENESS, AND TURN AWAY FROM THAT! I will hear and I will forgive!  My son, tell My people if they falter, DO NOT QUIT SEEKING ME!!! 

I have seen every possible sin that can be committed, and ALL SIN COMES DOWN TO THE ROOT OF PRIDE AND LUST!!!  My children, the times are now here that the devil and his hordes will come to battle against you. They will bring thoughts into your mind that will please the flesh, that will please the carnal man. RESIST THESE TEMPTATIONS, TAKE AUTHORITY IN MY NAME, AND THEY WILL FLEE!!! THEIR MISSION FROM SATAN IS TO GET YOU TO FAIL AND STAY IN DOUBT! GET OUT OF THE FLESH AND WALK IN THE SPIRIT!!!

My church, which is lukewarm, walks In the flesh with a thin veil of spirit covering them! They want the things of God, but deny the power thereof! Many are very prideful, and so many are lost!! THIS IS WHY I MUST SHAKE MY CHURCH AWAKE AND TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY THAT DRAWS THEM AWAY FROM ME!!!

My son, tell those who are awake, My Remnant, to get ready to minister to a lukewarm Church whose people will not understand why the judgments are come upon them! Tell them to repent of pride and lust, and I will heal them and set them free! I love, love, love this world and all the people! I AM COMING SOON - SO GET THE FLESH OUT!!!! 
Messiah Jesus

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