The last anointing by Mary Magdalene

Gospel of perfect life 
Chapter 65 - The Last Anointing by Mary Magdalene 
1. And on the evening of the Sabbath before Passover, when Jesus was in Bethany, he went to the house of Simon, the leper, where they served him a supper. And Martha served, while Lazarus was one of those who sat with him at table. 
2. And Mary came, called Magdalene, having an alabaster casket containing an extremely precious and precious anointing oil, and she opened the casket and poured the anointing oil of Jesus on the head and anointed his feet and dried them with the hair of her head. 
3. Then one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, said, "Who serves this waste? This anointing oil might have been sold dear and the coins given to the poor. "But he said this not out of concern for the poor, but because he was filled with jealousy and greed, and he carried the sack and what was given in it. And they grumbled about Magdalena.   
4. Jesus said, "Leave them alone! What do you care about her? She did a good job on me. You always have arms with you, but you did not always have me. She had my body salted for my funeral. 
5. Truly, I say to you, where this gospel is preached in the whole world, it will also be said in the memory that it has done now. " 
6. And Satan entered the heart of Judas Iscariot, and went his way, and to the chief priests, and counseled them as to how to betray him. And they became happy and agreed with him thirty pieces of silver, the price of a slave, and he promised it to them and sought how he betrayed him. 
7. And at that time Jesus said to his disciples, "Pray to all in the world, saying, Seek to receive the secrets of the light and enter the kingdom of light, for the proper time is here, and the day has come of salvation.
8. Do not shift it from one day to another, from one circulation to another, from one eon to another, believing that when you return to this world, you will gain the secrets and enter the kingdom of light.   
9. For you do not know when the number of perfect ones will be fulfilled; for then the gates of the kingdom of light will be closed, and from then on no one will be able to enter or emerge from it. 
10. Make an effort to enter as long as the call sounds before the number of completed ones is sealed and complete and the gate is closed.

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