The "I" of the B.R.I.C.S. reports in

Narenda Modi - Indian Prime Minister 

During the night I was very restless and could not fall asleep. In order not to disturb my husband, I went to the couch. Around 3 o'clock I had a dream: 
I was in a meeting. There were gentlemen in black suits and it was very dark in the room. It was night. Three men got up at the same time and came toward me. They said to me, "Come with me!" It sounded very harsh. It was an order and I stretched myself and said, NO !!!! 
They were visibly taken aback by this and stopped. I tried to get away from them, because their intention was clear. I managed to duck into the crowd and escape through side alcoves. I fled outside, where it was also night. I called on the Blessed Virgin and took refuge in a nearby cathedral. 

Thereupon I tiredly fell asleep again and woke up around 6:30. 
I see the face of the Prime Minister of India clearly. I do not know him, only from pictures. He is in black and his expression is quite frosty and he looks at me inquiringly. I withstand his gaze, don't walk away. He thinks: USA and I see his thoughts, see the swaying of the skyscrapers and he thinks of dropping atomic bombs. I bless him and call on the name of Jesus Christ. He dives off, but comes right back. I look kindly at him and my spirit within me makes me say "..and thank you.". This makes the icy looking face of the Premier soften a little. 

Around 8 o'clock 
I see many Indian children gathered around me and holding out their hands to me. They are all hungry. I blessed them and prayed for them for daily bread. 

I perceive the Prime Minister again, he is thinking, "This is not a ruler ... she is really (he is at a loss for words) ... soft."
Germany is itself victim of USA, since WW2, oppressed and used. 
PM Modi understands that.

TTT 16 - The divine law 
46. The law of love, goodness and justice has been the spiritual inheritance that I have brought to him throughout the ages. From lesson to lesson, I have led mankind to understand that the law can be summarized in one commandment: that of love. Love the Father, who is the author of life, love your fellow man, who is part of the Father, love everything that the Lord has created and ordered.
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