Cottage party

A.M. Hosta  

TTT 42 : 56 This is a material comparison, so that you may understand the relation that exists between each man and the others. The good have to suffer from the bad, but the good are not completely innocent if they do not work for the spiritual progress of their brothers and sisters. However, as an individual, everyone has his own responsibility, and being part of my spirit and similar to Him, he has will and intelligence to contribute to the progress of all. (T. 358, 18 - 19)

Contribute to brother K's progress? But how? And to Father's as well. Pray for the whole family. And for Rainer's, too. 
Only brother W. has come back. He is the only one of the whole family who has realized that friendship is possible. I am very grateful to him for that. He is the only one who healed the family picture with me. 


TTT 52 : 27 Verily I say to you, my kingdom will not be established among men as long as the tree of evil still has life. This power must be destroyed; for this it is necessary to possess the sword of love and justice - the only one that sin cannot resist. Understand that not judgments or punishments, but love, forgiveness and mercy, the essence of my teaching, will be the light that illuminates your paths and the instruction that brings salvation to humanity. (108, 10 - 14)

I sent brother K. today anonymously the PDF files of the TTT and BTL by email. 
Then in the night I saw in a vision how he raised both fists against me and waved them in the air, while he went on an oral rampage. 
Keep calm. Confidence. 
"Don't be surprised at what happens now...Snow White."


TTT 46 : 28 I have placed greatness in man, but not the greatness he aspires to on earth. The greatness of which I speak is sacrifice, love, humility, mercy. Man constantly flees these virtues, thereby turning away from his true greatness and the dignity which the Father has bestowed upon him as His child.
65 Therefore I say to you: While nature advances step by step, without stopping in its law of ceaseless development toward refinement, toward perfection, man has fallen behind, has not progressed; and hence his strokes of fate on earth, hence the trials, obstacles, and blows he encounters on his life's journey. (277, 42)

Rainer had to go to the home's management because he said 'shit store'. With a 135 hr. deputation, they put him down for 168 hrs. in September, despite 14 days of vacation. 
That night I got a mental visit from the home's management. I saw her exclaim, "Now he's still not vaccinated." I said to her, 'Digitization.... Satanist...' and saw her cringe at the word Sa.... Curled and contorted and moaned. A mental wrestling match took place between her and me and she had to back down. 
I then fell asleep again and when I woke up again the Lord spoke to me: 
"Many more years... then you can see what else is coming. The mountain has brought it." 
(Digitization - Rainer the mountain) 
Rainer has been tested very frequently and they say that in the test there is also the gel, as in the mRNA injection. It is graphene oxide and the gel that transmit it in the body and are responsible for building the nanostructures in the body that are responsible for sending and receiving frequencies (Blood clots).
Blood must contain phosphorus and nitrogen, then the blood is organic (natural). If phosphorus and nitrogen are missing, as in mRNA serum, then it is not organic, but synthetic (artificial). 
Graphene oxide is the transporter of mRNA in the body. It combines with heavy metals (from chemtrails, food, vaccines, drugs) in the blood and builds structures (forms) that are synthetic (artificial) and not organic. The end result is that the blood becomes synthetic.  

Now I started to call the name of Jesus Christ pleadingly, one after another. I was pleading to Jesus Christ for help all the time. Finally, I heard Him say: 
"You May come!" 
In the morning he said: 
"We are at war. The umbrella organization is canceling the contracts." 
I didn't understand. Googled umbrella organization. It is the Federal Association of Care for the Elderly. I found three revealing press releases from the bpa. 
1.) Social welfare agencies (health insurance companies) owe nursing facilities millions. 
2) Nursing care is collapsing in Lower Saxony (due to a lack of nursing staff).
3) The number of trainees in nursing is a drama (nobody wants to do it anymore and they are mostly foreigners who often don't even know the German language). 

Shortly before 8 o'clock I woke up to a dream: 
I was given the choice (2017 by Jesus) to leave everything behind and go.... 
1.) To South Africa to Zululand ... later I heard that they had killed me there. 
2.) To Switzerland .... 
End of the dream: 
Rainer stands there helplessly and lets me go and I lament, then I am all alone and penniless, if I go, where should I go and what use should I be to you, Lord, if I am homeless and penniless and alone. 
But God turned my lot twice, after I had already solved the ticket to Africa for 1000 Euros and after I had already packed my bags to go to Switzerland, alone....  Each time He sent me a rhema expressing it as wrong to go .... 
They were trials of the caliber of Abraham and Isaac. God withheld the hand of Abraham when He saw that Abraham would obey....

8/19/2023 about 7 o'clock 

I am traveling with a man and we are talking to each other. We are in a relationship. Another woman appears. She has a soft complexion and velvety skin, while I myself seem a little more robust. The man is fascinated by the other and idolizes her, wanting to be around her all the time. I also find her nice and give her this and that as a gift until she doesn't want it anymore and she turns away from me. She wants to be alone with him and I should leave. In a meeting, the other woman next to him is lifted up and everyone says, "Hurray for love." 
I missed a night shift because I was not feeling well and now I want to call and say that I will come back today for the night shift. However, I don't have access to my apartment. I am driving down a street in my car and a man is sitting next to me as a passenger. The passenger instructs me to turn left. The turn signal doesn't work, I can't find the turn signal. Then, where I am supposed to turn left to get to my apartment, there is a car in the way blocking the driveway. I can't drive to my apartment and stand awkwardly in the car on the street. Another man is supposed to help me move and give me instructions, take me home, but he, although willing, can't take care of me because he has to go to the night shift himself.

When I woke up, I heard these words: 
"Mary... " it sounds pathetic and guilty.
"I cheated on you with the other one .... " (he wanted to say). 
"Still sleep..." 
"I have to finish this first." 
"Blinded."  (satisfaction in his voice) 
Ezekiel, Clare's husband, is blinded... so he can't look at your Clare anymore??? 
And what are you going to do with Rainer .... Tested many times ... blood brain barrier broken ... and I am also affected by the shedding ... you have taken us away from each other .... You don't give me a place and you left me ... but you are the father .... 
Yes. Also. Who is WIND, anyway? 
Tracks in the sand... is the name of my group ... return to the hereafter ..but where to ?? Where shall I go in the hereafter ?? Without a home ... you even want to digitize me. 
I WANT TO LIVE !!!  The password is "LIFE" or "LIVING". 
"You are a whore!" 
ME??? And YOU?? 
Sh... situation is that.... You want to get rid of all of us. If this love was so great, you wouldn't do this. Then you wouldn't need to be guilty and torture us, then you would love and not torture and let live and not digitize. 
You took them all, one by one, the fish ... they are all dead. What's wrong with the water? Why is there still nitrate? 
When I do water changes again today in the aquarium: 
"Clean water, YES!" 
I've always done that. Was never a problem? I do not understand. 
I'm supposed to wait, hold still, until you've shaken off Ezekiel, too. You're sneaky. So is she, and also  dangerous. You can't build love on that. It's ruin. (Like Absalom) 

TTT 39 : 54 But not all belong to this nationality, not all are incarnated. All over the world are still scattered the spiritual beings who belong to the number of the elect. They have been marked, I have opened their eyes, I have made their heart sensitive, and from spirit to spirit they speak with Me. (341, 25)
55 Among mankind lives a part of the 144000 marked by Me. These servants of mine are scattered in the world and fulfill their task of praying for peace and working for the brotherhood of men. They do not know each other; but they fulfill their destiny - to illuminate the path of their fellow men - some intuitively, others enlightened by this revelation.

As long as you hear my prayers and help me, you can do whatever you want with her. It's none of my business. 
A video you want me to watch. I firmly resolve never to watch another video of Clare, never to interfere with you again, and never to bother with coming back to myself and finding my way on my own. I don't want to watch a video. 
Just watch it yourself. 

In the afternoon, when I had calmed down again, I decided to just skim the text of a video from Still small Voice that had been released only 16 hours ago. 
In the video it was about that Ezekiel had seen in a vision that Satan with large boots, which became ever larger, the farther he trudged from north to south (in England, in France from Pisa to Rome, in Russia from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and in the USA and from the points mentioned then directly to Jerusalem.  Those who do not worship Baal while Satan is on the way will be killed directly.
The video ended abruptly somewhere in the middle. 

And Germany ??? I wanted to know. I got no answer. 

Maybe I'm doing you wrong again. Maybe the other woman in the dream is also ME. 
But NO. NO.NO.  That is not me. Don't fool yourself there please, I say to myself.  
"It is secret!" 
Uh-huh. I can't know what's going on. I see. 


What do you want?
You raised the other to love and refused me the apartment. 
"Metals.... Small change.... You stay." 
You let me digitize to deport me and get rid of me. 
"CODE shut down." 
I see. You turn off the code so they don't monitor us. OK.
Isn't life worth more than an envied, unfulfilling, unhappy relationship with you? 
You killed them all so I wouldn't have a claim on you forever. 
Mary must step back and make way for the other forever. 
The one who got your seed must make way for another and watch you woo the other. 
"Forgive me!" 
Love yourself if you can. 
Tears well up in my eyes. 

Later, when I've calmed down a bit, I think:
Mother Clare! 
Mother of the people!
The New EVA (they say about Magdalena).

"You better get a grip on your empty life!" 
Yes. When one door closes, another always opens. 
Then he reveals the secret and says: 
"I want to throw PUTIN on the earth and that will be our marriage. Then we are reunited, separated only temporarily. Family. Then we are no longer separated. Taken." 
He means, I took Rainer with me. 
"Two satellites hug." 
What are you talking about? 
"The battle in the valley of Sukkot!"  (????) 
Do you mean the final battle in front of Jerusalem?
In the Valley of Sukkot in the eastern Jordan (Transjordan), Jacob once settled, built a house there and huts for his cattle. Hence the name Sukkot (hut ... Feast of Tabernacles). 

I am not allowed to talk about it, they are not supposed to know yet, it is still a secret. 
But the Lord Jesus Christ gives me to understand:
"You can go ahead and say it." 

"WE need you." 
As he thinks this, his whole face lights up with a joyful, translucent smile. 
"The earth is yours." 
When I tell this to Rainer, he thinks I am crazy. This was not the first time he said this to me, nor the last. 

TTT 54 :  Spiritual battles before the Kingdom of Peace of Christ on earth. 
1 Just as I announced my Second Coming to you in the "Second Era", I am now announcing to you the "war" of creeds, world views and religions as a preparatory omen of the establishment of my kingdom of spiritualization among men.

Source: Satan walking South 

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