The MEGA tax office comes, the Ziesen shoot sharp and the Lord has spoken


Google Ads has paused A.M.'s advertising campaign since the beginning of August and this has only now been noticed by her, as the flow of visitors has decreased by 90%. The reason is a business review on the part of Google Ads. She is now supposed to prove that she is registered for sales tax so that the campaign will be released again. The expenses for the service for God have been much higher than revenues since 2019 and A.M. has paid everything out of her own pocket.


The dream is about someone buying a car and then selling the same car again. There is an interrogation about this and it is found that the purchase price was twice as high as the proceeds.

A.M. writes to her tax advisor and asks for the data to be sent to the tax office.

Tax offices have all access rights to all persons from Jan. 2024.

New MEGA tax office is coming on Jan. 1, 2024! RA Lederer explains (in german)  


TTT 35: 8 If an idea or thought of light springs from your mind, it arrives at its destination to fulfill its beneficent purpose. If instead of thoughts of goodness, impure emanations emanate from your mind, they will only cause harm wherever you send them. I tell you, thoughts are also works, and as such they remain written in the book that exists in your conscience.


A.M. observes in spirit how the Lord speaks to C. what she has asked the Lord for and realizes that C. lives from this work and therefore she weeps.  A.M. says to the Lord:

Let her stay and work with you, but recognize that you have only one wife.

Then tempers brighten and clarity begins to appear.


A.M. wakes up and observes how she is just asking the Lord a question. She asks:

Gell for you the station is not a garden?

"NO" says the Lord with great seriousness.


"Anna. You are not MARIA anymore. Anna this is something much bigger."


The Lord means her and her husband as caregivers.

TTT 26 : 9 At the same time that some have attained greatest spiritual purity, your planet is experiencing a time of great depravity morally and spiritually. (T 217, 65 - 66)

"Do not be surprised. I have reserved the garden for you alone."

Thank you for your blessing, my darling.

"At the very end!"

"Let us not sow the cloud of destruction!"

A.M. does not yet understand what the Lord wants to tell her here. His voice sounds sorrowful and she understands that He wants to avert destruction.


"With the Palestinians superstition came into the world."

German watchman says that the Palestinians were the GIANTS (Book of Enoch).

Superstition includes their works according to the book of HENOCH such as: Astrology, sorcery, fortune-telling, make-up, etc. - cf.

The Book of Enoch

"A billion people do not fit into our time."


A.M. was about to lie down again after writing this in her diary, now she remained sitting and listening.

The Lord brings to her mind something He told her a few years ago:

'I still have a lot to do with you. You still have much to learn.'



That's actually my real name: Anna Hoss.

"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hossanna on high."

"That was Mary."

When I was about 25 years old and the Lord visited me spiritually and I asked Him if there wasn't someone down here for me, He told me:

'There is. When he comes, you don't have to worry about anything. He will do everything.'

Regarding her husband (the wedding day is Oct. 1, 2011), the Lord said to her a few years ago:

'Divorced, I can't use you. Spaetzle'

Spaetzle, her husband always says to A.M..

"Take this one, I told you."

"You are with me."

I'm with you.

"Clear words."

A light comes on for Anna and she is amazed and she says to the Lord, He is Thou.

Again, a reminder of earlier words:

'I have not yet spoken'

This is what the Lord used to say when it was not yet time for Him to explain to Anna, because she was still in the learning and exam phase.

"Very well you have done everything."

Jakob's son. His father is Willi Jakob.

Towards morning:

"Once again sharpen my tongue."

"The Ziesen (he mocks the giants) shoot sharply at me."

Therefore, you object to the land of Israel being divided for the Palestinians, the giants from the Book of Enoch.

"In every election, deceit triumphs."

... and therefore it would be bad if Trump won the election: Trump's Peace Deal would succeed and the country would be divided and then there would be the big, terrible war - the Battle of the Valley of Sukkot, which Putin is already waiting for.  The Sikes are firing sharply at Israel, your country. They have always been your adversaries.

Two hours later:

"Right now, there is still a question in me. WHO AM I NOW?'"

"My wife."

And this already since 1.10.2011.

TTT 65 : 7474 Blessed are those who know how to wait until the last moment, for what they have lost will be returned to them with interest. This expectation I bless, because it is proof of faith in Me. (286, 59 -60)


10:45 pm  

"Why is this becoming so important with the test? Because many go with the first squad."


"He didn't quite make it to maturity."


Yes. He said he wants to come back to earth and have more experiences. 

And me? 

"Straight to me!" 

"A thousand years. Small. Come here again." 

He'll be fine with that. He's not ready to go back yet. 


Down to us in the south, the tide? 

"Ludwigshafen. Half" 

"Strength in harmony and angry." 

"You railed against me for clarity." 

... when you come to judgment. 

"God's love is like the sun. It's always there, everywhere..."  (from a song) 

Your judgments are true and just. 

"Could be better, but it's enough. ... need you." 

In the morning:

"Learn to understand the outward signs. Then you will get every war - that you win." 

TTT 16 : 14 My Eternal Law has always spoken to you of this love. I told you in the First Times, "You shall love God with all your heart and with all your mind," and "Love your neighbor as yourself."



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