

During the night I woke up and had a vision: 
Before my spiritual eye appeared an aged, bent woman. Her dress was red with other shades and I saw her suddenly turn ashen in the face and then she was gray. 
After that I had a second vision: 
I saw the divine light shining on another entity and it was filled with it. 
Then the Lord said to me: 
"I just wanted to show you that in the whole world there are countless dead and living beings." 
Later he added: 
"The difference between the two is called SOLIDARITY!"

And I generated this scripture to go with it: 

TTT 41 - Connection between this world and the hereafter. 
Stray and ill-willed Spirits 
27 This time is different from the First and Second. Today you live in a chaos of unleashed visible and invisible elements.  Woe to him who does not watch, for he will be defeated, and he who is equipped must fight!
28 Thousands of invisible eyes are watching you; some to ambush and bring you down on your way, others to protect you. 

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