Hundredthousand Times

A.M. Hosta


From 8/16/2021 you have to get tested if you want to go to the hairdresser. In order not to have to be tested, A.M. decides to let her hair grow. Her husband is forced to get tested three times a week at the nursing home and to wear a medical mask while on duty. These are government measures that restrict personal freedom and free will. The Third Testament states:

TTT - Chapter 34 - Verse 9:

Man on earth is a prince to whom my love and my righteousness gave this title, and the commission he received from the beginning was to rule over the earth.


A.M. and her husband watch a video of Alcyon Pleyaden about the truth about Covid19 and this full truth triggers depression and fear in both of them about what the elite has planned with the free people. 

ALCYON PLEYADEN 91 - NEWS 2020: Covid against children, DNA vaccinations, corporate destruction, protest of 9/17/2021. (German subtitles)  

Since Alcyon Pleyaden news has been censored from YouTube, the more recent video news about the shocking reality of Covid19 can now be found on Bitchute at the following link:

A.M. goes deeper and tells the father that she and her husband have fears of being lost, but the father comforts A.M. by saying.

"We are protecting the WE principle."

"You are set under fire."

This means that as long as we remain in love, the Triune God will protect us even if we 'come under fire' from current events.  A.M.'s husband is zodiac sign Gemini and he, in contrast to A.M. represents the WE principle and he holds that the mind (as opposed to the heart) is important for coping with daily life, while A.M. holds that the mind must be subordinate to the heart and one should listen to one's heart more than to the mind.


A.M. has a dream in which there is always sharp shooting and the father tells A.M.: 

"Did I notice last time that you can't pay your state (in chess game when she loses). Always prepare three weapons legume."

I.e. she should triple protect her pieces before going on the attack. Her husband taught her how to play chess and advises her during the game. The father said:

"He whose air (= thinking, mind) I have blessed."

BWL - Volume IX - Instruction 248 - Verse 53

The human mind seeks to break the chains of bondage that have held it bound. I have told you that now is the time for the mind and soul to seek their freedom. For before them spreads an infinitely wide field in which they can come to know and achieve more than what their heart has pointed out to them. In this way, man will perfect himself and attain more wisdom. Then there will be truth in every human thought.


Mind and soul as another field than the heart for attaining perfection and wisdom. (german)  

A.M. asks the father for a solution for her husband, who has been tested a hundred times and does not want these tests anymore and would prefer to emigrate, but this has become difficult because of Corona. A.M. would also like to emigrate, but it seems almost impossible now. She is also supposed to stand by the father's children and protect the area where she grew up.

And the father gives A.M. the following advice, saying:


"Humbled for Service!"  (Both are ordered to serve)

"1,000 times (being tested) won't hurt him... Fear..."  (It's just the fear)

"You are the daughter, we won't let that happen .... NASA has no power over those who love me."

"He (her husband) just always gets jealous of Jesus, right."

That's why you let him feel the fear sometimes ....


Bless you, Father!

Her husband says: twins are not jealous ... everything is shared ...

A.M. tells her husband:

You have won ... the mind is important now ... more than the heart.

She regrets having forced her husband again and again to ask the heart more than the mind and hears:

"... a hundred thousand times..."   (she has coerced her husband with this).


*** Translated with (free version) ***

Forced V

The LORD Jesus will protect his own





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