The tests will be more intensive

A. M. Hosta

The Third Testament  - Chapter 55 - Purifying the earth and mankind in judgment

The warning voice of God and nature against the judgment of purification

1 I have told you that a very great trial is coming to all mankind - so great that there has been nothing like it in the whole history of its centuries and ages.

2 Now you must understand that I am speaking to all your hearts, giving you messages and warnings in many forms, so that men may reflect and be awake to my law, like the wise virgins of my parable

3 Will the nations and the various nations of the world listen to Me? Will this people listen to Me, to whom I make myself known in this form? I alone know it; but my duty as a father is to provide all means for their salvation through the way of my children. (24, 80 - 81)

4 Verily, I tell you, if men do not cleanse themselves in this time from the stains they have caused in their Spirit, the forces of nature will come as heralds to announce my judgment and glory and cleanse mankind from all uncleanness

5 Blessed are the men, women and children who, when they understand the nearness of that judgment, praise my name, because they feel that the "Day of the Lord" has come. For their heart will tell them that the end of the reign of evil is near. I tell you, these will be saved by their faith, their hope and their good works. But how many of those who live in those days will blaspheme God! (64, 67 -68)

6 The paradise of the first men was turned into a valley of tears, and now it is but a valley of blood. Therefore, today, when I have come to fulfill the promise given to my disciples, I awaken mankind from its spiritual sleep and give it my teaching of love to save it. I seek the spirit beings who have the destiny to witness my rallies and my word with their works in this time.

7 When these who are marked by me are united around my law, the earth and the stars will be shaken, and there will be signs in the sky; for at that time the voice of the Lord will be heard from one end of the earth to the other, and his Divine Spirit, surrounded by the spirits of the righteous, the prophets and the martyrs, will judge the spiritual and the material world. Then the time of the HolySpirit will reach its full power. (26, 43 - 44)


The Government leadership decides on second lockdown in November.....

When I woke up in the morning with a headache, I heard the following warning...

"If you don't ....

 distance yourself from the path of destruction = pleasure is well meant

It was revealed to me that my husband and I are far away from each other (he has a mission in the north) for our protection, so that we should not take the path of destruction. 



This was understood by me as a clear warning. With the second lockdown, the government wants to try to abolish cash. Then you can only pay and dispose of your money by bank card or cell phone app, in cashless payment transactions.   

"Travel will also be abolished ... only with identification ... electronically.

Although there is no sign of a pandemic, the government will try to enforce the controversial compulsory vaccination by declaring cities and parts of the country to be risk areas and classifying people as corona-positive by forced testing, which does not mean that they are corona-infected, with the aim that everyone will get vaccinated and get an immunity card, without which it will no longer be possible to travel without the useless mask.

Further I heard the words:

"Luxury ....  Career ....  Wealth.... !“

And then I had the same vision again that I have seen so many times before:

I perceive a shaking of the earth and I see skyscrapers circling in the air and I hear:

"Next year in summer." 

The timing depends on what choice people will make - who they want to serve, God or materialism.

In China it has been the practice for a long time that one can only participate in social and societal life by means of a cell phone app - the Chinese have already been made into transparent people. Our government wants to do the same with us. Those who choose this way make a choice for materialism.

But those who are willing to renounce luxury, career and wealth and take the path of poverty, who are guided by the Word of God, which will always contain a solution to all problems, will place themselves under his protection and he will spread his cloak over them.

Pleasure will be a path that will lead to ruin, as will luxury, career, wealth.

But those who entrust themselves to God and give their lives to him will be purified by him through the Word, if they read it daily, and will walk the path of spiritualization. This will be their salvation - the salvation of their spirit soul and a way that will lead upwards through spiritualization, and it will be the way to LIFE, to a life that will no longer suffer death. This is the reason why Christ came back to bring us His WORD, which He left for us in the Book of True Life (which is His own life, His wisdom). Wise is the one who studies it and makes use of it, because it is there for this purpose.

The purification of the earth through Christ cannot be stopped and will continue to advance and dispel the darkness of materialism. Wise is he who follows this path and decides for the path of peace which Christ shows us, because the path of materialism will be a path into darkness, and the path of destruction will lead the spirit soul into death. It will then be very, very difficult to leave that path again, and without the grace of God it will be impossible to get out of it. But the grace of God can only attain prayer, repentance, renunciation, and brotherly and sisterly love for one another can only lead to peace.

The path of materialism, on the other hand, which is marked by selfishness and egoism, will continue to mean discord, discord, bloodshed and spiritual death. 

Every human being has a choice and a decision to make in this time of trial.

The grace of God be with us all and enlighten our path every day.


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