Unleashed natural forces are confused souls from the hereafter

This is why not much happens in some areas and why some areas are devastated by natural disasters. This is why warfare prevails in some nations and why peace is maintained in other nations. Landslide devastation occurs through confused souls from the hereafter in areas where prayer is lacking and therefore are not protected by the Angel of Peace.
The angel of peace can not avert the angel of war in areas where people refrain from worshiping God where they do not pray.
Diseases also arise through occupation. Confused souls take possession of those beings who refuse to worship God, to pray. This is the pride of not praying, of not paying God the due honor that is referred to in Germany's Peoples Props of 1945. (Infra)
Health, joy in nature and peace are angels - powers - they are a gift of God to all those who offer worship and praise and thanks and love him.
War is an angel, peace is an angel - powers of God and confused souls need prayer to receive the gift of healing, forgiveness, salvation from God, so that they too can find peace.

 Book of True Life - Instruction 141 - Verses 34-45
 34. Today you open the doors of your heart and your mind to the light of My instruction. With what works will you glorify Me? You all are silent, the mind is silent, and so is the body before Me. You tilt your neck and humble yourself. But I do not want My children to humble themselves before Me. I want them to be worthy to raise their countenance and to see mine, for I am not seeking neither servants nor slaves; I'm not looking for creatures who feel outlawed, outcast. I come to My children, whom I love so much, that in hearing My Father's voice, they raise their soul to the path to their spiritual upward development.
35. But lo and behold, I come to the house of Jacob and find only fear in him, I hope to find a feast, and there is only silence. Why, my people? Because your conscience reproaches you for your failure and prevents you from experiencing joy in My coming. The reason for this is that you did not love yourself, that you did not work as Jesus taught you.
36. You have lacked spiritual conditioning to sense the shadow of the pain that is lying in wait for you, and so it is necessary for your Father to sound materially and speak to you in your language so that you may know that the Angels of War approaches that his weapons are very powerful, and that he is sobbing to the Angel of Peace.
37. Riding on the wings of the wind, the plague is approaching more and more, and in the spiritual space are thousands of beings floating in the fields of hate and discord, day after day, their disturbedness darkening your mind and your heart.
38. The forces of nature are unleashed and tear scientists from their dreams; but these - stubborn in their self-importance - continue to operate their destructive work under humanity. As you forget to pray, you are not fulfilling the task the Father has entrusted to you.
39. You know very well that the task of creating peace has rested upon your spirit since those days when I said to Jacob, "Behold, I will give you a multitude of offspring by which all the peoples of the earth shall be blessed." That's why you're silent
before me.
40. Do you want to wait until the laws of man disinherit you and force you to close your lips, which I have trained to testify of Me?
41. Do not be little faithful people. If I have chosen you it is because I know that you will be able to serve me and understand to do it.
42. On this day I say unto you, If the nations desire peace, I make them attainable according to their love. If they want more war, they should have it; but
through him the scepter of My righteousness will fall to earth.
43. If humanity were to persecute My New Disciples and try to prevent them from healing the sick and speaking of My Teaching, the strangest diseases among human beings will spread. The scientists will fall ill, the eyes of many will be closed, others suffer thought confusion.
44. The gates of the hereafter will open, and legions of confused souls will devastate entire tracts of land and make humans obsessed. Then, in the face of the powerlessness of science, My humble worker will open up and give evidence of their knowledge through which many will become believers. For a long time all this evil was announced to you; nevertheless you remain deaf and blind. You are ungrateful.
45. Sometimes it is necessary for me to speak to you like this. But do not confuse My Word of Love with a whip. I love you. Come here to feel my warmth. Approach Me so that you may feel the peace of My Kingdom. You are the ones who sought Me while crossing the "desert", they are the ones who have always chased My promise.

The Third Testament - Chapter 64 - verses 15-16
15. GERMANY: I look for your pride at this moment and tell you: prepare, for your seed will not perish. You have asked for new lands, but people have intervened in my high decrees. I bend your neck and tell you: take
my strength and trust that I will save you.
16. But if you do not trust in Me and surrender to your pride, you will
to be alone and slave to the world. But this is not my will, because now is the time when I overthrow the lords and free the slaves and prisoners. Take my light and straighten up again.

The Third Testament - Chapter 64 (Video)

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