A Stream in Israel

Anna Maria Hosta


Isaiah 57:18-19

I have seen his ways, but I heal and guide him, and I restore comfort to him and to his sufferers, making peace the fruit of his lips, peace for those who are far away and for those who are near, said the Lord, and I will heal them.

This morning I fell asleep during meditation and had a


I was in a work team and a nurse told me to put nursing supplies in the cabinet. I inspected the cabinet and found that in it were sterilium bottles (disinfectant for hands) - bandages - bottles of artificial food (two of them were already prepared for giving to patients). On the floor were the boxes of nursing supplies that I was supposed to put into the cabinet. The head of the ward joined us and we got into conversation and I realized that he and I have the same vibration spiritually and therefore I felt safe and a flow of conversation occurred.

Then all the staff sat around a table, the leader, the team and me. It was a meeting where everyone could present their works. It was their own creations that they created. I felt too much in the center and once went to the side to observe more and looked at a beautiful performance of a team member. Then I was back in the middle at the table and it continued.

Then I was at home (with me) and the leader tried to contact me and when I noticed, I dialed in and went online. The team invited me to prepare a trip together.

The scenery changed. We were in Israel in a place where sick people recover.

I saw a river, a very wide and long river of azure, shining water coming down from above. In the middle of the stream there were small pools that could receive a person for bathing, beautifully designed, with ornaments, flower arrangements, small bridges, niches with plants and everywhere the stream was decorated and full of harmony.

Then I met sick people, cripples wrapped in bandages, with missing limbs and all of them came hurriedly to get into this river to be healed.

When I woke up I had the thought: actually I don't want to go to Israel, because the Lord doesn't come to Israel, but I think it was meant the spiritual Israel, where the Lord is in the middle and heals the sick as a doctor.

He said:

"The family...the future...the yes word...Easter!"

Then I had this vision again, which I also had yesterday morning and have had many times:

I saw in the Spirit skyscrapers, gigantic, how they are shaken and sway back and forth like drunks,

because the ground is moving under them...

And I had to think of La Palma.

Also, the Lord told me, "Cov2 continues!"

In the facility where my husband works, the residents who are not vaccinated, must be tested from next month, otherwise they are not allowed to participate in the common meals.


The Lord says: The forest is already burning - where are your children? Is your house in order?

'Where are you? And how is your house?… It is in disarray, letting those who abide there chase after the world. Do you not know the world is condemned, and all who live in the world are condemned also?… One shall lead, or not lead, others into faith, according to how they have first kept their own house. If one can not manage his own house, then how can one manage one flock, or even one lamb, in the body of The Messiah? 'Love one another' is My commandment to you, and to love your family is to do everything to save them, even unto the sacrifice of one’s self… That is true Love'



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