The Three Divine Bodies merge into One

A. M. Hosta 


I heard in the spirit these words:

"If the poor had not been brought the word and works...."  (then they would not have been able to grow and develop.) ... and

"The woman (the whore of Babylon) was let through to show you where the paths lead. Come to me now and seek the ways of peace."


For this I have generated the following numbers:56 and 35

TTT 56: 35 Once again, as in times past when the messengers of my teaching went out from the East and brought the knowledge of my word to the West, so again at this time the world will see my messengers bringing the light of this message to the nations and the homes.

Apropos: Mary Magdalene is a wonderful example of a 'woman' who shows that also these ways, when she, the woman, begins to love in truth, lead to happiness. All by grace and as a gift from the Father.

BTL (Book of True Life) - Volume XII - Teaching 352 - Verse 76

Mary is the Spirit so merged with Divinity as to form one of its aspects, as represented by the three manifestations: The Father, The Word, and the Light of the Holy Spirit. In this sense, Mary is that Spirit of God who reveals and embodies the divine caring.


The Three Testaments of God - TTT 38: 18

Moses (embodiment of the divine law) -

 Jesus (embodiment of the WORD - Christ) - and

Elijah (embodied in Roche Rojas) -

this is the path that the Lord has marked out for man to help him rise to the kingdom of peace, light and perfection.


BTL - Volume IX - Teaching 268 - Verse 74:

Mosaic religion, Christianity, Spiritualism -.

these are three different lessons about one teaching: that of love. 



Earlier, when I harvested some chives in the garden, I felt Father's joy at this and he said:

"Once again I have ... (saved) ...  it could have been very different ...  Obama!!!"   😎😎😎 Dear ones, let's make it once conscious .... if the father would allow that Obama would take the reins (he has his own government behind the scenes with quite a few world leaders with it) ... then we would be perhaps already long ago all no longer there ... It is the question, what still comes to us ... if we do not spiritualize ourselves, whether we can not still fall victim to him ...?  


On 6/6/2021 I heard this word in me:

"They shall understand the WORD, which we have sent once again!"

"Germany ... and all of a sudden I was no longer alone... there was the pride of the Heavenly Father on me and all of a sudden everything goes by itself."

Note: This refers to a verse in the Great Prophecy to the Nations of Jan. 10, 1945

TTT 64:15 GERMANY: I am at this moment searching out your pride and saying to you: prepare yourselves, for your seed will not perish. For new lands you have asked Me, but men have interfered with My high counsels. I bow your neck and tell you: take My strength and trust that I will save you.


Further, the spirit within me said:

"From a completely wrong approach come many wrong conclusions!"

When you surrender your life to the Father, He takes the lead and guides us step by step on our path. This is the best, because he sees everything, past, present and future.


From: The Three Times of Revelation and the Seven Seal Epochs (TTT Chapter 38).

The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh seal:

38:48 The fourth era is symbolized by Moses; he personifies the Law. He shows the tablets on which it is written for the people of all times. It was he who, with his immense faith, liberated the people to lead them on the path of salvation to the Promised Land. He is the emblem of the Law.

38:49 The fifth period is represented by Jesus, the "Divine Word", the Immaculate Lamb, who has spoken to you at all times, and will continue to speak to you. He is the love for the sake of which He became man to live in the human world. He suffered the pain of the same, showing humankind the path of sacrifice, love and mercy by which to achieve redemption from all their sins. He came as a master to teach how to live in love despite coming from humble beginnings, going as far as self-sacrifice and dying loving, forgiving and blessing. He embodies the fifth stage, and his symbol is love.

38:50 The sixth era is represented by Elijah. He is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. He comes on his "chariot of fire" and brings the light to all nations and all worlds, unknown to you, but known to Me, because I am the Father of all worlds and all creatures. This is the stage in which you are currently living - that of Elijah. It is his light that enlightens you. He is the representative of those teachings that were hidden and are being revealed to people at this time.

38:51 The seventh period is embodied by the Father Himself. It is the final goal, the culmination of development. In it is the time of grace, the Seventh Seal.



Shortly after midnight I woke up from sleep and heard within me the words:

"And so the three bodies merge into one:

Light - Energy and - Water."

Father (light, wisdom, love) - Son (Christ, WORD, frequency) and Holy Spirit (Mary, vibration, flow).

Virtues, talents, abilities, insight, experience, enlightenment, knowledge, inspiration, intuition.

Father: "To deal with each other"


What is the opposite - Satan?

Night - Electricity - Electrosmog - Dark Matter - CERN - HAARP ...

(Cell phone, TV, entertainment, show, competitive sports....

Surveillance, control, digitalization...)

He says: "Expanding ego, psychosomatic diseases".  

Then comes:

"...prevent me from coming to you!"


The power of feelings, desires, fears.

TTT 35:22 Never think ill of those who do not like you, and do not be bitter with those who do not understand you, since you yourselves mentally transmit to your neighbors the innermost feeling you have toward them. (BTL - T 105, 37)


The lack of self-conquest

TTT 35:28 Man has been doubly guilty: not only because he makes no effort whatsoever to make the bandage fall which prevents him from knowing the highest teachings, but also because he has not freed himself from the fetters of matter, which, in contrast to spiritual pleasures, have seduced him to physical pleasures. This is the reason why he has enslaved himself under the dominion of the passions, allowing his spirit to resemble a lame man who does nothing to get well.


Iniquity and decline of mankind

TTT 52 : 6 This world, which should be the home of a single family embracing all mankind, is the apple of discord and the occasion of nonsensical striving for power, of treachery and war. This life, which should be used for study, spiritual contemplation, and for the effort to attain eternal life by using the trials and lessons for the benefit of the spirit, is misconceived by man so that he allows his heart to be poisoned by resentment, bitterness, materialism, and discontent. (T  116, 53)


Lastly, the Father in me says:

"Writings, secret letters, tongues ..... You will realize all this. Write nicely!"



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