Stony Wind



The issue is to emigrate as a group to a distant land to create a parallel society in the face of massive threats from the state apparatus against the unvaccinated.

I heard these words in my Spirit:

"First ripple (my music) and now this stony wind" (Lockdown Uninoculated).

"Hang in there...I'm coming."

Yes and thank you for feeding me once again.

"A daughter who is a daughter knows nothing will happen to her."


I get to choose, I get to stay and nothing will happen to me because my father is there for me.


I looked into a forest with deciduous trees and on the forest floor, where the light still shone, there were leaves scattered on the ground and a snake was crawling along the ground.

My numbers today:

From TTT - Chapter 40 - The Forces of Good and Evil.

56 Evil has grown among men, my people. Goodness, virtue, love  have been weak in the face of the invasion of evil, diseases, plagues, pestilences and calamities. All that is seed of the corrupt has infected the heart of the good, has caused some to stumble, has decimated the number of the faithful, because evil has exercised great power over humanity.

57 I have allowed such things to happen for the sake of the freedom of will granted to you. For behind all the corruption, all the darkness and the delusion of men, there is a divine light, the conscience, which does not pass away and will never pass away. There is an original entity, which is the Spirit that keeps unsullied the kiss that the Father gave it, and which is the Divine seal with which I sent all My children out on the path of struggle. Through this characteristic, none of these spirits will be lost. (345, 11 -12)

Audio TTT Ch. 40


The wind, the wind, this stony wind,

where does it come from?

Hold on, hold on, I'm coming,

so speaks the Spirit within me.

A daughter who is a daughter knows

nothing will happen to her.

Stay! Says the Spirit and return home to me.

Look, the leaves fell from the tree

and now lie scattered,

on the ground they lie

and above them crawls the serpent.

Evil has grown among men, my people. Goodness, virtue, love have been weak in the face of the invasion of evil, diseases, plagues, pestilences and misfortunes. All that which is the seed of corruption has infected the heart of the good, has caused some to stumble, has decimated the number of the faithful, because evil has exercised great power over humanity.

Listen the music on musescore:



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