Who is the chaff that the wind blows away ?

A.M. Hosta


The Phlegraean Fields

I asked Dad if the Phlegraean Fields near Naples in Italy would explode and devastate Germany?

He said:

"The one from the news - Viagra"

He is an orphan and has a Spiritual Helper who told him that.

"The Phlegraean Fields - primordial sea - is even bigger, blows up spontaneously. Love! !"

"Congratulations! The radiation! (The solar flares ). It's all related to that."

"Solution : Flown."

It blew up is the solution. How long do we have left?

"November " (what year)

"It's already very close. Fracture Zone, Romans, we have to work together."


That will devastate Europe completely and the gases the whole world. But the planet will survive and go on eternally.

Why 'the romans' ? Why does the catastrophe come from there, from the Phlegraean Fields ?

The Vatican is the biggest criminal. It owns: City of London, Buckingham Palace, Berlin, Reichstag or Bundestag, Washington, Capitol, Pentagon, Vatican City, Catacombs and almost ¾ of the possessions of the earth. Millions of imprisoned children and child corpses are currently being freed from underground tunnel systems under these very buildings worldwide, imprisoned, used, killed and eaten there by these ka(ni)bals for the extraction of adenochrome and as sex slaves....

Further the father said:

"5 million years ago ... the protest of the peoples is the protest of the peoples of that time. The survival of people depends on whether they follow the divine laws, whether they recognize God as Lord and Creator.

Iran, Iraq ... Nawalny ... do not do it ... their Spirit does not do it."

We need to spiritualize...reading God's WORD purifies, cleanses the Spirit; one gets to know HIM and His Law in the process and that is the purification, the cleansing that makes ascension possible. The soul, the Spirit can endure closeness to the Father only if they know HIM and live as He does, in purity and spiritualization, otherwise they fly away from Him, out of fear and shame and fear of the God relationship. He states:

"The seismic is the trembling of hearts. Always and always they are heated and each one triggers the other. The geothermal energy therefore rises and the earth warms, but at the same time many hearts and minds become colder, harder and more ruthless in transgressing the divine law - love"

(Rulers, Antichrist, greedy bankers, etc.)

"The friction creates heat, global warming and then it explodes and through the explosion the geothermal cools down again."

Purification is not primarily about redeeming transgressions and making amends, but primarily about the relationship with the Father, who loves all His creatures equally, but regrettably is not loved by all His children because they do not make the effort to know Him and honor Him as a Father. They can only do that if they know Him and themselves. And that, in turn, is only possible when they study His Word and learn to communicate with Him from Spirit to Spirit and trust Him completely.

COVID is the harvest and the forces of nature are the divine harvesters of divine justice.

The Father is perfect love and perfect justice, even his judgment is perfect love. The sinful must go, those who oppose this will of love of the Father.

COVID is an apocalyptic horseman called pestilence, plague, disease for the chaff that the wind blows away, while the golden seed of virtue and good works of charity, kindness and goodness and unshakable faith in divine love and justice are gathered, saved and brought into the divine threshing floor as golden wheat for the coming, new sowing. They are the prerequisite for overcoming the coming catastrophes mentally and spiritually and being saved.

"Those who dominantly demonstrate their power in disregard of the divine power and harm others in body, soul and life do not belong to the Father. They are the chaff that the wind blows away because they have not understood the loving and humble work of the Father and have abused their power or satiated their greed at the expense of the lowly and humble without caring for the loving will of God. They are the worthless chaff that the wind blows away."


The Third Testament - Chapter 55 - Purification of the Earth and Mankind in Judgment.


Father told me, "If I didn't let you search for this news (2017 to now) you wouldn't know about it, because the mainstream media doesn't report anything about it .....

What has just happend - Feb. 2021 Spain, Russia, Nigeria,


Melkeb's channel is here



The solar activity with coronal holes and sun flares have a significant influence on the earthquake and volcano activity on earth and their effects are solar storms, disturbance of electronics, health restrictions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides and earth fissures worldwide and other phenomena in nature and in the coexistence of people ...

You can follow it here

Suspicious Observers - Space Wheather news


The #1 Risk to Earth - Solar Storms - Electromagnetic Ejections of Plasma



or here -

 Interactive map worldwide of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 

Green volcanoes are resting - yellow volcanoes are restless - orange volcanoes are about to erupt and red volcanoes have erupted - go to country search or set magnitude



Ticking time bomb - Europe's super volcano more active than previously thought



Newsflash - Campi Flegrei - magnitude 1.5



Volcanic eruption in Eurpa - Scenario of a super eruption



Do not take the mark of the beast (6-6-6)

PROPHETIC REVELATION & PROMISE: Is '2021' the year of the MARK?



*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


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