Anna Maria Hosta 14.10.2021 Proverbs 12:2 A good man wins the favor of the LORD, but the wicked intriguer HE calls evil. The Testament is a will The Third Testament is the Will of God for His Children The word in the Third Testament is the new ark of the covenant - it is the will of the heavenly Father for His heirs - for the grandchildren of the third age - it tells them: - Who they are - How they must behave and - Which is their inheritance DAS DRITTE TESTAMENT – THE THIRD TESTAMENT - LE TROISIÈME TESTAMENT and the book series of the BOOK OF TRUE LIFE available in bookstores as a book at https://publish.bookmundo.de/anna_maria_hosta This morning I had a Deam: I was sitting there looking at a screen in front of me - there were pictures, texts and movies and then there was a disturbance. In the upper left corner of the screen there was an Ü in big letters and then the Ü turned into an interrupted half U...